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Loam (3.5e Equipment)

Revision as of 17:53, 11 April 2020 by Ganteka Future (talk | contribs) (price discount)
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Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 16 February 2011
Status: Tentative Completion
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Price: 200 gp
Body Slot:
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint Universal
Activation: 1 Standard Action
Weight: 0.5 lbs.

The little goblin was manacled and searched. The group found a small brown clod in his pocket. The goblin exclaimed that it was his food, so they let him keep it as they marched him along. On the trip, he popped the little wad in his mouth and gobbled it down in a hurry, suddenly vanishing. Astonished, the group swore in anger as taunting laughs rang out in the air above, fading quickly in the wind.

Loam, named for a type of soil, looks like a small clod of dirt and doesn't taste much better, often described as a mix of eating everything in the kitchen at once. However, it is magically nutritious, providing a Medium-sized creature with a day's worth of food in a quick-to-eat morsel. Additionally, it grants two random spell effects on the consumer (determined from the list below).

Loam is the magically treated remnants of cauldron scraps and leftovers from making potions all jumbled up together into a little wad. It's probably not something you should eat, but thanks to magic, you can eat it!

Duplicate rolls stack their durations where applicable. Roll a d20 twice:

Table: Primary Loam Effects
# Spell Effect
1 Cure Moderate Wounds
2 Spider Climb
3 Alter Self
4 Cat’s Grace
5 Jump
6 Mage Armor
7 Bear’s Endurance
8 Expeditious Retreat
9 Bull’s Strength
10 Fly
# Spell Effect
11 Fox’s Cunning
12 Blur
13 Invisibility
14 Tongues
15 Owl’s Wisdom
16 Levitate
17 Lesser Restoration
18 Eagle’s Splendor
19 See Invisibility
20 Darkvision

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Brew Potion, any 3rd level spell.
Cost to Create: 100 gp, 8 EXP, 1 day.

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