User:Franken Kesey/Bodyguard (3.5e Optimized Character Build)

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Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 2/6/2011
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The ultimate party defender. X is a mix of homebrew and published material.

This build uses fighter and rogue level material. The compleate list of homebrew articles is as follows (along with balence levels):

  1. Balanced Wealth (3.5e Variant Rule) (Transformational)
  2. Better Hit Points (3.5e Variant Rule) (Supplemental)
  3. Better Initiative (3.5e Variant Rule) (Supplemental)
  4. Grey Guardian (3.5e Class) (rogue)
  5. Dualist (3.5e Prestige Class) (rogue)
  6. Shieldmaster (3.5e Prestige Class) (fighter)
  7. Variant Weapon Focus (3.5e Feat) (rogue)
  8. Belt of Great Prowess (3.5e Equipment)
  9. Springing (3.5e Equipment)


Balanced Wealth (3.5e Variant Rule) (Transformational)

Better Hit Points (3.5e Variant Rule) (Supplemental)

Better Initiative (3.5e Variant Rule) (Supplemental)

32 point buy

Game Rule Components

Spells, Powers, Soulmelds, Stances, etc...


<- items used in this build ->


Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments): 14Str, 8Dex, 18Con, 16Int, 8Wis, 8Cha (32 Point Buy)

UA:Character Traits:

  • Musclebound: +1 bonus on Strength-based skill checks and ability checks; and -2 penalty on Dexterity-based skill checks and ability checks.
  • Hulking Brute: You may use Strength rather than Charisma for the purpose of intimidation checks.

UA:Character Flaws Flaws:

Race: Mountain Dwarf

Starting Racial Traits: +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma

ECL Class Ability Scores Class Features Feats Shield Enchantments (do not stack) Buy
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
1st Grey Guardian 1 14 8 20 16 8 6
2nd Grey Guardian 2 14 8 21 17 8 6 +1 Armor
3rd Grey Guardian 3 15 9 22 18 9 7 Endurance2 +1 Natural Armor
4th Grey Guardian 4 15 9 23 19 9 7 +1 Weapon
5th Shieldmaster 1 15 9 23 19 9 7
6th Grey Guardian 5 16 10 25 21 10 8 Combat Expertise, MS Variant (3.5e Feat) +2 Armor
7th Grey Guardian 6 16 10 25 21 10 8 +2 Natural Armor
8th Dwarven Defender 1 16 10 26 22 10 8 +2 Weapon
9th Dualist 1 17 11 27 23 11 9
10th Shieldmaster 2 17 11 28 24 11 9 +3 Armor
11th Shieldmaster 3 17 11 28 24 11 9 +3 Natural Armor
12th Dwarven Defender 2 18 12 30 26 12 10 +3 Weapon
13th Dwarven Defender 3 18 12 30 26 12 10
14th Dualist 2 18 12 31 27 12 10 +4 Armor
15th Grey Guardian 7 19 13 32 28 13 11 +4 Natural Armor
16th Grey Guardian 8 19 13 33 29 13 11 +4 Weapon
17th Shieldmaster 4 19 13 33 29 13 11
18th Shieldmaster 5 20 14 35 31 14 12 +5 Armor Belt of Great Prowess
19th Dualist 3 20 14 35 31 14 12 +5 Natural Armor
20th Dualist 4 20 14 36 32 14 12 +5 Weapon
  1. from the Grey Guardian class

Final progression: Grey Guardian 8 / Dualist 4 / Dwarven Defender 3 / Shieldmaster 5

Other Components

<- anything not covered by the previous sections ->


At level 20 (buffed)

  • Ability Scores: Str20, Dex14, Con36, Int32, Wis14, Cha12
  • HP: 3d12+13d10+4d8+176(295)
  • AC: 38 = 10Base+1Dex+0(medium)+8Armor(Full Plate Armor+8)+12Shields(two Tower Shield+4, with +2defending armor spikes)+5Natural Armor+2Shield Stance.
  • Speed: 30' (30' base)
    • Run (feat): can run 5x speed (150')
  • Reach: 35' (20(gargantun sized)+10(Impressive Reach)+5(Pikeman))
  • Initiative: +20
  • BAB: +20/+15/+10/+5
  • Trip Modifier: +30 (17Str+8size+4improved trip+1trait)
  • Saves: fort+31, ref+18, will+22 (Con+8 Dex+3 Wis-1 (zweiręka+5+2+2, halberdier+5+2+5, tiny hammerer+2+0+2, Zodiac Knight+5+2+5), -1unlucky, +5Int(Z), +5Int(H) -3fort(flaw))
  • Attacks of Opportunity: 5/round

Armor and Shields

Fortification, light-Spell Resistance (13)-Power Resistance (13)-Full Plate Armor: +8AC, +1 max dex.

Two Tower Shields with +2Defending-Armor Spikes: +6AC each (or +12 total).

Locked Gauntlets: provides a +10 bonus on any roll made to keep from being disarmed in combat.

Shields: 1d8 damage, 20/x2 crit

  • Armored Spikes: 1d6 damage, 20/x2 crit
    • Powerful Arm (powerful build):


Concealing Shield (Ex): A shieldmaster knows a shield can provide a physical cover from the enemy's sights. At 1st level a shieldmaster may use a light or heavy shield, and gains a constant 10% miss chance from enemy attacks which require attack rolls. If using a tower shield, this miss chance is 20%. At 3rd level the miss chances rise to 15% and 35% respectively, and at 5th level 20% and 50%. The miss chance is not negated by True Seeing, but can be negated if the shieldmaster loses his shield bonus to AC. However be aware any attack which hits, but is negated by this miss chance instead hits, and damages, the shieldmaster's shield. Thus it is advised the shieldmaster bring a durable shield with him. Finally, when using the total defense action, the miss chance doubles. Multiple shields do not stack benefits, although the shieldmaster may choose which shield to take a blow with.

Shield Fighting (Ex): At 1st level a shieldmaster gains Two-Weapon Fighting when making attacks with his weapon and a shield. If the shieldmaster already possesses Two-Weapon Fighting, he reduces the penalties by 1 when attacking with his shield.

Tower Bash (Ex): Even the bulk of a tower shield will not prevent a shieldmaster from using it as a weapon. At 1st level a shieldmaster can shield bash with a tower shield, which for medium characters deals 1d8 damage, 20/x2 crit, counts as a one-handed weapon with a Str requirement of 13, and is martial. You cannot use this feature if you are not proficient in tower shields.

Powerful Arm (Ex): Using such heavy tools in both arms makes one powerful, as they learn how to balance themselves and push thrust and momentum in their swings. At 2nd level any one-handed weapon wielded while using a shield is treated as a two-handed weapon for strength applies and power attack. Likewise a light weapon becomes one-handed for the same purposes.

Shield Stance (Ex): At 2nd level a shieldmaster is able to use his shield more effectively, gaining a +1 bonus to his shield AC when using any shield. At 4th level this becomes +2.

Tower Charge (Ex): Tower shields, in all their size, make it easier to shove around the enemy. A shieldmaster may perform a bull rush with a tower shield, gaining a +6 circumstance bonus to the bull rush thanks to the shield. You cannot use this feature if you are not proficient in tower shields.

Impact Shield (Ex): At 3rd level you gain two applications of the shield bash which are useful in combat. As an attack action you may make an attack with the shield, and deal no damage. Instead the opponent must make a Fortitude save, DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Str, or take a -4 penalty to attack, AC, and skills for 1 round as they are dazed from impact, save negates. Alternatively you may make a standard action and the save saving throw vs becoming flatfooted as well as the penalties above. A save negates the flatfooted, but not the penalty. Tower shields get +1 to the save DC.

Shield of the Heart (Su): At 4th level a shieldmaster has bonded to his shield on a more spiritual level, and it protects him from even supernatural harm. He gains his shield bonus to touch AC against spells and spell-like abilities. In addition, so long as he has his shield bonus he gains a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.

Evasion (Ex): At 5th level a shieldmaster has mastered the art of dodging, weaving, and getting himself between danger and his defenses. He gains evasion. If he already possess evasion, he instead gains improved evasion.

Immediate Cover (Ex): At 5th level the quick reflexes of a shieldmaster come into play when using a tower shield. As an immediate action he may take total cover behind his tower shield, which can prevent many a burst effect spells and obliterate an incoming blow. This uses up his actions in the upcoming round, hiding behind his tower shield, but ensures he survives. You cannot use this feature if you are not proficient in tower shields.

Improved Shield Fighting (Ex): At 5th level you gain Improved Two-Weapon Fighting for using a weapon and your shield. If you already have the actual Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, your penalties decrease by 1 again to a penalty of 0.



  1. Improved Shield Bash: When you perform a shield bash, you may still apply the shield’s shield bonus to your AC.
  2. Tower Shield Proficiency:
  3. Combat Reflexes: # of AO = to Dex mod

need for a class

  • Shieldmaster:
  1. Dodge: During your action, you designate an opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks from that opponent. You can select a new opponent on any action.
  2. Improved Shield Bash
  • Dwarven Defender
  1. Toughness: +3 hit points


  1. Improved Initiative: +4 initiative.
  2. Mental Resistance: damage reduction 3/— against psionics.
  3. Improved Natural Armor: +1Natutal Armor each time you take this feat.


<- How does the build function in combat? What are the common actions one pulls off in a round? ->

Further Optimization

<- Take it to the next level ->

Side Notes

<- overview of additional info about this build ->


<- conditions of when this build works, and, if needed, tricks for the DM (provided they allow this build) to keep the abuse to a minimum. -> ->


<- Can something be switched for anything else? ->

Autoplate Pilot, Variant (3.5e Class)

Meat Shield (3.5e Class): for the provoke feature at 6th level or Defender (3.5e Class)

Martial Aptitude Warblade (3.5e Alternate Class Feature):

Army of One (3.5e Martial Discipline): taunt discipline


<- Any other side notes that don't fit in the above sections. ->

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