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Divine Champion (3.5e Feat)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 9th November 2019
Status: Complete
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Divine Champion [General] She was the chosen one, standing proud over the horizon, her shawl of gold and her platinum sword gleaming in the morning's light.Prerequisites: True BelieverMiCBenefit: Upon taking this feat, choose a single deity you have the True BelieverMiC feat in. You become the divine champion of that deity. As a divine champion you gain the ability to call upon divine guidance, sacred protection and smite foe, whenever she calls upon her patron's power she must wait 5 rounds before doing so again.

Divine Guidance: As an immediate action after making a d20 roll, the champion may call upon guidance to reroll it and take the better result.
Sacred Protection: As a swift action the Divine Champion becomes immune to any status effect which would restrict her action beside death or unconsciousness for 1 round. If she suffers from one of such status effect she is freed from it until the start of her next turn. She may use this ability even when she would not be able to act.
Smite Foe: As a standard action, the Divine Champion imbues the power of her weapon in divine light and makes a melee or ranged weapon attack. The attack deals double weapon damage (but does not double any enhancement or static bonuses) and the attack bypasses all DR the foe possesses. At BAB +6 the attack deals triple weapon damage, at BAB +11 it deals quadruple weapon damage and at BAB +16 it deals quintuple weapon damage.

Finally, the divine champion possess a third sense, which function as a Phylactery of Faithfulness which in addition to its normal effect, warn you if you are about to commit a heinous act against your patron deity. Special: Some deities have additional requirements on who can become a champion, a character who wishes to take this feat must meet all those prerequisites. If the champion willingly performs an heinous act against their patron deity, they lose the benefits of this feat until they atone. Many deities only have a single active champion at any time, but it is possible a former champion returns or that two champions coexist.

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