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Malconvoker (3.5e Feat)

Revision as of 16:05, 19 May 2022 by Leziad (talk | contribs)
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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 1st February 2022
Status: Complete
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Malconvoker [General] You are an expert at summoning fiends. While doing so is unwise, you are willing to play with fire, whether for your own gains or the greater good.Prerequisites: Knowledge (The Planes) 4 ranks, Augment SummoningBenefit: You are able to cast conjuration (summoning) and conjuration (calling) spells with the [evil] descriptor without risking an alignment change and may cast such spells even if it would be prohibited by your alignment (such as being a cleric). You also do not commit any inherent evil act by consorting with evil creature you conjure, as long as you do not use their aid for an evil act, or further the goals of evil as payment. Additionally increase the DC of your planar binding spells by 2 when used against an evil outsider and you gain a +4 bonus on Charisma checks made as part of the spells when dealing with evil outsiders.

Finally you count as evil-aligned for the purpose of qualifying for Summon Evil Monster or similar feats.

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