Talk:Basic Magic Strike (3.5e Variant Rule)
This doesn't scale properly and it doesn't read properly
Is it 1d6 per CR (or Hit Dice) of the caster? Meaning that a level 4 wizard could hit someone with a ray which deals 2d6 damage of unknown type?
Or is that to say that the level 4 wizard can do 1d6 divided by four damage per round, making him less capable than a level one?
How about an arcane spellcaster who has a poor BAB progression can once per round as a standard action make a ranged touch attack modified by his primary casting ability. The attack does 1d4 + 1, and the damage can be either fire, acid, or cold (determined by the spellcaster at the time of the attack). This would replace the cantrip Acid Orb, and increase the utility of the spellcaster.
The ranged touch attack makes up for the low BAB, and scales itself down to be less useful as the spellcaster progresses and gains access to more spells to use (and thus find himself out of spells less)