I am Havvy, a JavaScript programmer! If you want to know about me, ask on IRC..
[hide]Thoughts on Feat Types[edit]
Feat types are tags. Many of them have designated rules attached to them, but not all feat types have too if you make a subsystem, you should include a feat type with it. Even if you only make one or two feats with that type, you open up the ease of understanding for people who have seen and understand what that tag designates. Also, it helps people remove entire sets of feats from their choice because they know it goes against their character concept or the rules in play.
Thus, there exist feat types like Multiclass and Wordcasting. Alone, these feat types dont force any rules into how they operate except for that they have to effect the subsystem they are named after in some way they allow users to add their own flavor and variants to the subsystem without feeling out of place.
And this is a wiki. We can gather up all feats of a type, and show them magically. It also combats A problem with feats that i call "The Sea of General". Feats without a type are the hardest to search for since you have to actually read a full sentence per feat minimum, to understand what it does.
(I am happy to hear your grunts of this on my discussion page.)
What Makes a Complete Martial Discipline?[edit]
The following is the minimal list
First eight levels of maneuvers having at least two maneuvers each. Exceptions are allowed.Ninth level maneuver being effectively a SoD. Our stances, with one at level 1. Feat corresponding to maneuver skill and theme.Tactical feat with aforementioned feat as a prerequisite.Legacy WeaponName of magic item grunting maneuver.Discipline skill and weapons
The following are additions to the list, for a "Complete" discipline. Monster with maneuver-like abilities using your discipline.Planar Layer of MrityulokCross-Discipline Maneuvers. These should never be considered core maneuvers for the prerequisites above.History of how the discipline was founded, along with NPC writeups of major characters.
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And remember YOLO!
Contact Me[edit]
If I am online, I can be found at IRC:// For a direct link to that in the Mibbit Web:IRC client, it is
As any contributor, I also have a user talk page.
Other Wiki Accounts[edit]
- I am a Wiki SysOp at the Mibbit wiki.
- I am a normal user at the Nethack wiki. I made a few redirects, but otherwise, am not there anymore.
- I am an administrator at Dominions 3 Wiki, since I helped MisterSinister on the first few days.
- I founded Flux Templating Language Wiki, a wiki for the language that compiles into Mediawiki.
- Adaptable Stunning Fist
- Aim through Clouds
- Alchemist, Variant
- Anvil of the Dwarvish Lords
- Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind
- Arcane Cestus
- Armor Focus
- Armorless Warforged
- Arrow to the Knee
- Art of the Lilliputian
- Ascendant
- Awakened Chocobo
- Axe of the Dwarvish Lords
- Balanced Skills
- Balefire Pocket Watch
- Basic Combat Rogue Guide
- Battlehead
- Better Hit Points
- Binding Dart
- Broken Shields
- Dashkin
- Dead
- Deathless Energy Drain Immunity
- Defensive Roll
- Demon Heart
- Devour Soul
- Doppelganger
- Druid of the Anima
- Dust to Dust
- Dynamic Potential
- Gear Actua
- Geyser
- Giant
- Golem Overlord
- Gravity Warrior
- Greater Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
- Grimoire Paladin
- Grimoire Soulknife
- Hammer of the Dwarvish Lords
- Hands and Feet
- Heartless Mage
- Heavy Body
- Hellfire Vibroblade
- Hero’s Challenge
- Hinder
- Ice Hammer
- Ideasmith/Grim Harvester
- Ideasmith/Spellblade
- Implacable
- Impressive Reach
- Improved Hit Die
- Maddened
- Maered
- Man-Portable Ballista
- Maneuver-Like Abilities
- Marksman
- Meteor Hammer
- Monk Weapon Focus
- Mug of Endless Coffee
- Perceived Femininity/Masculinity
- Poor White Chocobo
- Potion Sipper
- Practiced Fighter
- Privacy Hat
- Proximity to Cat
- Psychoclastic Wall
- Reap What Has Been Sown
- Reflect Death
- Retroactive Skill Points
- Revised Fear Effects
- Rien's Spontaneous Regression
- Rod of the Shadowmaster
- Rowdy Elven Youth
- Rushes
- Sadomasochism
- Safir
- Shielded Killer
- Silencing Surprise
- Simplified Experience
- Simplified Races
- Simplified Skills
- Skill Muse
- Skitty
- Soulblade
- Speak Your Mind
- Spell Draining
- Spiritual Weapon
- Strength of Will
- Strong Grip
- Suddenly Phantom Train
- Summon Rope of Spidersilk
- Summon Self
- Swiftblade