Spellcasting Dabbler (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Tarkisflux (talk)
Date Created: 11 February, 2013
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Spellcasting Dabbler [General] Apprenticeships are for suckers. Just spend enough time around spellbooks and magic while you do real work and you can pick a bit of it up yourself, even without proper training.Prerequisites: Character level 3Benefit: You gain the ability to cast a small number of spells. Selected one of the lists below when you choose this feat; it may not be changed afterwards. Each level you possesses in a class that does not grant spellcasting of its own instead grants spellcasting in the selected list according to the table below. This spellcasting can not be used to qualify for prestige classes and is never advanced by class features. Additionally, the selected list is treated as a class list, allowing you to make use of spell completion and spell trigger items with those spells whether the item is divine or arcane in nature.

Each spell list includes a key attribute. To prepare or cast a spell, you must have a score in the key attribute no lower than 10 + the spell level. The DCs for their spells are equal to 10 + the spell level + your modifier in the key attribute. You gain bonus spells based on your score in the key attribute.

The spells that you know are kept in a notebook, which must be referenced during spell preparation in much the same way as a wizard uses their spellbook. Immediately after you have had 8 hours of rest, you may spend one hour of study with your notes and place any spell of an equal or lower level in your spell slots. You may modify these spells with metamagic feats as they desire, but the spell takes up a slot of the appropriate level. You may not prepare spells without your notebook, and must replace it if lost before you can prepare spells again. In all other respects, you behave as a normal preparation caster.

Table: Spellcasting Advancement
Level Spells per Day
0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd 2
4th 3
5th 3

If you advance beyond 5th level in spellcasting ability, you remain limited to 5th level spellcasting until you select a feat that allows you to progress farther. Your caster level is equal to your total levels in classes that do not grant spellcasting, but is similarly capped at a maximum of 5 until you select a feat that allows further progress.

When you gain this feat, you learn 2 cantrips from your selected list. You may learn additional spells from your list from spell books or scrolls, as a wizard would.

Additionally, the class skill listed with each spell list is treated as a class skill for every class that does not offer its own spellcasting progression for the character. Any skill points previously invested in this skill that only gained half ranks are retroactively promoted to full ranks. Example: A fighter 2 / rogue 3 with this feat would have the 5th level of spellcasting from this feat. A rogue 2 / wizard 3 would only have the 2nd level of spellcasting from this feat, and would not benefit at all until they took another level in a class that did not grant spellcasting.

Spellcasting Lists[edit]


Key Attribute: Wisdom
Bonus Class Skill: Spellcraft

Level 0: detect poison, detect magic, light, know direction, purify food and drink, read magic

Natural Wonders[edit]

Key Attribute: Wisdom
Bonus Class Skill: Concentration

Level 0: create water, detect disease, detect poison, flare, know direction, read magic

Divine Guidance and Restoration[edit]

Key Attribute: Charisma
Bonus Class Skill: Spellcraft

Level 0: cure minor wounds, detect magic, detect poison, mending, purify food and drink, read magic

Divine Might and Protection[edit]

Key Attribute: Charisma
Bonus Class Skill: Concentration

Level 0: detect poison, guidance, know direction, light, read magic, virtue

Arcane Elementalism[edit]

Key Attribute: Intelligence
Bonus Class Skill: Concentration

Level 0: acid splash, flare, ray of frost, read magic, resistance


Key Attribute: Intelligence
Bonus Class Skill: Spellcraft

Level 0: dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand, open/close, message, read magic

High Balance Option[edit]

In high balance games, selecting this feat also grants the amateur spellcaster and novice spellcaster feats.

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Article BalanceModerate +
AuthorTarkisflux +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteCharacter level 3 +
Rated ByZhenra-Khal +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryYou gain minor spellcasting abilities. +
TitleSpellcasting Dabbler +
TypeGeneral +