Antitheist (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 03/01/19
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"High" is not in the list (Good, Poor, Bad, Varies, Other) of allowed values for the "Reflex Save Progression" property.
"High" is not in the list (Good, Poor, Bad, Varies, Other) of allowed values for the "Will Save Progression" property.

Class Ability=Spontaneous Spellcasting |Class Ability=Alternate Magic

|Class Ability=Other
"Good" is not in the list (Full, Partial, Minor, Separate, Other) of allowed values for the "Class Ability Progression" property.
Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil
Baphomet, what is above is the same below.


Antitheists come from many different pantheons and groups. More often the results of dogmatic cultures. They are disillusioned by group-think and the spirits of the times. In the past, anthitheists have been called sorcerers, witches, pagans and satanists. This sensationalism is far from true, it would be more accurate to say that they are iconoclasts. Antitheists of all forms have a lot of abilities that counter clerics, paladins, holy warriors and other illusionists. Surprisingly, antitheist, are not devil-worshippers. Antitheists despise religion and group-think. However, Antitheists see a value in going on the offensive against divine spell-casters – using the symbols of Satanism to dispel and thwart holy powers.

The class features names are only archetypes (of controversial deities), if your system uses a unique set of deities, simply change the names to fit your setting. For example, if your campaign in in a H. P. Lovecraft world, change Satan’s Speech to Cthulhu’s Call. But all effects remain the same. Further, none of the abilities are derived or gifted from actual deities. Instead, they are inspired by similarities in characteristics (i.e., the Lucifer abilities relate to enlightenment).

If you were looking to be a devil worshipper Tome of Fiends is a good resource. For an antitheist is not a devil worshiper.

Becoming a Antitheist

There are three pathways of antitheist, each have a different primary mental ability score (Satan’s Speech uses Charisma, Lucifer’s Light uses Intelligence, and Belial’s Black-Magic uses Wisdom); Strength Dexterity and Constitution are useful for the typical reasons, but do not modify class abilities. All types of antitheist benefit from Charisma.

Previous history as a divine character does not disqualify players from taking this class. If anything it is more common for characters to have a prior devout history than not. Any alignment can become an antitheist; yes, there is such a thing as a Lawful Good antitheist. Also, players with a strong independent, rebellious or anarchist wish tend to become antitheists.

Entry Requirements
Knowledge: 8 ranks in knowledge (religion/planes) and 6 in either bluff or diplomacy.
Special: Must be disenchanted by a religion. Must have read a satanic book or listened to satanic music.

Table: The Antitheist

Hit Die: d6

Level BAB Saving Throws Special Spells per Day Lucifier/Belial
Fort Ref Will Beginner Intermediate Advanced Greater
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Schism (Satan’s Speech/Lucifer’s Light/Belial’s Black-Magic) 2
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Know Thy Enemy +2 (First alignment), +1 existing features 2
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Dispel Enemy 3/day (Enemy Alignments) 4 2
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Turn Enemy, Know Thy Enemy +3, +1 existing features 4 2
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Schism (Black Mass/Devil in the Details/Eye for an Eye) 6 4 2
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Sell Your Soul, Know Thy Enemy +4 (Second alignment), +1 existing features 6 4 2
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Dispel Enemy 6/day (Any alignment) 6 6 4
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 Know Thy Enemy +5, +1 existing features 6 6 4 2
9th +7/+2 +3 +6 +6 Bonus Feat 6 6 5 2
10th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Antimessiah, Know Thy Enemy +6, +1 existing features 6 6 5 3

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level).
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis).

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Antitheists are proficient with all martial weapons. Antitheists are proficient with light and medium armor, and with shields (except tower shields).

The Great Schism: There are many different varieties of Antitheists. Some use music and symbolism, others focus on finding the truth, still others dabble in magic. They all fall under the umbrella of Antitheists. At 1st level, an Antitheist must choose one of the following major feature pathways: 'Satan’s Speech', 'Lucifer’s Light' or 'Belial’s Black-Magic'. Once chosen this choice may never be altered. All antitheist gain Know Thy Enemy and all features below this.

Satan’s Speech: The devil really had the best tunes. Champion to the taboo in music, clothing and art. Pushing far beyond social boundaries and the norm. An Antitheist uses his satanic metal or imagery to harness the following abilities:

  • Satan’s Sacrament: All of Satan’s Sacraments are arcane and cast spontaneously as a standard action (Will save against (when applicable) is DC10 + Antitheist level + Charisma modifier). Unless noted otherwise, satan’s speech effects lasts for 1 minutes per Antitheist level and can be done 3/day. Starting at 1st level, an Antitheist gains access to Satan’s Sacraments:
Infernal Instrument.jpg
  • Infernal Instrument (Ex): An antitheist can summon a metal instrument (treat like summon instrument). The instrument lasts for 2 minutes per antitheist level, and can be summoned at will.
  • Fiendish Fascination (Ex): An Antitheist can fascinate all creatures within 60’. Each creature to be fascinated must be, able to see and hear the Antitheist, and able to pay attention. The Antitheist must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working.
  • Satanic Scream (Ex): At 1st level, an antitheist can scream in a 15’ cone, deafening creatures for 1d4 rounds and dealing 3d8+3 sonic damage (treat like a lesser shout). The antitheist is immune to this effect. This can be done at will, but has a 1d3+1 round cooldown.
  • At 4th level, this ability improves to: a 30’ cone, deafening creatures for 2d6 rounds and dealing 6d8+6 sonic damage.
  • At 7th level, this ability improves to: a 40’ radius, stunning for one round, deafens for 3d6 rounds, and deals 9d8+9 sonic damage.
  • At 10th level, this ability improves to: a 60’ radius, stunning for 1d3 rounds, deafens for 4d6 rounds, and deals 12d8+12 sonic damage.
  • Terrible Taunt (Ex): At 2nd level, an Antitheist can taunt enemies. The classic ability of an Antitheist is to draw attention to himself. This can be simply in a style of dress or stating “Hail Satan!” in a public place. The use of any Antitheist imagery immediately alerts all in the Antitheist’s area to his presents. As a swift action, an Antitheist can enrage enemy characters (see Know Thy Enemy feature). Treat this like taunt.
  • Enchantment Spells: At 2nd level, an Antitheist can add one 1st-level enchantment spell from the bard spell list to his Satan’s Sacraments. At 4th, 6th and 8th levels, an Antitheist can add two more spell, and the maximum spell level increases with each level to: at 4th level max is 2nd-level spell, 6th max is 3rd and 8th max is 4th. An Antitheist can, instead, select four spells from a level lower than their max (or any combination). An Antitheist can use enchantment spells from this subfeature only 6/day (total for all, not each).
  • Charm Creature (Ex): At 3rd level, an Antitheist can charm a creature (treat like charm monster).
  • Courageous Call (Ex): At 3rd level, an antitheist can inspire courage in allies. An antitheist can affect one ally per two antitheist levels. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the satanic sacrament. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the antitheist and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls, and skill checks. At 6th and 9th levels, this bonus increases by 1 (+3 at 6th and +4 at 9th).
  • Confuse Crowd (Ex): At 4th level, an Antitheist can confuse all creatures within 15’ (treat like confusion).
  • Black Mass (Su): At 5th level, an Antitheist (as a part of Satan’s Speech) can deeply meditate and focus himself on succeeding at one thing the following day. Antitheist ritual can be summarized as focusing oneself towards a single goal or mentality. This permits the Antitheist to fortify his minds and manifest future actions. In doing so an Antitheist gets a +8 bonus on two premeditated skill checks the following day (this only applies to skills). This requires 10 minutes uninterrupted meditation. The bonus can be used once (after a night of sleep), and only if the scenario is very similar to what the Antitheists premeditated (GM’s discretion).
  • Mass Manipulation (Ex): At 6th level, an Antitheist can manipulate one creature per two Antitheist levels (treat like mass suggestion). This can be done 2/day.
  • 666 (Su): At 6th level, an Antitheist can spout profanity, affecting creatures within 30’ (treat like profanity). This can be done 2/day.
  • Devilish Demoralization (Ex): At 7th level, an antitheist can demoralized opponents. An antitheist can affect one opponents per two antitheist levels. To be affected, an opponent must be able to hear the satanic sacrament. The effect lasts for as long as the opponent hears the antitheist and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected opponent receives a -3 demoralizing penalty on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a -3 demoralizing penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls, and skill checks. At 10th level, this penalty increases to -4.
  • Demonic Dance (Su): At 8th level, an Antitheist can play some demonic tunes, forcing one creature per two Antitheist levels to dance (treat like irresistible dance). This lasts for 1 round per two Antitheist levels. This can be done 2/day.

Lucifer’s Light (Ex): Lucifer enlightens Antitheists to reality. An Antitheist can use this enlightenment to power the following abilities:

  • Lucifer’s Spell List: All of Lucifer’s spells are arcane and cast spontaneously as a standard action (Will save against (when applicable) is DC 10 + an Antitheist character level + the Antitheist's Intelligence modifier). Starting at 1st level, an Antitheist gains access to Lucifer’s Spell List:
  • Light Bringer: At 1st level, as a standard action an Antitheist can create an intense 15’ cone of light. This blinds creatures for 1d4 rounds, and deals 3d8+3 light damage (treat like a lesser sunbeam). The antitheist is immune to this effect. This can be done at will, but has a 1d3+1 round cooldown. Undead and oozes receive an additional 2d8 damage from this ability.
  • At 4th level, this ability improves to: a 30’ cone, blinding creatures for 2d6 rounds and dealing 6d8+6 light damage.
  • At 7th level, this ability improves to: a 40’ radius, stunning for one round, blinds for 3d6 rounds, and deals 9d8+9 light damage.
  • Knowledge Overload (Su): At 3rd level, as a standard action an Antitheist can overwhelm a creature with the truth (Will save DC10 + Antitheist level + Intelligence modifier to resist). The overwhelming force of this knowledge dazes the creature for 1d3+1 rounds. Additionally, the affected creature’s head is filled with so much new knowledge that they temporarily lose the ability to use old knowledge. Making them fail all Intelligence-based skill checks for 2d6 rounds. However, 1 minute after this effect was done, the affected creature gets a +4 bonus to all knowledge checks for 10 minutes. This can be done 3/day.
  • Devil in the Details (Ex): At 5th level, an Antitheist (as a part of Lucifer’s Light) can distrust any opponents roll as being illegitimate; as an immediate action during an opponent’s turn. This skepticism allows an Antitheist to force an opponent to reroll one die. This ability can be applied to any type of roll (i.e., attack, damage, etc) and can be done 3/day (but no more than once per round). This can be done to non-enemies, and even beneficially to help another player; however, an Antitheist cannot distrust his own rolls.
  • At 7th level, an Antitheist can now distrust his own roll (in effect rerolling). If an Antitheist distrusts his own roll, there is no need to roll to see if he can reroll (it is an automatic success that the Antitheist can reroll).
  • At 9th level, an Antitheist can use this ability up to twice in a round (second time is a free action), but still no more than 3/day.

Belial’s Black-Magic: Some perceive Antitheist magic as the greatest evil, while others view it only as carnival trickery. An Antitheist uses mental will, psychology and sleight of hand to produce the following effects:

  • Belial’s Spell List (Sp): All of Belial’s spells are arcane and cast spontaneously as a standard action (Will save against (when applicable) is DC10+Antitheist level + Wisdom modifier). Starting at 1st level, an Antitheist gains access to Belial’s Spell List:
  • Eye for an Eye (Su): At 5th level, any time after an Antitheist receives lethal damage, he may attempt to retaliate against the creature who dealt the damage (the antagonist). The Antitheist must beat a DC5 + antagonist’s HD + Wisdom modifier check to do this; an Antitheist can add his own Wisdom modifier and HD to the roll. On success, the Antitheist can retaliate with the same amount of damage he received back towards their antagonist (i.e., an Antitheist received 20 point of damage and succeeded the check, the antagonist now receives 20 points of lethal damage (no added save)). This bypasses all damage resistance, reduction and immunity. This ability does not heal the Antitheist. An Antitheist must use this ability within one minute of the original injury, and can only do this 3/day.

Know Thy Enemy (Ex): Starting at 2nd level an Antitheist must choose an alignment type different from his own on the good/evil axis. This alignment is called an “Enemy” for purposes of the following effects on this page (the term “opponents” is used on this page as a more inclusive term to include non-enemies). The Antitheists gets a +2 bonus to attacks, AC and a +2 bonus on saves against spells or abilities used by creatures of his Enemy alignment (i.e., holy smite). Additionally, all Antitheists gain this bonus on all knowledge (religion), (planes), (history) and (local) checks. This bonus increases by +1 at every even numbered level (+3 at 4th, +4 at 6th, +5 at 8th and capping out at +6 at 10th level).

However, should an Antitheist wish to cast a spell of this alignment, there is a 30% chance it will not work and he receives 1d6 damage instead.

Starting at 3rd level an Antitheist can cast a detection spell against any creature or object (treat like a single casting of detect chaos/evil/good/law simultaneously). This can be done at will.

At 6th level, an Antitheist can select one more enemy alignment, this time on the law/chaos axis. These bonuses now apply against opponents of either alignment. This effect stacks if the enemy has both alignments (i.e., Lawful Good)

At 8th level the risk of spell failure when casting a spell of an enemy alignment is reduced to 20%.

Feature Advancement: At 2nd level and then every other level there after, an Antitheist gains +1 effective class level for one of the classes he possessed before taking this class. This grants all class feature benefits of having leveled in the previous class possibly including: increased caster level, spells per day and spells known; feats, and new features as though he gained a level in that class possibly granting new abilities he didn't have before like trackless step or hide in plain sight.

Turn Enemy (Su): At 4th level, an Antitheist can try to turn and rebuke creatures of his enemy alignment as a standard action (treat like turning undead check as normal but with the following changes). An Antitheist uses the same turning table as a cleric with his effective cleric level being equal to his character level. Any turned enemies flee from the Antitheist by the best and fastest means available to them. If the Antitheist has three or more character levels than the enemy has hit dice, the enemy is rebuked. This can be done a number of times per day equal to 3 + the Antitheist's Charisma modifier.

Dispel Enemy (Ex): At 3rd level, an Antitheist can dispel enemy spells and beneficial affects and this takes one of two effects. First he may attempt to use this ability as a standard action during his turn to dispel any beneficial magical effect on a target "enemy" (treat like dispel chaos/evil/good/law). Alternatively the Antitheist can use this ability as an immediate action during an enemies turn to counterspell the casting of a spell done by an enemy (treat this like dispel magic's Counterspell option). His dispel check is 1d20 + his Antitheist class level + the Antitheist's Charisma modifier. This can be done 3/day.

At 7th level, an Antitheist can attempt to dispel all spells from divine spell-casters (not just enemies). This ability can now be used an additional 3/day (6/day total).

Sell Your Soul (Ex): At 6th level, an Antitheist sells his soul. Contrary to popular belief, Antitheists do not sell their souls to supernatural beings. Instead they sell them to themselves. Denying all other masters. An Antitheist gains spell dampening 3 against all enchantments spells and spell-like abilities, and a +4 bonus to Will saves against all mind-affecting effects. An antitheist is also immune to soul displacement.

Bonus Feat: At 9th level, an Antitheist receives a bonus feat that he meets the prerequisites for.

Antimessiah (Su): At 10th level, an Antitheist becomes the antimessiah − a magical creature. His creature type changes to outsider (native) instead of whatever the antimessiah’s creature type was before, making him immune to spells that effect humanoids like charm person and hold person. Additionally, the antimessiah gains spell dampening 6 against all divine and illusion spells and spell-like abilities. He gains damage reduction 10 against all alignment specific attacks (i.e., spells or effects that deal Holy or Unholy damage, attacks from any weapons enchanted with the Anarchic, Axiomatic, Holy or Unholy enchantment, etc.). Unlike other outsiders, the antimessiah can still be brought back from the dead as if he were a member of his previous creature type.


If an antitheist becomes devoted to a deity they no longer are antitheists, they lose all abilities of this class. But they need not atone or do an intricate ritual to return to antitheism. It is a personal choice.

However, if they follow through on their devotion and become sheep, they may convert half their antitheistic levels (round down) into a divine spell-casting class (like a Fallen Paladin).

Campaign Information

Nothing is Holy!

Playing a Antitheist

Religion: Antitheists oppose religions, believing the gods to be little more than opportunistic parasites feeding on humanities beliefs while suppressing their true potential.

Other Classes: Your sympathy for what amounts to the devil in various pantheons also causes a stir, regardless how much faith you actually give to such entities. Needless to say clerics and paladins are not fond of you, even from evil deities.

Combat: You're a sort of cleric, but instead turning undead and handling divine matters you generally handle social encounters and countering other divine casters.

Advancement: Ironically any class suitable for a cleric can work with an antitheist.

Antitheists in the World

Daily Life: Nothing stops an antitheist from living a normal life. However, they often do not mix well surrounded by the religious and divine and their antagonistic natures drive them away.

Organizations: Being iconoclasts in what are often religious dominated lands, most antitheists must walk the path alone. Even if they find a group of like-minded beings, their motives and beliefs, if you can call them that, can vary and unity is not guaranteed.

NPC Reactions: For the common ignorant man, if they do not confuse you for a cleric they may find your presence heretical and terrible. It’s said your power merely draws from demonic beings and betrayers, and your words are hollow. How true that it depends on the campaign.

Antitheist Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Religion) can research antitheists to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, excluding information from lower DCs. The more you learn, the more you realize initial impression are rarely accurate.

Knowledge (Religion)
DC Result
5 Antitheists are apostates.
10 Antitheists are rebels and anarchists.
15 Most antitheists are lawful and dislike theocracy.
25 Specific info on an antitheist. Antitheist are very secretive.

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Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Neutral +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorFranken Kesey +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionModerate +
Class AbilityArcane Spellcasting +
Fortitude Save ProgressionPoor +
Identifier3.5e Prestige Class +
Length10 +
Minimum Level6 +
RatingUnrated +
SkillBluff +, Concentration +, Diplomacy +, Disable Device +, Disguise +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Sleight of Hand +, Speak Language + and Spot +
Skill Points6 +
SummaryAntitheists come from many different panth
Antitheists come from many different pantheons and groups. More often the results of dogmatic cultures. They are disillusioned by group-think and the spirits of the times. In the past, anthitheists have been called sorcerers, witches, pagans and satanists. This sensationalism is far from true, it would be more accurate to say that they are iconoclasts. Antitheists of all forms have a lot of abilities that counter clerics, paladins, holy warriors and other illusionists. Surprisingly, antitheist, are not devil-worshippers. Antitheists despise religion and group-think. However, Antitheists see a value in going on the offensive against divine spell-casters – using the symbols of Satanism to dispel and thwart holy powers.
Satanism to dispel and thwart holy powers. +
TitleAntitheist +