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< User:Sergejsvk

Strenght pumpin

Get as much streght as posible.

So the plan is to use any method to increase stats, get an alternate form an change into a normal harmless looking form and punch through a stone wall like through wet tissue paper. And posibly gain some immunities. A god bab progression would be welcome too. Oh yeah, it should be tough as hell.

This should be as high power as posible.

All the printed and whritten shiz usable :P

Some feats:

Product of Infernal Dalliance (3.5e Feat), Tough Guy (3.5e Feat), Natural Heavyweight, Tome (3.5e Feat), Toughness, Variant (3.5e Feat), Strong Grip, Horde Breaker (3.5e Feat), Harmless Form (3.5e Feat), Large Size, Book of Elements (3.5e Feat) no dex pen, Brutal Offense (3.5e Feat), Huge Size, Book of Elements (3.5e Feat) no dex pen, Wanderer (3.5e Feat), Ability Training (3.5e Feat),Pit Fighter (3.5e Feat),Resilience (3.5e Feat),Great Fortitude (3.5e Feat)


Inattentive, Poor Reflexes


Hulking Brute (3.5e Trait), All Brawn No Brain


ECL Class/HD/LA Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Feats Class
Fort Ref Will
1st Fiendish Brute + + + + +1Str +1Con, NA 3+Class
2nd Drake + + + + +1Str +1Con, Armor 4+Con
3rd Fiendish Brute + + + + x
4th Fiendish Brute + + + + +1Str +1Con
5th Drake + + + + x
6th Drake + + + + +1Str +1Con
7th Fiendish Brute + + + + x
8th Fiendish Brute + + + + +1Str +1Con
9th Fiendish Brute + + + + x
10th Fiendish Brute + + + + +1Str +1Con
11th Fiendish Brute + + + + x
12th Fiendish Brute + + + + +1Str +1Con
13th Fiendish Brute + + + + x
14th Drake + + + + x
15th Drake + + + + +1Str +1Con
16th Drake + + + + x
17th Drake + + + + +1Str +1Con
18th Drake + + + + x
19th Drake + + + + +1Str +1Con
20th Drake + + + + x

ECL Class/HD/LA Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Feats Class
Fort Ref Will
1st Half-Dragon (Red) + + + + +2Str
2nd Half-Dragon + + + + +2Str +2Con
3rd Half-Dragon + + + + +2Str +2Cha, Sleep, Paralise Immune
4th Half-Dragon + + + + +2Str +2Int, +4NA, Wing, Fire Immune
5th Warrior + + + + x
6th Warrior + + + + x
7th War Hulk + + + + +2Str, No time to think
8th War Hulk + + + + +2Str, Great swing
9th War Hulk + + + + +2Str, Mighty rock throwing
10th War Hulk + + + + +2Str, Mighty swing
11th War Hulk + + + + +2Str, Toughness
12th War Hulk + + + + +2Str, Sweeping boulder
13th War Hulk + + + + +2Str, x
14th War Hulk + + + + +2Str, Massive sweeping boulder
15th War Hulk + + + + +2Str, x
16th War Hulk + + + + +2Str, Massive swing
17th Warrior + + + +
18th Warrior + + + + x
19th Warrior + + + +
20th Warrior + + + + x

Race (Templates):

Half-Ogre, Half-Minotaur, Half-Dragon, Dragonborn, Half-Orc (+26Str -4Dex +10Con -2Int)

Spellborg (3.5e Template) {+6(4+2)Str +6(4+2)Con} {Armored Skin, Armor Grade Frame, Construct Build} {3xFortified Build}

ECL Class/HD/LA Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Feats Class
Fort Ref Will
1st xxx + + + + Product of Infernal Dalliance tanar’ri, Pit Fighter, Big Guy +2Str (race) / +1Str +1Con / +2Str , +8Str -2Dex +4Con +2NA
2nd + + + + +1Str +1Con, Armor 4+Con / +2Str +2Con
3rd xxx + + + + Harmless Form, Natural Heavyweight / +2Str +2Cha, Sleep, Paralise Immune
4th x + + + + +1Str +1Con / +2Str +2Int, +4NA, Wing, Fire Immune
5th + + + + Horde Breaker, Tough Guy /
6th xx + + + + Strong Grip, Brutal Offense (3.5e Feat) +1Str +1Con /
7th + + + + Resilience / +2Str, No time to think
8th xx + + + + +1Str +1Con / +2Str, Great swing
9th xx + + + + Wanderer, Great Fortitude / +2Str, Mighty rock throwing
10th x + + + + +1Str +1Con / +2Str, Mighty swing
11th + + + + Huge Size +8Str -2Dex +4Con +3NA / +2Str, Toughness, Variant (3.5e Feat)
12th x + + + + Ability Training +1Str +1Str +1Con / +2Str, Sweeping boulder
13th xx + + + + Ability Training +2Str + 13 NA / +2Str
14th x + + + + Ability Training +1Str / +2Str, Massive sweeping boulder
15th xxx + + + + Ability Training +2Str +1Str +1Con / +2Str
16th x + + + + Ability Training +1Str / +2Str, Massive swing
17th x + + + + +1Str +1Con /
18th xxx + + + + Ability Training +3Str /
19th + + + + +1Str +1Con /
20th xx + + + + Ability Training +2Str /

18 + 70 + 4 = 92 Str (+6 templ, +6 enh = 104) (+470 damage)

18 + 20 = 38 Con (+6 templ, +6 enh = 50)

NArmor 22 (+6 enh = 28)

Armor 4 + 14 = 18 (+3 +2 templ, +3 enh = 26)

DR 14 (+3 templ, +3 enh = 20)

FH 24 (+3 templ, +3 enh = 30)