SRD:General (Feat Type)
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General feats are those that do not belong to any other feat type. There are no special rules regarding their acquisition or use outside of those presented in the feat text.
Note that many of the feats classified as [General] feats in the SRD are more accurately classified as [Fighter] feats as they are specifically noted as allowable for fighters to acquire with their bonus feats, making them effectively Fighter Bonus Feats. In later 3.5e products these types of feats had the [Fighter] tag instead of [General]. |
The material in this box is either SRD content from other sections or inferences drawn from SRD material in other sections. It should not be considered part of the core SRD, and is added only for clarity. |
SRD General Feats
Feat | Summary | Prerequisites |
Ability Focus | The DC for a special attack increased by 2 | Special attack. |
Acrobatic | Move out of the way! | None |
Agile | No more slipping into a tight spot. | None |
Alertness | Observe that which will kill you. | None |
Animal Affinity | Animals are more trusting of you. | None |
Antipsionic Magic | Your spells are more potent when used against psionic characters and creatures. | Spellcraft 5 ranks |
Armor Proficiency | Gain proficiency in heavy armor. | Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium). |
Armor Proficiency | Gain proficiency in light armors. | None |
Armor Proficiency | Gain proficiency in medium armors. | Armor Proficiency (light). |
Athletic | Climb and swim more easily. | None |
Augment Summoning | Your summoned creatures are stronger than normal. | Spell Focus (conjuration) |
Autonomous | You have a knack for psionic self-sufficiency. | None |
Blindsight, 5-ft. Radius | Base attack bonus +4, Blind-Fight, Wisdom 19 | |
Chaotic Mind | The turbulence of your thoughts prevents others from gaining insight into your actions. | Chaotic alignment, Cha 15 |
Cloak Dance | You are skilled at using optical tricks to make yourself seem to be where you are not. | Hide 10 ranks, Perform (dance) 2 ranks |
Closed Mind | Your mind is better able to resist psionics than normal. | None |
Combat Casting | Focus on the spell, not the chaos of battle. | None |
Deadly Precision | You empty your mind of all distracting emotion, becoming an instrument of deadly precision. | Dex 15, base attack bonus +5. |
Deceitful | Your body lies to others quite naturally. | None |
Deft Hands | Work well with your hands. | None |
Diehard | You continue fighting when you are at negative hit points. | Endurance |
Diligent | Understand what you look at. | None |
Empower Spell-Like Ability | Numeric effects of spell-like ability are increased by one-half. | Spell-like ability at caster level 6th or higher. |
Endurance | Can sleep in armor without getting fatigued, last longer during travel. | None |
Eschew Materials | Ignore minor material components. | None |
Extra Music | +4 Bardic Music uses per day. | Bardic music. |
Extra Turning | Gain 4 more turn/rebuke attempts per turn/rebuke ability you have. | Ability to turn or rebuke creatures. |
Eyes in the Back of Your Head | Negate flanking bonus to attackers. | Base attack bonus +3, Wis 19. |
Fleet of Foot | Turn while running. | Dex 15, Run. |
Flyby Attack | Fly speed. | |
Force of Will | You are able to resist psionic attacks with extreme force of will. | Iron Will. |
Great Fortitude | +2 to Fortitude saving throws | None |
Greater Multiweapon Fighting | Attack thrice with each weapon. | Dex 19, three or more arms, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Fighting, base attack bonus +15. |
Greater Spell Focus | +1 to DC of spells on top of Spell Focus | Spell Focus |
Greater Spell Penetration | Further +2 bonus on rolls to overcome spell resistance. | Spell Penetration. |
Hold the Line | Charging opponents provoke AoO. | Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +2. |
Hostile Mind | Your mind recoils violently against those who use psionics against you. | Cha 15 |
Hover | Fly speed. | |
Improved Counterspell | Counterspell with spell of same school. | None |
Improved Disarm | +4 bonus on disarm attempts; no attack of opportunity. | Int 13, Combat Expertise. |
Improved Familiar | This feat allows spellcasters to acquire a new familiar from a nonstandard list, but only when they could normally acquire a new familiar. | Ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment, sufficiently high level (see below). |
Improved Flyby Attack | Fly speed, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Mobility. | |
Improved Multiattack | Take no penalty to secondary natural weapon attacks. | Three or more natural weapons, Multiattack |
Improved Multiweapon Fighting | Attack twice with each weapon. | Dex 15, three or more arms, Multiweapon Fighting, base attack bonus +9. |
Improved Natural Armor | Natural Armor +1 | Natural armor, Con 13. |
Improved Natural Attack | Damage of a natural weapon increases one step. | Natural weapon, base attack bonus +4. |
Improved Turning | +1 Turn/Rebuke Level | Ability to turn or rebuke creatures. |
Investigator | When you look for things, you find them. | None |
Iron Will | You get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws. | None |
Jack of All Trades | You must be at least 6th level. | |
Knock-Down | Trip when you deal damage. | Base attack bonus +2, Improved Trip, Str 15. |
Leadership | Character level 6th. | |
Lightning Reflexes | +2 bonus on Reflex saves. | None |
Magical Aptitude | You understand magic more intuitively. | None |
Martial Weapon Proficiency | Choose a type of martial weapon. You understand how to use that type of martial weapon in combat. | None |
Mental Resistance | Your mind is armored against mental intrusion. | Base Will save bonus +2 |
Mind Over Body | Your ability damage heals more rapidly. | Con 13 |
Multiattack | Attack with better precision with secondary natural weapons. | Three or more natural attacks. |
Multiweapon Fighting | Mitigate multiweapon fighting penalties. | Dex 13, three or more hands. |
Natural Spell | Cast spells while in Wild Shape | Wis 13, wild shape ability. |
Negotiator | Converse skillfully | None |
Nimble Fingers | Get past mechanical barriers quicker | None |
Open Minded | You are naturally able to reroute your memory, mind, and skill expertise. | None |
Persuasive | More easily convince people when truth is not on your side. | None |
Plant Control | Rebuke plants. | Plant Defiance, ability to cast speak with plants. |
Plant Defiance | Turn Plants ability. | Ability to cast detect animals or plants. |
Power Critical | Weapon focus (chosen weapon), base attack bonus +4 | |
Psionic Affinity | You have a knack for psionic endeavors. | None |
Psionic Hole | You are anathema to psionic creatures and characters. | Con 15 |
Quick Draw | Draw weapon as free action. | Base attack bonus +1. |
Quicken Spell-Like Ability | Cast Spell-like ability as a free action. | Spell-like ability at caster level 10th or higher. |
Rapid Metabolism | Your wounds heal rapidly. | Con 13 |
Reckless Offense | You can shift your focus from defense to offense. | Base attack bonus +1 |
Run | Run at 5 times normal speed, +4 bonus on Jump checks made after a running start. | None |
Self-Sufficient | Understand the essentials to surviving. | None |
Shield Proficiency | No armor check penalty on attack rolls. | None |
Sidestep Charge | You are skilled at dodging past charging opponents and taking advantage when they miss. | Dex 13, Dodge |
Simple Weapon Proficiency | You make attack rolls with simple weapons normally. | None |
Skill Focus | +3 bonus on checks with selected skill. | None |
Snatch | Carry creatures in your claws or teeth. | Size Huge or larger. |
Spell Focus | +1 bonus on save DCs against specific school of magic. | None |
Spell Penetration | +2 bonus on caster level checks to defeat spell resistance. | None |
Stand Still | You can prevent foes from fleeing or closing. | Str 13 |
Stealthy | Stay unnoticed. | None |
Superior Expertise | Int 13, Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +6 | |
Toughness | +3 Hit points | None |
Tower Shield Proficiency | Proficiency with Tower Shields | Shield Proficiency. |
Track | Gain ability to follow tracks. | None |
Weapon Finesse | Use Dex modifier instead of Str modifier on attack rolls with light melee weapons. | Base attack bonus +1. |
Wild Talent | Your mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics. | None |
Wingover | Fly speed. |
Homebrew General Feats
Homebrew feats using this type appear below. These are not part of the SRD, and are presented for ease of reference only. Click "Show" below to view them.
[show] Feat | Summary | Prerequisites |
"Lol Media" | Use the power of teh internets, or whatever passes for it in your setting, to make yourself appear more knowledgeable than you really are. | Ability to cast spells, manifest powers, or access to some sort of public information medium. |
3.5e Feat Preload | None | |
341 Special | You gain three moderate feats for one Very High feat | None |
541 Special | You gain five low feats for one. | None |
A Fortitude Quicker Than the Body | Use your Reflex save in place of your Fortitude save. | CON 14+, Reflex Save 18+, Lightning Reflexes. |
A Will Quicker Than the Mind | Use your Reflex save in place of your will save. | WIS 14+, Reflex Save 18+, Lightning Reflexes. |
Aberrant Summoning | You summon terrible aberrations instead of animals. | Augment Summoning, must be able to cast a summon nature's ally spell. |
Ability Focus, Variant | You are focused on one ability. | Special Attack |
Ability Mastery | Gain a minor bonus to skills and ability checks for a chosen ability. | 0 or positive ability modifier for the chosen ability score |
Ability Reassignment | Swap the ability score used for a class feature with another ability score you meet the prerequisites for. | One class feature that relies on an ability score, 5 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana), or equivalent. |
Ability Training | An ability score goes up. | None |
Abundant Magic | You may use your major magic spell-like more often. | Major magic rogue talent |
Abyssal Sight | Gain the ability so see in magical darkness. | Character level 3, Darkvision |
Academic Sorcery | You can add additional spell from a spellbook to your spell known. | Court Sorcerer 7th |
Accelerated Progression | Slow progressions of classes (such as sorcerers to wizard, or wilder to psion) now progress faster. | Spellcaster or Manifester 1st |
Access Divine Power | Either through faith or some trickery, you gain access to a domain power which would not normally be yours to use. | None |
Access Divine Spell-Likes | As Access Divine Spells, but gain them as 1/day spell-like abilities. | Access Divine Power or Divine Blooded |
Access Divine Spells | You gain further access to your domain of specialization, unlocking the secrets of its inner circle. | Access Divine Power |
Access Primal Utterance | You gain access to a Primal Utterance early. | Must be able to use at least one 3rd level Utterance. |
Accomplished | This feat does nothing, but take heart for you can now follow your dreams and live in harmony, harmony--oh love! | None |
Acquire Class Ability | An alternative to gestalt. | Character level 6 |
Acquire Domain | You gain a domain in a divine class that does not normally gain domains. | Be able to cast 1st level divine spells and have access to less than two domains. |
Acquire Skill | You gain a class skill. | None |
Active Sonar | Sonar and Echolocation | |
Adapt Psychic Knife | Your psychic knife gains the properties of a special crafting material | BAB +1, Psychic knife class feature |
Adaptive Performance | Swap bardic music uses for spells, and vice versa | Perform (any) 6 ranks, bardic music class feature, able to spontaneously cast arcane spells |
Adaptive Weapon | Reassign the special abilities of a class-granted weapon. | Any class that has a personal weapon that gains effective enhancement bonuses to spend on special weapon abilities such as a Soulknife. |
Additional Forlorn Learning | Increase the number of spells that are forbidden to you, increase the number of spell slots you have. | Able to cast Arcane Spells, Forlorn Learning class ability |
Additional Spirit Bond | Gain an additional spirit bond for the hairbinder. | Hairbinder 1st |
Adept Hexer | You can remove your own curses from others. | Spell Focus (Necromancy) |
Adept Rocketeer | You are great at using rocket boots. | Knowledge (Engineering) 8 ranks |
Advanced Companion | Your animal companion, familiar, or similar companion gains bonus HD. | Must have an animal companion, familiar, or similar companion. |
Advanced Dark Companion | Improved the dark companion alternate feature for the hexblade. | Must have a dark companion. |
Advanced Heal | Access advanced healing with the Heal skill. | Heal 4 ranks |
Advanced Study | Lets fixed list casters count spells takable with Advanced Learning as part of their 'spell list' for things besides intrinsically learning them | None |
Advanced Study, Very High | Lets fixed list casters count spells takable with Advanced Learning as part of their 'spell list' for things besides intrinsically learning them and also grants additional spells known from their advanced learning list | None |
Advanced Summoning | You summon creatures as if you were casting a summon spell one level higher. | Spell Focus Conjuration |
Adventuring Caster | 1st level only, arcane caster level 1 | |
Aged Well | You are old, but you still feel hail and hearty. | Middle aged or older. |
Agile Strike | Your fast reflexes and dexterous movements surpass your insight. | Dex 15 or more, Insightful Strike Class Feature |
Airship Improvement | Gain an additional ship improvement for the airship pilot class. | Airship Pilot 1st level |
Alchemical Conspiracy | Your schemes are truly grand and worldshaking, when it comes to playing with big symbols. | Know the Surprise Trap Shape Concept |
Alchemical Enchantment | Enchant alchemical items as if masterwork ammunition. | Craft (Alchemy) 5 ranks, any magical item crafting feat |
Alchemical Extract | Once per day, use a potion or oil without actually using it. | Craft (Alchemy) 7 ranks |
Alchemical Mastery | You can use alchemical items with great skill. | Craft (alchemy) 4 ranks |
Alchemical Transmuter | You are able to perform feats of transmutation using your extracts as fuels. | Alchemy class feature |
Alertness, Balmz | Improved version of alertness | None |
Align Psychic Knife | your psychic knife becomes an aligned weapon. | psychic knife class feature, BAB +6 |
Alignment Alteration | You can count your alignment as another alignment one step away on one axis. | None |
Allegiance to Patron | You may pledge allegiance to an eldritch patron to gain additional powers. | Ability to use warlock's invocations. |
Alter Gender | Dude looks like a lady. | Character Level 3rd, must be a race with male and female genders. |
Alternative Tradition | Change the ability score for a class ability (such as spellcasting) to a different ability score. | 1st level only |
Always Skillful | You always have the skills per level of your most skillful class. | None |
Always on Lookout | Your senses are on constant alert. | Listen 9 ranks, Spot 9 ranks |
Amateur Spellcaster | Your dabbling in spellcasting advances to full amateur abilities. | Character level 6, Spellcasting Dabbler |
Ambushing Warlock | Use your eldritch blast dice to pay for ambush feat cost. | Sneak Attack +1d6, Eldritch Blast 1d6 |
Ammunition Recoverer | Get your ammunition back that misses. | Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Analytic Mind | You got big brain powers. | Character level 5th, Intellingence 19 |
Ancestral Heirloom | You have a special masterwork weapon which you gain bonuses with, and may enhance as if crafting it. | 1st level only |
Ancient Beastblood | Your curse steam from an ancient beast, making you stronger than most of your kind. | Beastblooded 1st |
Ancient Sorcerer | You can lengthen your casting to increase it potency. You also gain access to new spells not available to a sorcerer. | Sorcerer 1st Level |
Angled Dimensional Attack | A character with feat can flank with themselves when teleporting. | Must be able to cast a [teleportation] spell, or Skip class feature. |
Anima Ripple | You gain lay on hand as a paladin to damage undead, except it is based on your ki pool. | Ki Pool (as MonkPathfinder or NinjaPathfinder) |
Anima Toughness | Beings without metabolism are raised or constructed with animating force. This force now can be used to toughen them beyond the durability of their basic undead or construct frames, increasing their hit points. | No Con Score, Cha 15, Base Fortitude Save +2 |
Animal Avatar | Don't just command your animal - BE your animal! | Power Animal, Animal Sight |
Animal Friend | You are a friend of little and not so little critters. | Animal Tongue |
Animal Sight | Use your animal companion's senses as your own. | Power Animal |
Animal Tongue | You can speak with a kind of animal, sorta like a Disney princess. | Knowledge (Nature) 4 ranks. |
Animal Whisperer | You listen to animals and can empathize better. | Handle Animal 4 ranks or Wild Empathy |
Animating Touch | You can animate objects with but a single touch. | Knowledge (Engineering) 4 ranks |
Anklebiter | This feat needs a summary. | Reach 0 ft. (i.e. Tiny or smaller) |
Annoying Combat Noises | Make annoying noises in battle to distract foes | Flurry of blows or Improved unarmed strike or power attack or rage class feature, Charisma 11 or perform 4 ranks |
Anthropomorphic Companion | Your animal companion becomes an anthropomorphic humanoid with a pair of hands able to perform tasks and wield weapons. | Animal Companion class feature |
Antiquarian | Appraise and identify objects, as well as recall old lore. | Int 15 |
Apprenticeship | New Mentor Types for the Lower Planes. | None |
Aquatic Acrobatics | You Swim, acrobatically | Aquatic or Water subtype, Swim Speed |
Aquatic Stealth | You Swim, stealthily | Aquatic or Water subtype, Swim Speed |
Arcane Collector | You have access to a limited number of arcane spells. | Occultist Implement class feature, Skill Focus (Knowledge [Arcana]) |
Arcane Dabbler | You add a cantrip and 1st level spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list to your own spell and spell known. | Caster Level 1st |
Arcane Metamagic | Gain slots usable for metamagic. | Any metamagic feat |
Arcane Swordsage | You gain a 1st level spell as a maneuver. | Must be able to initiate 1st level maneuvers. |
Arcanopath | As a psychic caster you may now take classes and feat intended for an arcane spellcaster. | Must be a psychic spellcaster |
Argent Aegis | Your astral construct forms about you, as a silvery sheath of protection. | Know the Astral Construct power. |
Argument by Poetic Language | Use Perform instead of Bluff, Diplomacy, and/or Intimidate. | Know at least one Eloquent Speech maneuver, or have 2 ranks in each of Perform (Act), Perform (Comedy), Perform (Oratory), and Perform (Sing) |
Art of Stealth | You use your Charisma instead of your Dexterity for stealth. | CHA 13+ |
Ascended Progression | You increase your effective spellcaster level for partial spellcasting class by 3 and gain full caster level progression. | Must have at least one level in a class granting partial spellcasting. |
Ascetic Juggernaut | Levels of Monk or Martial Artist stack with levels of Battle Juggernaut to determine Unarmed Strike damage and AC Bonus and Regeneration and Damage Reduction. | Flurry of Blows, Juggernaut Form |
Ascetic Priest | Level your unarmed strike damage and turn undead level at the same time. | Monk level 1st, Turn Undead |
Ascetic Savant | Monk and SwordsageToB levels stack for unarmed strike, speed bonus, quick to act. | Improved Unarmed Strike, ability to add your Wisdom bonus to AC in light armor. |
Ascetic Wilder | Become psionically focused as a move action, multiclass between Wilder and Monk | DEX 13, WIS 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Narrow Mind, manifester level 1st. |
Assassin Casting Greater | Gain spellcasting of 3rd level assassin spells. | Assassin Casting Least, Assassin Casting Lesser, Disguise 8 ranks, Hide 12 ranks, Move Silently 12 ranks, 10 HD |
Assassin Casting Least | Gain spellcasting of 1st level assassin spells. | Disguise 4 ranks, Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks, 6 HD |
Assassin Casting Lesser | Gain spellcasting of 2nd level assassin spells. | Assassin Casting Least, Disguise 6 ranks, Hide 10 ranks, Move Silently 10 ranks, 8 HD |
Assassin Casting Superior | Gain spellcasting of 4th level assassin spells. | Assassin Casting Least, Assassin Casting Lesser, Disguise 10 ranks, Hide 14 ranks, Move Silently 14 ranks, 12 HD, Assassin Casting Greater |
Assassinate | You can study a target to find its weak point before exploiting it to have a chance of immediately killing them. | Sneak Attack +3d6 |
Athletic, Balmz | Better version of athletic | Strength 13 |
Atlas Enhancement | You ioncrease the base score of ability score to 18 and gain greater | Autohypnosis 11 ranks, Hidden Potential |
Attenuation Attack | Your lethal attacks deal non lethal as well | Power Attack or Improved Unarmed Strike or Precise Shot, Strength 17, combat expertise, Improved Critical |
Attune Domain | You incorporate the workings of a divine domain into your magic. | Caster Level 1, Must follow a god or philosophy consistent with the chosen domain. |
Attune Sphere | You incorporate the workings of a fiendish sphere into your magic. | Caster level 1, must have bled from a wound inflicted by a fiend with access to the chosen sphere. |
Attune Sphere, Book of Elements | You incorporate the workings of an elemental sphere into your magic. | Caster level 1, must conduct a ritual using a piece of an elemental with access to the chosen sphere. |
Augment Sacrifice | Gate Knight sacrifices become more powerful, at a higher cost. | Least Sacrifices |
Augment Summoning, Variant | You summoned creatures are much more potent than normal. | Must be able to cast a [summoning] spell or effect. |
Augmented Thaumaturge | You gain access to, or further your development in a magical field. | None |
Aura Crush | You have a powerful aura which prevent lesser foes from attacking. | 12 HDs, Aura Pressure or Pressure |
Aura Pressure | Your imposing presence makes usage of limited-use abilities difficult. | 3 HD |
Automail Adaptation | You have adapted to your automail grafts, no longer taking penalties from it and benefiting from the strength of the machine. | Constitution 15, Must have received at least one automail graft |
Automated Hand | You can control mage hand with ease and use it defensively. | Major Hand |
Average Initiative | In an encounter with at least two other initiative rolls, you can always choose to go in the middle. | None |
Awesome Power Focus | Your power focus flaw turn into a boon somewhat. | 1st level only, must have the power focus flaw. |
Azure Sorcery | Learn the secrets of azure sorceries. | Caster 1st level, Knowledge (arcane) 1 rank and Knowledge (religion) 1 rank. |
Baast's Nimble Grace | Walk as a cat, jump as a cat, dance as a cat ! | Dex 15 |
Backstabbing Familiar | Your familiar possess the same amount of sneak attack damage as you do. | Familiar class feature or Obtain FamiliarCA feat, sneak attack +1d6 |
Bad Boss | You grant summoned allies, followers and cohort your betrayal feats as abettors. | One [Betrayal] feat |
Bad Touch Style | You can deliver abilities with a range of touch with an unarmed strike instead of a touch attack. | Improved Unarmed Strike or Slam Attack |
Baffling Bluffing | Your tricky words confound and bewilder your auditor | Bluff 4 ranks or Skill Focus (Bluff) |
Bag Full of Knick Knacks | You get an allowance each day used for pulling out just the item you need, up to a certain monetary value. | Appraise 3 ranks, Sleight of Hand 6 ranks |
Baneful Touch | You gain a touch attack which deal negative energy damage, and use it to channel strikes through it. | One Bone Crown maneuver |
Bardic Endeavor | You are more motivated by your own music than you motivate others. | Bardic Music class feature |
Bardic Overdrive | You can maintain tow performance at the same time, but doing so damage you and leaves you winded afterward. | Bardic Music, Perform 13 ranks |
Barracks Builder | You can build additional Monster Crafting vats outside of your Monster Control Vault. | Possess a Monster Control Vault |
Barrier | Put up a magical or Psionic barrier at the start of the day at the cost of spell slots or Power Points | Ability to Cast Spells or Psionic Powers |
Basic Hairstyle | Have a default hairstyle always present, though never as strong as the real deal. | Hairbinder 8th |
Batman In Plain Sight | You can hide in plain sight even when people are talking to you. | Hide in Plain Sight |
Beast Tamer | You scale your animal companion on your character level. | Ranger 5th, Animal Companion or Hunter's Bond class feature, must not have spellcasting |
Beauty Idol | Once per encounter as an immediate action, whenever you have successfully hit an opponent (even with just a touch attack) you can force a Will saving throw DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha modifier, or become fascinated for 1 round/level, or 1 round on a successful save. Also, things for pokemon contests. | Cha 13 |
Beauty Model | You are particularly comely, making quick friends and easily winning hearts. | Charisma 13+ |
Become Familiar | You gain a creature that considers you its familiar. Hilarity and plot hooks ensue. | Knowledge (Arcana) 4 ranks, arcane caster level 1st |
Begone, Fiend! | Your honor and faith are like a repulsive barrier against fiends. | Ability to Smite Evil or analogous ability, Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks. |
Behemoth Slayer | You apply your expertise at slaying giant to other very large creatures. | Favored Enemy (Giant) +4 |
Bewitched Summons | The creatures you summon are hexed and touched by witchcraft | Ability to cast spells. |
Biotic Dart | You can craft unique darts which inflict gradual hit point loss or heal allies. | Craft (Alchemy) 5 Ranks, Heal 5 Ranks |
Black Disciple | You may grant yourself a minor profane bonus to some action. | None |
Black Lotus Monk | You add your assassin prestige class level to your monk level for several class features. | Monk 1st, Death Attack class feature |
Black Magic | You opened yourself to heinous acts in the practice of magic | Ability to cast spells, any non-good alignment |
Blessed Refreshment | 1/day drink a holy water and treat it as a potion of cure light wounds. | None |
Blessed Summoning | You summon stronger celestial creatures. | Augment Summoning |
Block Evasion | You can evade blocks. | Character level 5 |
Blood Bank | You can make your banked life last. | Life Force class feature, maximum life force pool of at least 50 points, Bank Life class feature |
Blood Companion | Your bestial partner craves blood | Ability to summon a familiar, have an animal companion, or similar |
Blood Painter | By painting magical diagrams out of your own blood, you can spontaneously cast spells using only your own life energy. This is especial use to casters who prepare spells, or to casters who have run out of spells. | Caster Level 5, Spellcraft 4 ranks |
Blood Tracker | You know how to track wounded animals and beasts. | Track |
Blood Transfusion | You may heal others with your blood. | Staunch class ability |
Blood War Sorcerer | As a battle magician in the blood War, you’ve learned killing arts that would amaze common spellcasters. | Blood War Squaddie, caster level 5, must have fought in the Blood war for one year |
Blood War Squaddie | Due to your time during the Blood War, you’ve been tainted, honed, and hardened by the horrors you’ve seen. | Knowledge (The Planes) 2, must have fought in the Blood War for one year. |
Bloodcloud Bleeder | Clouds of Blood, ability to inflict Bleedout via feat or class feature | |
Bloodied Death Throes | Your death throes goes off at 1/2 hp, as well as when you die. | Con 15, Death Throes ability |
Bloodline | You manifest a minor bloodline. | None |
Bloodline Knight | You stack your eldritch knight and sorcerer level together for the purpose of your bloodline. | Combat Casting, Bloodline class ability |
Bloodline Soulsword | Your Eldritch Soulsword carries even greater power now. | Eldritch Soulsword |
Bloodline Spell Access | You gain access to bloodline spells. | Blood Arcanist or Eldritch Heritage feat |
Bloodline, Greater | Your bloodline reaches the pinnacle of its power. | None |
Bloodline, Improved | Your bloodline is improved. | None |
Bloody Path | Attack everyone in the way during a charge, bullrush, or when you move from your square. | Improved Overrun, Improved Bullrush, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise |
Blue Morphovore | You can take forms and use your other classes' features at the same time! | Shift Points Morphovore ability |
Blueflare Buster | You improve your flare buster abilities significantly. | Flare Buster +4d6 |
Body Linguist | Communicate without speaking, but only vague ideas and concepts. | Bluff 4 ranks or Perform 4 ranks |
Bolster Technique | You focus upon one of your techniques, allowing it to be far more effective than it was in the past. | None |
Bond of Murder | You have a telepathic bond with anyone you've killed or who has killed you. | None |
Bond of the Stone Rat | You can create a powerful petrifying poison. | Alchemical mastery, poison use class feature, craft (alchemy) 11 ranks. |
Bondage Specialist | Bondage Specialist | Intimidate 3 ranks, Use Rope Skill 3 ranks |
Bone Charmer | With some special techniques you manage to influence corporeal undead as you would with living beings | Ability to cast spells, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, Spell Focus (Enchantment) |
Bone Spear | This spell summons a long shaft of bone issuing forth from the caster and piercing any opponents in its path. | Teeth 3d4 |
Bone Spirit | This powerful spell briefly summons the spirit of a vengeful revenant. This skeletal specter immediately seeks out its objective, ripping free a portion of the target's soul and carrying it away to the plane of the dead. | Bone Spear, Teeth 7d4 |
Boneblade Master | You have mastered the alchemic processes needed to create boneblades, as well as their use in combat. | Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Craft (Scrimshaw) 4 ranks |
Bonus Power | Gain an extra power-spell. | Powerful Class Ability Level 3rd level (or higher) |
Bonus Spell Slot | You gain a bonus spell slot at the highest level you can cast. | Must have spellcasting. |
Boreal Invoker | You deal more cold damage and it debilitate your opponents. | None |
Born Cursed | You can reroll a d20, however you take a penalty each time you do so. | 1st Level Only |
Born Fiend | You count as an evil outside for the purpose of meeting prerequisites with some extras. | You may only take this feat at 1st level |
Born Hunter | You gain a variety of bonuses related to survival and nature, and gain the ability to track foes. | 1st Level Only |
Born Knight | You gain a bonus on several knightly skills and some armor proficiency. | 1st level only |
Born Psionic | Born with psychic potential, you gain power points as you level. | 1st level only. |
Born Scholar | You gain a +2 bonus on all knowledge checks, treat all of them as class skill and gain extra skill points to spend on knowledge skills. | 1st Level Only |
Born Sorcerer | Even if you never become a real sorcerer, the arcane talent remains yours. | 1st level only, Cha 15 |
Born Thief | You were born and raised as a thief and thus you have gained useful assorted skills. | 1st level only. |
Born Tinkerer | You gain a bonus when using the Craft (Technology), Disable Device and Knowledge (Engineering) skills. | 1st Level Only, INT 13 |
Born Tough | You're built like a wall, it takes ages to make you fall. | 1st level only, Constitution 13, Base Fortitude Save +2 |
Born Wizard | Even if you never become a real wizard, the arcane talent remains yours. | 1st level only, Int 15 |
Bottoms Up | You know how to chug! Drink as a move action, or later as a swift action. | Con 13 |
Bound Serpent | You have a small fiendish viper grafter to your arm, and you may attack with it. | Evil alignment, Graft FleshEE or the ability to cast lesser planar binding (or planar binding). |
Brainwashing Mindbreaker | You dominate those you mindbreak, and if it would render them insane you seize control of their mind. | Gaze of Madness, Character Level 7th |
Branching School Magic | A class feature that applies to a single school of magic now applies to another. | Spell Focus |
Brawler Barbarian | You are a brawler and a barbarian. | Barbarian 1st, Improved Unarmed Strike |
Breaching Blow | Breach enemy armor | Strength 13, Constitution 12, BAB 6+ |
Broaden Spellcasting | You add spells from another spell list to your own spell list. | Able to cast spells. |
Broker of the Infernal | Due to the study of the Infernal laws, you have learned to harness the powers of True Names in your summoning magic. | Knowledge (The Planes) 10, must be able to cast a spell of the [Calling] subtype |
Brute Force Programming | Use Strength for programming instead... it just takes you a long time. | 1 rank in Program. |
Bundle of Terror | Despite being smaller than most people, you don't have a hard time intimidating those larger than you. | Intimidate 3 ranks. |
Burst of Speed | A better, more useful version of the Run feats. | Character level 6th |
Caffeine Boost | You can use caffeine to resist sleep deprivation better than most. | None |
Calligraphy | Your writing is exquisite to look at. | None |
Cantrip Grand Master | You gain all 0th level spells as spells known and can spontaneously cast them if you're a prepared caster. | Cantrip Master |
Cantrip Master | You gain all 0th level spells as part of your class spell list. | 0th level spellcasting |
Cantrip Training | Gain cantrips for a partial spellcasting class without them. | At least 1 level in a spellcasting class without 0th level spells. |
Cantrips Mastery | Minor magic is second nature to you. | Ability to cast spells with preparation. |
Captivating Performance | You may target only a single creature when using your fascinate bardic music, but at an increased DC and harder to break. | Fascinate bardic music, Perform 7 ranks |
Caravaneer | You embraced a nomad lifestyle without leaving behind your adorate farm | Battle Rancher 8th Level |
Careful Observation | Use your Intelligence modifier on perception-based checks. | Int 13 |
Careful Somatic Casting | You can ignore arcane spell failure, at the cost of increased casting time. | None |
Cartographer | As you travel the world, you study the whole geography of landscapes that you walk through. | Favorite Landscape, Knowledge (geography) 8 ranks |
Cast Blood Rune | Cast a spell without using a spell slot or spell per day, but at the cost of time and constitution burn. | Caster Level 5, Spellcraft 4 ranks |
Caster Focus | Choose a class which does not give full casting progression (or none at all), it now gives full or partial progression... for caster level at least. | Caster Level 5th |
Casting Conservation | Arcane spell failure causes you to only lose actions, not spells. | None |
Casual Stealth | You can fade into the crowd, allowing you to use stealth without concealment in certain situation. | Disguise 1 Ranks, Hide and Move Silently 4 Ranks |
Cataclysmic Tantrum | Barbarian's Rage or Concentration 4 ranks | |
Catastrophic Cacophony | Your sonic abilities echoes with the power of pandemonium. | None |
Catfall | You can survive falls from a large distance. | Base Reflex Save +2, Dex 13 |
Caustic Invoker | You deal more acid damage and it debilitate your opponents. | None |
Celestial Ancestry | One of your recent ancestors mated with a celestial creature, and now the blood of some Upper Planar creature flows in your veins. This gives you some benefits. | None |
Centered Mind | None | |
Cerebral Kineticist | You base your pyrokineticist class feature on intelligence instead of charisma and can shape some of your blast. | 1st Level Pyrokineticist (or Pyropsyche) |
Champion's Guidance | You are able to communicate with past divine champions, gaining their insight. | Divine Champion |
Changeling Blooded | You gain the minor change shape ability that is possessed by changelings. | 1st level only |
Channel Ghostflame | Turn possessed creatures or damage the possessing spirit. | Ghostflame Exorcism, Turn/Rebuke Undead feature or Channel Energy feature. |
Channeled Eldritch Blast | You have learned to charge your Eldritch Blast to greater effect. | Eldritch Blast +1d6 |
Channeling Opportunity | You gain the ability to use arcane channeling on AoOs. | Arcane Channeling class feature, Combat Reflexes |
Chaos Warp | You can step through reality into another, but you do so at your own risk... | Caster level 10th, Knowledge (The Planes) 8 ranks, Cha 13 |
Charged Item Specialist | Get extra uses out of a single chosen magic item per day. | Use Magic Device 5 Ranks |
Charged Item Training | Get extra charges out of daily charged items. | Use Magic Device 5 Ranks |
Charged Mystic Bolt | You deal higher damage with your mystic bolt, but it decreases after multiple attacks. | Mystic Bolt class feature |
Charismatic Prodigy | Your force of personality is far stronger than it ought to be, allowing you to activate your abilities to greater effect | None |
Charismatic Truespeak | Use Charisma instead of Intelligence for truespeak. | Truespeak 4 Ranks |
Charlotte's Tongue | Speak with a kind of vermin. | None |
Child Necromancer | An obsession with death and experimentation with necromancy early in your childhood perverted your body and blossoming magical talent. As a result, your body never aged past childhood, and you are an adult in a child’s body, magically powerful but physically weak. | Caster Level 1+, Must know at least one necromancy spell of each level you can cast |
Child of Night | Gives blur when not in full daylight. | Character level 5th |
Childhood Training | You gain the benefits of various low feats. | 1st level only |
Chilling Performance | Literally chill foes with your performance | Bardic music ability, know two spells that deal cold damage, perform 15 ranks |
Chthonic Grip | You can initiate grapples with your Chthonic Serpent weapons. | Blade Meditation (Chthonic Serpent), Any two of Binding Constrictor, Boa Strike, Choking Python, or Anaconda Crush |
Clarity Through Violence | When confused, all results are "attack". | None |
Class Proficiency | You gain proficiency of another class. | None |
Clear the Way | Your allies may count the space you occupy as unoccupied. You may even share the same space as them. | Escape Artist 2 ranks. |
Cleave, Grimoire | You may make a cleaving strike upon dropping a foe, and it may be just as strong as your last hit. | None |
Cloaked Glide | Descend safely with the aid of your cloak. | Corkscrew Fall, Tumble 6 ranks |
Clumsy Dodge | You're so clumsy that you accidentally dodge out of the way when caught unaware. | Dexterity 9 or lower. |
Cold Manipulation | You gain three special maneuvers related to your ability to manipulate ice and cold. | Cryokinesis or Greater Cold FocusFrostburn |
Colourful Flag, Improved | Improvements to numeric effects of Colourful Flag. | Colourful Flag, 3th level. |
Combat Crafter | You make things fast enough to do it in combat. | Possess a Total Gadget Value score greater than 0. |
Combat Healer | Spend Lay on Hands to increase healing from a Devoted Spirit maneuver. | Lay on hands (or similar ability), one Devoted Spirit maneuver that heals hit point damage. |
Combat Performance | You can fight and perform at the same time. | Bardic Music or Bardic Performance |
Combat Rogue | You gain additional hit point per rogue level and improved proficiencies. | Rogue 1st |
Combustible Spell | Always set fire to foes | Spellcraft 12 ranks, 4 fire spells known, caster ability score 15 |
Commodore | Being in charge of one ship makes you a Captain. You have several. | Airship Pilot 2nd level |
Commoner Authority | Commoners are initially helpful toward you. | Cha 13 |
Communicator | You can communicate in short sentences with any creature of at least Int 3. | Speak Language 2 ranks |
Compact Size | You are smaller than normal for your race, but your more compact form make up for the loss or reach with increased strength and stoutness. | 1st Level Only, Large Size or Larger |
Competent Blacksmith | You are a great blacksmith. | None |
Competent Healer | You are a great healer. | None |
Competent Musician | You are a great musician. | None |
Competent Patrolman | You gain a bonus to listen and survival checks. | None |
Competent Sailor | You are a great sailor. | None |
Competent Scholar | You are a great scholar. | None |
Condition Resistance | Choose a condition for which you become more resistant. | Must have a Constitution score |
Conduit of Energy | You are closely attuned to an energy type. | None |
Conniving Manipulator | You may use your Intelligence and bluff check and gain a bonus on 'evil' lies. | Bluff 1 Ranks |
Conspiracy Hound | You gain a bonus on many investigative skills and additional skill points to spend on them. | None |
Construct Companion | Your familiar or animal companion is now a construct. | Craft Construct or Knowledge Engineering 4 ranks |
Construct Toughness | You are much tougher than most living construct, your body also persist after your destruction. | Construct |
Consumer | Gain additional funds specifically for consumable goods. | None |
Contagious Aura of Success | Your contagious success rubs off in an aura. | Cha 13, Contagious Success |
Contagious Evasion | Provide Evasion to nearby allies. | Cha 13, Contagious Success, Evasion |
Contagious Mettle | Provide Mettle to nearby allies. | Cha 13, Contagious Success, Mettle |
Contagious Success | Assist others on simultaneous saves. | Cha 13 |
Controlled Spell Immunity | Allows a character to temporarily suppress their Spell Immunity. | Spell Immunity (as a spell, racial trait, or class feature) |
Controlled Touch | You can control your power enough not to kill allies you touch. | Must have the spirit thief template. |
Cool Idol | Once per encounter as an immediate action, you can add your Charisma modifier to your attack roll and damage. Also, things for pokemon contests. | Cha 13 |
Cooperative Summoner | Allows Tome Warlocks, Summoners and anyone else with the Summon ability to summon from a larger pool | A class feature that allows non-spell-based summoning such as Summon or Call Fiends, must be a material plane native with no [Extraplanar] subtype |
Copy Eye | You can copy maneuver you see other initiator initiates. | One Doppelganger's Shadow, Martial Lore 4 Ranks |
Copypasta | When you attack, you move your arms in overly symetric patterns. | BAB +6 |
Corded steel muscles | Your immense muscle strength grants you natural armor, absorbing blows as well as armor does. | Strength 15, Toughness |
Coronach Song | Destroy the undead with a song, kill the dying | Perform 13 ranks, bardic music class feature, Charisma 15 |
Corpse Knight | Your corpse companion gains proficiencies in heavier armor and shields. | Corpse companion class feature, Dark Minion |
Covenant of the Warp | Your essence is tied to a strange energy called 'the warp' which give you amazing inate abilities but you are unable to use magic items. | None |
Cover Weakness | Increase an ability score by +1, to a maximum of a score of 11. | An ability score less than 11. |
Crab Dance | New movement option that makes you look like a crab. | BAB +1, Perform (dance) 6 ranks |
Crackling Invoker | You deal more electricity damage and it can cause your opponent to become overcharged. | None |
Craft of the Soulstealer | By studying stolen souls, you have learned to fully tap their power for your magical creations. | Three or more item creation feats, caster level 6 |
Create Language | You create a new language and can teach it to others. | Speak Language 8 ranks, Decipher Script 4 ranks |
Create More Water | Create more water, with utility and combat power. | Ability to cast create water as spell or spell-like ability |
Cremation | You increase the DC of fire spell by 1 and you use your fire spells to incinerate your foes. | Must be capable of casting 1st level [fire] spell or higher. |
Critical Care | Raise the recently dead with Heal. | Medical Knowledge, Heal 8 ranks |
Critical Strike Mastery | Your critical hits never have to be confirmed and you can never critically fail on an attack roll (EX: a 1 or 2 on the die roll is treated as such and is not a critical fail chance.) | Crit Fisher, Power Critical, Savage Critical, Improved Critical, Greater Critical, Base Attack Bonus +20 |
Crowded Vessel | You gain slippery mind against possession effect and a bonus on re-rolls. | Phantom, possessed bloodline or spirit class feature, phantom blade, possessed oracle's curse |
Cruel Fate | Your Lucky One Luck Bonus can be turned upon your enemies, making them fail miserably. | Luck Bonus +1 |
Cruising Altitude | When you fly overland at an altitude of 5000 ft or more, you can go really fast. | Fly speed |
Cryokinesis | You deal extra damage with cold spells and can create ice on command. | Able to use psychic magic or psionic powers, must know one [cold] spell or power |
Cryokinesis, Advanced | You can manipulate ice and snow through telekinesis and have more potent [cold] abilities. | Cryokinesis |
Cryokinetic Skating | You gain the ability to skate on ice you create, which allows you to move over liquid and vertical surfaces. | Cryokinesis |
Cull Life | Gain life force from healing potions | Life Force class feature, maximum life force pool of at least 40 points |
Cunning Deceiver | You gain a bonus on Bluff, Disguise and Forgery checks, and may use your Intelligence instead of Charisma when using them. | Bluff 4 Ranks |
Cure Time | Use positive energy to rewind age. | Life Force class feature, maximum life force pool of at least 150 points |
Cursed Bloodline | You gain damage reduction 2/good and can take [vile] feats even if nonevil, you gain more benefits if you are evil. | 1st level only |
Cute Idol | Once per encounter as an immediate action, you can add your Charisma modifier to your saving throws against one effect. Also, things for pokemon contests. | Cha 13 |
Cyborg | You gain the ability to install warforged components, qualify for warforged feat and are more resilient. | Must be a living corporeal creature. |
Dabbler | Your studies let you dabble in powers you would not normally possess. | 3rd level character |
Dabbling Warlock | You have limited use of a single least or lesser invocation. | Spellcraft 4 Ranks |
Daily Expert | Once a day you pick up a random new exciting thing to specialize in. | Int 13 |
Dampen Affliction | When afflicted by a few of the more crippling status effects, you can choose to take on a different effect instead. | Con 13, Endurance |
Dance Everywhere | When you go places, you dance. | 1 rank Perform Dance |
Dance of the Dead | Make undead dance to your bardic music, thus eliminating the threat for now. | Bardic Music (Suggestion), Knowledge Religion 5 ranks |
Dancer of the Mirage | Confuse and hypnotize enemies with your dance. | Fascinate feature, Perform (dance) 8 ranks |
Dancing Blossom Stance | Monks fly through the air as if on wires, balance on a single mote of dust, and walk on water. | Monk 4th, Balance 7 ranks |
Dancing Wizard | You dance like the rest of them (breastplate provides arcane spell failure), only more competently. | Ability to cast arcane spells. |
Dancing and Stabbing Wizard | The fluidity of your murderous stabs blend with the somatic components of your spells so well, it's like you've choreographed it. | Dancing Wizard |
Danger Intuition | Due to your senses, overall intuition, or just plain luck, foes seem to be unable to catch you unaware. | None |
Daring Step | As a swift action you may move to an adjacent square. This provoke an attack of opportunity. | None |
Daring Swordsman | Swashbuckler and warblade levels stack for initiator level and grace. | Battle clarity, grace +1. |
Dark Arts | Your magic comes from powers from deep below, malignant and horrible | Ability to cast spells, any evil alignment, Black Magic |
Dark Atoner | You retain all class features of an evil paladin while good or neutral aligned. | AntipaladinPathfinder, Black Knight, Blackguard or Paladin of Slaughter/Tyranny 1st, Non-Evil Alignment |
Dark Awareness | Removes the need for sleep, keeps you aware when unconscious. | Character level 3rd |
Dark Brand | You have been branded by a dark god or fiend, gaining some of their power. | Any evil alignment. |
Dark Hand | You enhance one of your hand with a dark power, granting you dire abilities. | Must be able to use a Undead Touch Attack or cast vampiric touch |
Dark Knowledge | You know things, and have been exposed to dark insight. This helps you against the horrors from beyond time and space. | Int 13 or Wis 13 or Cha 13 |
Dark Masquerade | You radiate an aura of good and do not detect as evil. | Aura of Evil |
Dark Minion | Your corpse companion improves as an animal companion and gain multiple proficiencies. | Corpse companion class feature |
Dark Minion Summoner | You are able to summon minions for the cause of darkness. | Blackguard or AntipaladinPathfinder |
Dark Soul | You gain many traits of the undead but can never become one. | Tomb-Tainted SoulLbM |
Darker Powers | You inflict more madness and may inflict a much more insidious form of madness. | Dark Insight Score, must possess the ability to inflict madness. |
Darklurker | Evade magical detection within shadows. | DarkstalkerLoM, Hide 13 ranks |
Darkvolt Warlock | Your eldritch blast is imbued with the power of lightning. | Eldritch Blast 1d6 |
Deacon | You gain bonuses associated with your faith. | Knowledge (Religion) 4 Ranks |
Deadly Blast | Reroll 1s on Eldritch Blast | Dex 15, Eldritch Blast 4d6 |
Deadly Riposte | You have trained extensively in exploiting an ineffective enemies opening in combat. | Dodge, Improved Initiative, Death Blow, Tumble 5 ranks, Escape Artist 5 ranks |
Deadtouched | You count as an undead for the purpose of prerequisites, gain a +1 natural bonus to AC and reduce precision damages. | Tomb-Tainted SoulLM feat or otherwise healed by negative energy |
Deafening Song-CE | Use bardic music to render your opponents deaf. | Perform 6 ranks, bardic music class feature |
Deathvow Druid | Gain access to necromancy spells on your druid list, instead of animal spells. | Must be able to cast druid spells, non-good alignment |
Declare Smite | You declare you intention to smite, causing evil to experience true fear. | Ability to use Smite Evil or a similar ability |
Deep Bloodline | You gain a mutated bloodline associated with your bloodline. | Sorcerer 1st, must not have the crossblooded archetype |
Deep Divination | You have have the ability to dig deeper than normal with your divination. | Must be able to cast augury or divination or their psionic equivalent. |
Deep Freeze | You deal more cold damage than normal and cause creatures to freeze. | None |
Defensive Roll | You are especially quick, and can dodge blows that would kill another person. | Reflex +6, Dexterity 15 |
Definitive Disassembly | You can destroy a machine with a single, precise blow. | Knowledge (Engineering) 11 Ranks |
Delving Trickster | You gain extra delving tricks, for maximal trickery. | Delving Trick class feature. |
Demonologist | You gain a +2 bonus on knowledge checks related to demons and other chaotic evil outsiders, and bind them to your service easier. | Knowledge (The Planes) 4 Ranks |
Desert Dweller | You are protected against intense heat. | 1st level Only |
Desert Shamanism | Your spells are more powerful when casted in deserted environments. | Ability to cast spells, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks. |
Desperate Spell | When you are pushed, you are able to cast a powerful and extremely quick damaging spell. | Spell Focus (Evocation) |
Destiny By Design | You know how to stack destiny's deck. | Hexblade's Curse, must not have any luck feats. |
Destroyer's Palm | You can destroy the body of defeated opponents, bypass regeneration and | Monk 15th, Stunning Fist |
Device Knowledge | You know your way with all things mechanical. | None |
Devil Preparation | By learning dark culinary techniques, you have learned to consume the flesh of devils, demons, and other infernals, absorbing their taint and some of their power. | Character Level 10, Must have eaten the flesh of a Devil or Demon |
Devilbond Pyromancer | You are a pyromaniac with sinister power. | Capable of using least ignitions, must not have the fire-bound warlock feat. |
Devoted Arrow | When using devoted spirit, you can heal people with ranged attacks. | Precise Shot, Must be able to initiate Devoted Spirit that heal yourself or allies (such as Crusader's Strike or the Martial Spirit stance). |
Devoted Templar | Crusader and paladin levels stack for initiator level and smite damage. | Divine grace, steely resolve. |
Dexterous | You have figured out how to use tools and weapons despite the lack of specialized tool using hands or appendages. | Inhuman form, or otherwise lacking tool-using hands or appendages. |
Dexterous Fortitude-CE | Use your slippery mind class feature on Fortitude saves. | Dex 20, Slippery mind class feature. |
Dexterous Will-CE | Use your slippery mind class feature on Will saves. | Dex 20, Slippery mind class feature. |
Dimensional Body Storage | If you have an artificial body part, or are artificial already, you gain the ability to store and use arm or handheld items within. | Construct or otherwise possessing at least one artificial body part (such as by a graft) |
Dire Vim | When very low on health, hit harder | Danger Vim, 18 constitution, 18 strength or dexterity |
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap | You can offer a discount on your Deeds since you get to do so many. | Ability to do at least 10 Deeds per day |
Disciple of the Ram | You are highly proficient in the use of the ring of the ram, and may even craft those rings. | Caster Level 3rd or 6 ranks in Use Magic Device |
Disciplined Talent | You have the ability to manifest discipline powers. | 1st level only |
Disdain of the Judicator | Deal more damage and more efficiently against criminals | Knowledge (local) 4 ranks |
Disgruntled Smite | You no longer base your smite off your Charisma, and gain an additional use of it per day. | Smite Evil (or variant) 1/day |
Disguise Preparation | Your disguises work better with assistance. | 6 ranks Disguise |
Disguised Character | You are two persons in one body | Character Level 15, Disguise 19 ranks or the ability to transform in another form, Disguised Class. |
Disguised Class | Switch between different sets of classes | Character Level 10, Disguise 14 ranks or the ability to transform in another form, Disguised Feats. |
Disguised Feats | As a second identity or an additional style, you gain two sets of feats | Character Level 6, Disguise 10 ranks or the ability to transform in another form. |
Dismiss Casting | Any spell you cast can be dismissed, and you can dismiss as a move action. | None |
Dismiss the Unreal | You are so perceptive you can almost always see through illusion. | Spot or listen 15 ranks, Skill Focus (Spot or Listen), Base will bonus +7 |
Disobedient Psyche | Resist mental influence at the cost of taking Wisdom damage. | None |
Disruptive Smite | You hold a particular hatred for undead. | Ability to Smite Evil or analogous ability, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks. |
Dissolve | Your acid spells and abilities are much more effective. | None |
Distracting Butt | Your butt is distracting. Others have problems flanking you. | Dexterity or Charisma 13+ |
Dive Drive | A feat for King of Racers that allows your astral car to swim, and protect its users while swimming. | Astral Car class feature, All Terrain Wheels, 10 HD |
Divergent Traditions | You choose a class and alter one of its key ability scores. | 1st level only |
Divetongue Casting | Those who speak Divetongue can vocalize, but not cast, underwater. This feat allows Divetongue to be the vocal components for spells, and thus permit underwater casting. | Ability to speak Divetongue, (Primary Casting Score) 13 |
Divine Arcanist | you have been blessed by your divinity with the power to pull directly from the sunlight or the stars pure arcana magic, through your divine abilities | Level 1 of the launcher, devotee of a deity with the dominion of the sun |
Divine Champion | You are the chosen one of a deity, gaining the ability to call upon your patron's power and being generally more attuned to your deity's portfolio. | True BelieverMiC |
Divine Cohort | You have a spiritual bond with a extraplanar animal, and your deity allows you to call it to your side. | Must select a devoted alignment, able to cast divine spells |
Dodge Improved | You are adept at dodging blows and you improve your dodging skills with time. | Dexterity 13 |
Dodge, Balmz | Dodge danger better. | Dexterity 13 |
Dodge, Codex | You are good moving out of the way. | Dexterity 13 or Bab +1 |
Dolor Empower | sacrifice your health for the ability to break through enemy defenses | eldritch blast class feature, ability to use invocations, charisma 16 |
Dominating Ego | When it comes to ego battles, you always come out on top. | Base Will +5 |
Dominions of the Infernal | When you call, armies of those you have defeated are forced to answer in service. | Must have the signature summon ability of the great Fiendish Houses, must have a Leadership score |
Don't Shoot the Pianist! | Dance around all the projectiles, weapons and spells, while keeping the music going. | Bardic Music class feature or equivalent, Dodge or equivalent, Perform 4 ranks |
Dork of Unrelated Interest | You know a lot of stuff, sadly most of it is practically useless. | None |
Drag and Push | You are very good at moving things around. | Str 13 |
Dragonblood Progeny | You have extremely potent dragonblood in your veins. | 1st level Only |
Dragonscales Monk | Your ki is drawn from the blood of dragon, granting you multiple draconic monk abilities. | Dragonblood Subtype, Monk's AC Bonus |
Dramatic Performance | You have special effects. | Perform 2 ranks |
Dreadful Reproach | When reproaching your enemies you instill true fear into their hearts | Ability to Reproach Infidelds, Character Level 6th |
Dreamtouched Summons | Pull your summoned creatures directly from your dreams | Ability to cast spells. |
Drill Drive | A feat for King of Racers that allows your astral car to burrow, and deal piercing damage on their slam attack. | Astral Car class feature, All Terrain Wheels, 12 HD |
Drink Life a Dwarf | Take fewer penalties for drinking. | Drunken Master Level 1, Con 20, ECL 15 |
Drink Mixer | You can mix drink with great talents. | Profession (Bartender) 4 Ranks |
Drone Controller | You gaina drone familiar and are adept at controlling drones from afar. | Knowledge (Engineering) 4 ranks, Program 4 ranks |
Drone Expert | You can enhance any drone in your possession to be like your drone familiar. | Drone Controller |
Drop Dead | You can drop dead whenever you want! | Must be alive. |
Druid of the Anima | Unlike your more mundane brethren, who seek the company of animals and lesser beasts, you have taken to grander fare, and seek the partnership of magical beasts. | Druid level 1. |
Druid of the Gate | Unlike your calmer brethren, who seek the company of terrestrial animals and others found on the material vein, you have broken away and sought out the company of angels and demons themselves: outsiders. | Druid level 1. |
Druid of the Material | Unlike your life-minded brethren, who find interest in the living, breathing animals and plants of the world, you have turned to more basic things, and now find yourself in the company of elementals. | Druid level 1. |
Druid of the Strange | Unlike your more mundane brethren, who seek to surround themselves with animals and other creatures of the normal world, you have turned your eyes to less sane fare, and seek to plunge yourself amongst the aberrations of the world. | Druid level 4. |
Dual Origin | You have access to a secondary Bloodline or Mystery. | 1st Level, must have Access to a Bloodline or Mystery |
Dual Patron | You can pick spells from an another patron. | Patron class feature |
Dual Providence | You are able to channel positive and negative energy with equal proficiency. | Able to spontaneously cure or inflict. Any neutral alignment. |
Dynamic Potential | Your save DCs grow with your level. | None |
Ear Worm | You have a memetic trap in your mind, activated whenever someone tries to get in your head. | None |
Easy A | Its just that easy. | Playing Safe is Playing Smart |
Echolocation | Like a bat, blind you are not. | Sonar |
Edgewalker | When you use Rift Slash to teleport, you can harm all creatures between point A and point B. | Rift Slash class feature, Knowledge (The Planes) 5 ranks |
Effect Extension | You can extend almost any effect that come upon you. | None |
Efficient Casting | When you cast spell there is a chance you don't use the spell slot. | Must be able to cast spells. |
Efficient Corpsecrafting | Other necromancers are so wasteful. You know how to raise the dead on the cheap. | CorpsecrafterLM |
Efficient Item Creation-CE | You craft in an absurdly short time, and can do it without any tools. | Caster level 9th, one item creation feat |
Efficient Ki Consumption | Your seals use less ki than normal. | Must be able to use 3rd level Kuji-in Seals |
Efficient Monster Crafter | You make Monsters more cheaply than normal. | Possess a Monster Control Vault |
Eidolon Idolater | You have access to multiple eidolon instead of a single eidolon. | Eidolon Class Feature, Character Level 1st |
Elastic | You are so flexible, that you are comparable to rubber. | Dexterity 21, Escape Artist 7 ranks, Jump 7 ranks |
Eldritch Apotheosis | Your invocations become supernatural abilities. | 8 invocations known, Charisma 17, Spellcraft 12 ranks, Eldritch Blast 7d6 |
Eldritch Blood | The power of warlocks boils within your blood and soul, giving stronger than normal magic powers. | Warlock level 1st |
Eldritch Break | Your ray spells carry extra power in them, allowing you to break through enemy resistance more easily. | Eldritch Blood, CL 9th |
Eldritch Cleaver | Attack another enemy with your blast | eldritch blast 2d6 |
Eldritch Flurry | Your ability to fire eldritch blasts increases, allowing you rapid fire. | Base attack bonus +6, Eldritch Glaive, Eldritch Blood |
Eldritch Mixer | You can mix up various essences into your eldritch blast. | Access Lesser Invocation and at least two Least Eldritch Essences |
Eldritch Power | Your power over eldritch magic manifests in additional power for your rays. | Eldritch Blood |
Eldritch Skin | Your damage reduction increases, now empowered with the energy of magic. | Eldritch Blood |
Eldritch Soulsword | You can shape a piece of your soul into a powerful weapon. | Eldritch Blast +1d6 |
Eldritch Wizard | Gain the eldritch blast ability of a Warlock, but lose access to evocation spells. | Must be able to prepare evocation spells. |
Electric Torture | You're particularly good at making people faint from the pain when you electrocute them, with no permanent physical damage. | Non-Lethal Lightning |
Electrical Torment | Your lightning is extremely painful and can be used in excruciating but nonlethal bursts. | Must be able to cast a spell or spell-like ability (or manifest a power or psi-like ability) with [electricity] descriptor of 2nd level or higher. |
Electrocute | You deal more electricity damage than normal and cause jittering and paralysis in enemies. | None |
Element-Binding Craft | You have found the secrets to force an elemental into a magic item and steal its power. | Three or more Item Creation feats, ability to cast Lesser Planar Binding. |
Elemental Binding | Conjure evocation spells through summoned creatures instead of the traditional way | Ability to cast spells, Knowledge (the plane) 4 ranks, Spell Focus (Conjuration) |
Elemental Blood | You have the blood of an elemental, allowing you to augment your powers with the elements. | None |
Elemental Focus, Alternate | You gain a +1 bonus on caster level and Spell DC with an esoteric element rather than a school of magic, and gain the ability to specialize further with it. | None |
Elemental Mastery | Choose an elemental or energy descriptor, spells of the matching descriptor are improved. | None |
Elemental Surge | You can attune yourself to the elements, allowing you to empower your elemental spells. | Must be able to cast a 1st level spell or spell-like ability. |
Elven Trance | You've learned how to trance like the elves. | Ability to sleep |
Emergency Reinvoke | Invoke immediately after invocation wears off | Able to invoke invocations |
Enchanted Familiar | Your magical power divided with your assistant changes it. | The ability to summon a familiar, Knowledge (Arcana) 10 |
Enchanted Roses | You can create special roses and use them as weapons, or give them to members of your preferred gender. | Ability to cast plant growth as a spell, spell-like or supernatural ability. |
Endless Life | Fast healing based on remaining life force | Life Force class feature, maximum life force pool of at least 100 points |
Enduring Tether | Your phantom is sent back to your consciousness instead of being banished to the ethereal plane and slowly healed while harbored in your consciousness. | Phantom and Etheric Tether class feature |
Enduring Toughness | You gain additional hit points and can take more damage before dying. | Endurance |
Enduring Willpower | The power of your will shall let you continue the fight longer. | Diehard |
Energy Potency | You are particularly potent with one type of energy. | None |
Energy Substitute Spell-Like Ability | Energy Substitution for spell-like abilities. | Spell-like ability at caster level 4th or higher. |
Enfeebling Charm | Weaken foes resolve your charm | Charisma 15, spellcraft 12 ranks, ability to cast any charm spell or spell-like ability, diplomacy 10 ranks |
Enhance Weapon-Like | Enhance a single ability as though it were a manufactured weapon. | None |
Enhanced Ki Pool | You have a natural affinity to using ki which allows you to harness of of you inner power than others. | 5th level Saiyan Warrior |
Enlarge Psychic Knife | your psychic knife becomes bigger and stronger, allowing for power attacks and such. | Strength 13, Wisdom 15, psychic knife class feature, BAB +1 |
Enrage | Enrage your enemies with taunts and intimidation. | Bluff or Intimidate 4 ranks. |
Entangling Hair | Entangle creatures struck with your hair lash, and hog tie them easily. | Hairbinder 4th or BAB +4, Use Rope 7 ranks |
Epic Endurance-CE | You are a tireless worker. | 6 HD, Con 20, Endurance |
Epic Reputation-CE | You gain a +4 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks. | 6 HD, Cha 13 |
Epic Trapfinding-CE | Search for traps without actively needing to search. | Search 12 ranks, trapfinding |
Eschew Materials, Alternative | A stronger form of eschew materials. | Caster level 1st |
Esoteric Multiclasser | You multiclass between classes like a lunatic. | None |
Esurience | Take penalties to starvation checks for more damage | Must be required to eat and be able to eat, sneak attack class feature |
Eternal Shikai | Though sheer spiritual pressure, a harmonic connection, or other feat, it seems that you are always in shikai state even when relaxed. | Must have Shikai class ability. |
Euthanize | With special cares, such as poison, needles or similar method. You may peacefully kill a helpless creature. | Base Attack Bonus +4. |
Evil Ghost Possession | You are able to turn enchantment (compulsion) spells you cast into necromancy spells. | Must be able to cast a Enchantment (Compulsion) spell of 1st level or higher |
Evil Spirit Hunter | You extended the list of creature you hunt to fey and evil outsider. | Ghost-Hunting Technique or Favored Enemy (Undead) |
Evocation Specialist | Spell Focus (Evocation) | |
Evolving Sorcerous Lore | When you learn a spell you learn all other version of that spell. | Must be able to cast spells spontaneously. |
Excellent Trainee | You train extremely hard to develop your skills, and it's paid off in a big way. | Intelligence 14 |
Exceptional Trainee | You are utterly awesome at developing your skills. | Intelligence 17, Excellent Trainee, at least one Skill Focus feat |
Executioner's Strike | You can outright slay foes who are unaware of your presence. | Sneak Attack +1d6, Telling Blow feat, Hide 6 ranks. |
Exotic Broaden Spellcasting | You can select spells from weird spell lists. | Broaden Spellcasting |
Exotic Companion | Your animal companion can now be just about anything. | Beastmaster class feature. |
Expand Astral Car | A feat for King of Racers that allows your astral car to hold multiple people or additional carrying capacity. | Astral Car class feature |
Expanded Armored Ability | An ability which can only be done in certain armor types (such as a rogue's evasion or a bard's spellcasting can now be done in any armor you are proficient with. | None |
Expanded Ki Pool | You increase the amount of ki in you ki pool by half your class level. | Shinobi 1st |
Expanded Learning | People of your profession generally know one or two extra spells that they have personally researched, you are like these people, except for the fact that you know more than one or two. | 1st level in a class that grants the Advanced Learning class features. |
Expanded Lexicon | You learn another truespeech phrase. | Truespeech class feature |
Expanded Spellcasting | Once you reach the "end" of your spellcasting progression, your available spell slots or spells per day continue to increase. | Appropriate spellcasting ability score 15+ |
Expeditious Dodge Improved | You're good at avoiding attacks while moving quickly and you improve your dodging skills with time. | Dexterity 13 |
Expendable Familiar | The loss of your familiar does not cause you substantial hardship. | Summon Familiar |
Experienced | You gain more XP from your adventures | Int 11+ |
Expert Crawler | You can move and fight better while prone. | None |
Expert Initiator | Your are very good at doing maneuvers, your constant practiced allowed you to keep up and even allow you to recover one manuever extremely quickly once per day. | Practiced Initiator |
Expert Learning | You are a master of many skills, which need not be in your field. | 1st level only, Int 13 |
Expert Soul Binder | Increase your soul binding ability further than practiced soul binder. | Practiced Soul Binder |
Expert Spellcaster | You cast almost like a full wizard, you even get a few more spell slots. | Practiced SpellcasterCA |
Explosive Eldrich Blast | Your Eldrich Blasts can deal an unlimited amount of damage. | Eldrich Blast +5d6 |
Expose Weakness | Your opening blow opens the way for additional strikes to deal great damage. | Sneak Attack +1d6 |
Extended Familiar | The range your familiar, homunculus, or animal companion benefits is increased x10, plus other minor bonuses. | Possess a familiar, animal companion, special mount, or homunculus. |
Extended Mimicry | Cunning Brilliance or Mutable Class abilities last longer. | Cunning Brilliance (Factotum), Mutable Class (Proteus), or similar. |
Extra Armor Augment | You gain additional armor augment, however it only function for a single psychic armor type. | Psychic Armor Ability |
Extra Body Slot | You gain a floating body slot which you can bind magic items to. | None |
Extra Bodyshift | You gain an additional bodyshift known and a minor bonus on it. | Bodyshifter 1st |
Extra Brilliant Trick | You gain an extra brilliant trick you qualify for. | Brilliant Trick class feature |
Extra Class Ability | You gain an additional ability from a class list. | See Below |
Extra Cream | You make greasy and extra creamy pies. | Pie Mage 1st |
Extra Curse | You gain a deeper understanding of your curses. | Curse class feature |
Extra Daily Spell | Cast a daily spell once more per day. | 1 Powerful Casting Daily spell |
Extra Damnation Points | You gain extra damnation points. | Damnation Points class feature |
Extra Dragon Secret | Gain an extra dragon secret. | Must have the Dragon Secret feature. |
Extra Implement | You gain an additional implement school. | Occultist 3rd |
Extra Level | You trained extra hard to be the best that you could be, and have picked up a few tricks before you were supposed to. | At least 5 levels in any single base class |
Extra Martial Recovery | Your meditation or recalling is more efficient at refreshing maneuvers. | Any maneuver-recovery mechanism that refreshes a finite number of maneuvers, knowledge of at least three maneuvers |
Extra Mediguard | Grants an additional use of Mediguard per day. | Mediguard class feature |
Extra Rage, Variant | You can rage more often. | Rage ability. |
Extra Shift Points | You gain more shift points. | Bodyshifter 1st |
Extra Signature | You sign another Deed. | Be able to perform at least one Deed |
Extra Skipper Talent | Gain an additional Skipper Talent. | 1 Skipper Talent |
Extra Spells Known | Gain one extra spell known per level. | 1st level only |
Extra Spells Per Day | You gain one extra spell per day for each spell level. | Caster level 1st |
Epic Homebrew General Feats
Homebrew feats using this type appear below. These are not part of the SRD, and are presented for ease of reference only. Click "Show" below to view them.
[show] Feat | Summary | Prerequisites |
Energy Resistance-CE | Gain energy resistance, or possibly energy immunity. | None |
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Facts about "General (Feat Type)"
Identifier | Feat Type + |
Summary | General feats are those that do not belong to any other feat type. There are no special rules regarding their acquisition or use outside of those presented in the feat text. + |
Title | General + |