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Talk:Santa Engine (3.5e Equipment)

Revision as of 04:06, 16 February 2011 by Aelaris (talk | contribs) (Definitions)
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As an item for which the means of its creation are unknown, the Santa Engine should be an Artifact. After all, there doesn't seem to be any other particular feature of Artifacts that defines their category. --Foxwarrior 08:30, 30 December 2010 (UTC)

Artifacts are game-altering objects that sway entire campaigns around. At best this is a MacGuffin, even if it is a wonderful and irreplaceable machine of lost antiquity. It's special, but not really in a way that most PCs care about things. Is there a category for background artifacts? -- Aelaris 23:26, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
An Everfull Purse is worth less than a dozen skeletons. While most people are inclined to believe that artifacts are important things, WotC defines "Artifact" as "Item we were too lazy to pick a price for". And we are using the WotC definition. Anyways, isn't a MacGuffin something that sways entire campaigns around? --Foxwarrior 23:31, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
Taken from SRD:Creating Magic Items:
"The secrets of creating artifacts are long lost."
Mainly, its the major artifacts that are the powerful fancy things, everything else, we just can't make them, and thus they don't have market prices. --Ganteka Future
Artifact it is, then! -- Aelaris 04:06, 16 February 2011 (UTC)
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