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Otherworldly Countenance (4e Feat)

1,110 bytes removed, 01:47, 6 February 2011
<onlyinclude>{{x04e Feat|nbofbalancename= -Otherworldly Countenance|prereqtypes= [[4e Index (4e Other)#Ability scoresAbyssal Heritor|Cha]] 18, Demonic Ancestry.power=Undeniable Beauty|descsummary= Your abyssal heritage manifests itself in your extreme good looks. Your beautiful appearance is unsettling to those around you- even to your foes!}} ===Otherworldly Countenance [Abyssal Heritor]|fluff=== Your abyssal heritage manifests itself in your extreme good looks. Your beautiful appearance is unsettling to those around you- even to your foes! '''Tier:''' |tier=Heroic '''Prerequisite:''' |prereqs=[[4e Index (4e Other)#Ability scores|Cha]] 18, Demonic Ancestry. '''Benefit:''' |benefit=You can use the ''Undeniable beauty'' power as an encounter power. {{4e Power|name=Undeniable Beauty|usage=Encounter|flavor=Your gaze enthralls your foe, and he finds himself unable to harm you.|type=Attack|owner=Feat|actiontype=Immediate Interrupt|range=Melee|trigger=You are targeted by a melee attack|target=The attacking creature.|attackspecial=Charisma +2 per 3 abyssal heritor feats you possess|defense=Will|hit=The target must select a different target for the attack or end its attack.}} '''Special:''' You take a -2 penalty to [[4e Index (4e Other)#intimidate skill|intimidate]] [[4e Index (4e Other)#skill check|skill checks]], as your beautiful countenance makes you difficult to fear.}}<br/onlyinclude>
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[[Category:Heroic Feat]]
[[Category:Abyssal Heritage Feat]]
[[Category:Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind]]
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