Terrados Unicorns (5e Race)

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Author: Dingobabee (talk)
Date Created: 6/11/19
Status: Playable
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Terrados Unicorn

Carnivorous unicorns who can transform into humanoids.


Terrados Unicorns in their natural state appear to be great stallions and mares with glorious golden horns. They however, have the ability to shape shift into humanoid creatures, who tend to have darker skin and hair to match their fur and mane. The only giveaway is that they must hide their horns as some sort of jewelry or weapon.


Unicorns lived wild and free for many generations, without much in the way of a formal history, relying on legends and tales of heroics in an oral tradition as a way of keeping up a shared culture. Their greatest legend is of the Mare of the Mountains, who protected her herd from a pride of lions for forty days and nights before succumbing to exhaustion, from then the lions respected her sacrifice and swore never to hunt from her herd again.

Until humans came and valued their beautiful, magic horns and the healing powers they granted. Hunted nearly to extinction, unicorns learned how to impersonate the humans and other humanoids to near perfection. Hiding their horns and their abilities in order to survive and one day repopulate to a point where they can resume their natural state and once again roam free in the fields they once called home. Now the greatest among unicorns are the unsung heroes who manage to find others of their kind and continue the species.


Unicorns are often suspicious of those around them, coldly pushing them away those that try and get close to them. Even in their humanoid form they have a natural bond with horses and will often be far more relaxed around them than humanoids.


In their natural state, Terrados Unicorns live amongst herds of wild horses, killing and eating predators and competitive herbivores. Those that remain in the wild will either hide from or actively hunt any humans that come near their herds in an attempt to maintain the illusion that their species has gone extinct.

Now they live amongst humanoids in disguise, trying desperately to both hide and find others of their kind. Adopting the culture of any race they are hiding amongst as a means of keeping themselves hidden.


Most unicorn adventurers are looking for another of their kind, whether they be wild or in a far flung town, they hope to find the one and ultimately settle down.

However, there are those who explore solely to reclaim those most precious items taken from them, the horns of the fallen that have been made into jewelry, chalices and other artifacts.

Terrados Unicorns Names

Unicorns traditionally have archaic English names that were common around the time they began to integrate into human society. Male Names: Ainsle, Bishop, Corliss Female Names: Ashlynn, Beda, Cybele Family Names: Allerton, Blakely, Carlisle

Terrados Unicorn Traits


Creature Type. Humanoid
Ability Score Increase. Wisdom +1, Charisma +2
Age. Unicorns reach maturity at around 12 to 15 months similar to normal horses, though they can live to be up to 100 years old.
Alignment. Unicorns lean towards true neutral, focusing on personal survival and those closest to them as they would in the wild.
Size. 5'6 Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base speed is 30 feet. You can walk 60ft in a round in your natural form.  
Natural Form. As long as you have your horn you can transform between your natural and humanoid form instead of moving that round. 
Horn. In your natural form you can use a charge attack with your horn for 1d8+strength damage to one creature and pushing them back five feet for every 5 points they beat the creature's AC by. 
Natural Healing. As long as you have your horn you can use lay on hands for up to 30 HP a day.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common You can speak horse, to horses and other unicorns via body language and neighing.

Suggested Characteristics

When creating a Terrados Unicorn character, you can use the following table of traits and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am rather secretive.
2 I fiddle with my horn a lot.
3 I am very perceptive and aware of my surroundings.
4 I am very traditional in my views.
5 I am a good liar.
6 I actively try to reclaim unicorn horn items.
7 I look for signs of trouble in nature.
8 I like to chase things when I can.

d6 Flaw
1 I am skittish around new things.
2 I can't focus on anything if I am not near my horn.
3 I have a hard time relating to others.
4 I am paranoid about the people around me.
5 I can't stomach greenery even to keep up a facade.
6 I can't transform in front of others.

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Ability ModsWis +1 + and Cha +2 +
AuthorDingobabee +
Canontrue +
Charisma+2 +
FeaturesAge +, Alignment +, Size +, Speed +, Natural Form +, Horn +, Natural Healing + and Languages +
Identifier5e Race +
Is Racetrue +
Race NameTerrados Unicorns (5e Race) +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SummaryCarnivorous unicorns who can transform into humanoids. +
TitleTerrados Unicorns +
TypeHumanoid +
Wisdom+1 +