Unarmed Fighting Style (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: July 2012
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Unarmed Fighting Style [Fighter] You don't only know how to fight unarmed, you know a powerful fighting style allowing you to excell at it.Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1 or more.Benefit: Choose a fighting technique from the list below. No matter the technique selected you are considered to be armed even when unarmed—that is, you do not provoke attacks or opportunity from armed opponents when you attack them while unarmed. However, you still get an attack of opportunity against any opponent who makes an unarmed attack on you.

In addition, your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your option. Special: Whenever a class give you improved unarmed strike as a bonus feat you may take this feat instead. This feat count as improved unarmed strike for the purpose of meeting prerequisites and such.
You only gain the benefits of a style as long as you are unarmed. Special effects of all level stack together unless they specifically overlap.

Note on damage dice: The damage dice are fixed and do not increase or decrease with size. Yes this can lead to a pixie dealing absurd damages but then if you allowed a player to play a diminutive or smaller creature you just reap what you sowed. The damage dice is essentially fixed, if your unarmed attack would deal greater damage (such as being a colossal ++++++ creature) use whichever is higher.

Table: Drunken Oni Style
Character Levels Damage Dice Special Effects
1-4 2d6 Awkward
5-9 3d6 Unpredictable Demon
10-14 4d6 Fiendish Strength
15+ 5d6 Great Demon Kami

Awkward (Ex): The drunken oni style is awkward and hard to control, thus you any user get a -3 penalty to AC and a -1 penalty to attack while using the style. The penalty to attack vanish while the penalty to AC is lowered to -1 if the user is inebriated.

Unpredictable Demon (Ex): Nobody is quite sure where the blow gonna land. Whenever you miss a target you may make an immediate attack against another adjacent target. Only use this ability once per round.

Fiendish Strength (Ex): You may take a -3 penalty to attack and AC (stack with awkward) for one round if you do all unarmed attacks you make in this round deal double damage dice and count as two-handed for the purpose of damage and power attack.

Great Demon Kami (Ex): Your unarmed attacks gain the unholy property. You do not actually take any penalty if you are not evil. As long as you inebriated your attack also count as flaming.

Table: Iron Claws Style
Character Levels Damage Dice Special Effects
1-4 1d8 Strong Strike
5-9 1d10 Armorbane
10-14 2d6 Sharpened Claws
15+ 3d6 Claws of Ruin

Strong Strike (Ex): Your unarmed attacks count as two-handed for damages and power attack.

Armorbane (Ex): As a full-round action you may make a single melee attack, this attack is a touch attack.

Sharped Claws (Ex): You may have your unarmed attacks deal slashing damages, if you do it also count as wounding.

Claws of Ruin (Ex): Your unarmed attacks bypass all damage reduction except DR/-.

Table: Lightning Kick Style
Character Levels Damage Dice Special Effects
1-4 2d6 -
5-9 2d6 Flurry of Kicks
10-14 3d6 Lightning Strike
15+ 4d6 Supreme Lightning Kick

Flurry of Kicks (Ex): You may make an additional unarmed when taking a full-attack action even if wielding a weapon. All attacks in that round are made with a -2 penalty.

Lightning Kick (Ex): You may make an unarmed attack at your highest attack bonus as a swift action.

Supreme Lightning Kick (Ex): Your Lightning Strike can now be used as an immediate action.

Table: Monkey Paw Style
Character Levels Damage Dice Special Effects
1-4 1d10 Agile Monkey Dance
5-9 2d6 Monkey Step
10-14 3d6 Heavenly Monkey Stance
15+ 4d6 Monkey King Conquer the Heavens

Agile Monkey Dance (Ex): As long as you are unarmed you get a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 dodge bonus to reflex save. You may decide to halves your land speed as a swift action, if you do so the dodge bonus to AC and reflex increase by 1. You may restore you base land speed (but lose the increasing bonus as a swift) action.

Monkey Step (Ex): Whenever you make an unarmed attack you may choose to take a free 5' foot step before or after the attack is made (but not both).

Heavenly Monkey Stance (Ex): Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed attack you gets +2 bonus on damage against that creature until the end of the turn, this bonus stack with itself and increase by 2 for each attack that hit beyond the first (+2, +4, +6, +8 and etc.). Additionally you gain a climb speed equal to your base land speed (not halved by Agile Monkey Dance's special stance).

Monkey King Conquer the Heavens (Ex): You may make full-attacks as standard action.

Table: Stone Palm Style
Character Levels Damage Dice Special Effects
1-4 1d6 Stone Anchor
5-9 1d8 Shatter
10-14 1d10 Immobilizing Palm
15+ 2d6 Paralyzing Palm

Stone Anchor (Ex): As a full-round action the Stone Palm user may make an unarmed attack that deal no damages but ground her opponent feet. The creature must be on the ground at the moment and if it fail it fort save it is entangled. The target remain anchored until he can free himself with a DC 10 +1/2 HD+your highest ability score strength check or a DC 20 escape artist check.

Shatter (Su): Any unattended objects and construct struck by your unarmed strike is affected by shatter (save DC based on it user highest ability score).

Immobilizing Palm (Ex): As a full-round action you may make an unarmed attack that deal no damages. If the attack hits the target loses its dexterity bonus to AC and reflex saves, loses the benefits of evasion, and has their movement speed in all modes reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn. Targets with improved evasion are treated as if they only had evasion during this time. A successful fortitude save negates these penalties, but the target is still entangled as per Stone Anchor. The DC on this ability is based on it user highest ability score.

Paralyzing Palm (Su): Once per encounter when using Immobilizing Palm technique you may attempt to permanently paralyses your opponent. The target must be below half hit point otherwise the ability automatically fail, if the target fail his fortitude save he is permanently paralyzed and appear dead unless a heal DC 20 check is passed. As a full-round action you may return the creature to normal.

Table: Pouncing Lion Style
Character Levels Damage Dice Special Effects
1-4 1d8 Pounce
5-9 1d10 Lion Bite
10-14 2d6 Maneater Lion
15+ 3d6 Rending Charge

Lion's Bite (Ex):When charging you may have your attacks deal piercing damages, if you do all attacks made in your charge deal +1d6 damages.

Maneater Lion (Ex): Your unarmed attack have the bane enhancement against all humanoid.

Rending Charge (Ex): When you charge, if you hit with two or more unarmed attack you may deal an additional 3d6+one and one half your strength modifier slashing damage.

Table: Serpent Style
Character Levels Damage Dice Special Effects
1-4 1d6 Sneak Attack (+1d6)
5-9 1d8 Viper's Reach
10-14 1d10 Poisoned Chi
15+ 2d6 Soul Venom

Sneak Attack (Ex): As a rogue.

Viper's Reach (Ex): The reach of your unarmed attack increase by 5'.

Poisoned Chi (Su): Your unarmed attack are as poisonous as an actual large viper. The saving throw is however base on your highest mental ability score. Each opponent can only be affected once per round by your poisoned chi, even if multiple attacks hit.

Soul Venom (Ex): Your unarmed attack poison now affect creatures normally immune to poison, if that creature doesn't have a constitution score it deal wisdom damage instead.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4504 Articles)
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteBase attack bonus +1 or more. +
Rated ByEiji-kun +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryA more powerful version of improved unarmed strike. +
TitleUnarmed Fighting Style +
TypeFighter +