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Golem Fist (3.5e Prestige Class)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 3rd August 2017
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A Golem Fist turn a golem's fists into her own weapon.

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Golem FistEdit

I wonder how far I can launch a goblin with a single punch...
—Pretty much all the Golem Fists at some point

There is few creatures mightier than a golem. These invincible juggernaut are capable of tearing through masonry walls, walk through a field of mages and trample armies underneath. While many seek the powers of dragon and fiends, few seek to acquire the power of a golem beside building them. A few warrior however seek the path of the Golem Fist, which require one to best a golem and fashion a weapon out of it fist. The Golem Fist wield her newfound weapon as a gigantic gauntlet, capable of crushing her foes with a grip and swatting them like flies.

This prestige class grant a lot of offensive abilities, especially toward bull rushes but also grant varied defenses. The class also eventually grant the ability to tap into the energy that animate a golem to power unique moves called energy stunts. These stunts further increase the arsenal of abilities available to the character but require mild resource management.

Becoming a Golem FistEdit

Entry Requirements  
Base Attack Bonus: +5. 
Skills: Craft (Metalworking or Mechanic) 9 Ranks. 
Feats: Improved Bull Rush, Monkey GripCW, Two-Weapon Fighting and Weapon Focus
Special: Must have participated in the destruction of a Iron Golem.
Table: The Golem Fist

Hit Die: d12

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Craft Golem Fists, Gauntlet Training, Partial Class Advancement
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Energy Stunts (Empowered Charge, Magic Barrier)
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Crashing Bull Rush, Heavy Two-Weapon Fighting
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Energy Stunts (Energy Blast)
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Cybernetic, Overwhelming Force
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Energy Stunts (Deadly Uppercut)
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Wreck
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Energy Stunts (Spellbreaker)
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Charged Up
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Energy Stunts (Fists of Death), Titan's Grip

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Engineering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class FeaturesEdit

All of the following are class features of the Golem Fist.

Craft Golem Fists: Upon entering this class you finish crafting a pair of Golem Fists. Which are a pair of large Heavy Gauntlet which deal 2d10 damage and possess the Iron Golem's Absorb Iron and Immunity to Magic abilities. The Golem Fists count as both magic and made of cold iron for the purpose of dealing with damage reduction. Despite being immune to most magic, the Golem Fists may be enhanced as normal weapons and may even be reforged into another material, they always stay one size category larger than you if made sizing.

The Golem Fists are the core class features of the class and if lost or destroyed can be repaired with 24 hours of work a DC 25 Craft (Mechanic or Metalworking) check or by destroying another iron golem and using it fists. The former restore any special material or enhancement placed on the fists but obviously not the later. This make a customized pair of fist very precious to it wielder.

As a side benefit she gain Mundane Crafter (Craft Magic Arms and Armor) as a bonus feat.

Gauntlet Training (Ex): A 1st level Golem Fist now add Heavy Gauntlets to any weapon-specific feat she possess which could apply, such as Improved Critical or Weapon Focus.

Partial Class Advancement: The golem fist class gives advancement to pre-existing class features, such as sneak attack, bardic songs per day (but not bardic music known), caster level (but not spells known), and initiator level (but not new maneuvers). It does not grant new class features, nor does it grant spells per day, spells known, or similar abilities.

Energy Stunts (Ex): A 2nd level Golem Fist has unlocked new abilities through research and experimentation, many of which unknown to golems. She may only use these special ability while wielding at least one of her Golem Fist and each require a number of energy charges to use. The Golem Fist has three charges in her Reserve, and regain one at the end of every turn she did not use any. All of her Energy Stunts are only usable once per round unless noted otherwise.

Empowered Charge (Su): A 2nd level Golem Fist can spend any number of energy charges as a free action when she make a charge attack. She increase her speed by 20 feet for each charge spent, but only for the charge. She increase the damage of the first attack made during the charge by her class level x charge spent. If she make a Bull Rush with her charge she gain a bonus on it equal to twice the number of charge spent.
Magic Barrier (Su): A 2nd level Golem Fist can invoke a shimmering forcefield as a swift action, spending any amount of energy charge in the process. The barrier last for a number of round equal to the number of energy charge you spend by activating it.
Energy Blast (Su): At 4th can spend a single energy charge as a standard action to make a melee attack with each fist at a range of 60 feet. These attack deal force damage and must be made either against two adjacent creature or the same. These attacks are not ranged attack, they still count as melee attacks.
Deadly Uppercut (Su): At 6th level Golem Fist may spend a single energy charge as part of a melee attack with one of her golem fist. If she does she make a Bull Rush after the attack is resolved with a +4 bonus. She does not move with the target and it is pushed both up and in a direction of her choice, the creature travel upward half the distance it is pushed in another direction (so a target move 10 feet east will also travel 5 feet up). The creature will take falling damage ffrom the uppercut, additionally creatures which can fly or slow down their fall must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + the Golem Fist's Strength Modifier) or be unable to do so for 1 round.
Alternatively as part of the initial uppercut the Golem Fist may make a Jump check to travel upward. If she does add the distance of the jump check to the upward distance the creature is launched if the creature is successfully bull rushed. However if she does so and miss her attack or fail to successfully bull rush she provoke an attack of opportunity.
Spellbreaker (Su): A 8th level Golem Fist may spend a single energy charge while Fighting Defensively or taking the Total Defense action. If she Fight Defensively she gain Spell Resistance equal to 15 + her character level, while she gain infinite Spell Resistance while taking the Total Defense action.
Fists of Death (Su): At 10th Golem Fist can make a single melee attack against as a 1 round action, spending all three of her energy charges in the process and hitting. This attack deal damage as an attack made with both fists (including any enhancement they might have as well as double Strength), count as charge if beneficial, deal 3x her character level in additional damages. If she hit with fists of death she make an immediate Bull Rush with a +20 bonus, she does not move with her opponent and the distance it is moved is tripled. After using Fist of Death she cease regaining energy charges for 1 hour afterward, this does not apply if she miss or otherwise fail to deliver the attack after the 1 round charge.

Crashing Bull Rush: A 3rd level Golem Fist gain Crashing Bull Rush as a bonus feat. If she already possess it, she may select another [Fighter] feat she meet the prerequisite of as a bonus feat.

Heavy Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): A 3rd level Golem Fist got used to the large weight of each fists, allowing her to treat any one-handed weapon as light weapon for the purpose of determining two-weapon fighting penalties.

Dual Gauntlet Defense (Ex): At 4th level, the Golem Fist can use both of her fists to defend herself as an extremely efficient shield. She gain Two-Shield Fighting as a bonus feat, but it only applies to Heavy Gauntlets.

Cybernetic (Ex): A 5th level Golem Fist has partially merged with her weapons. She can merge her golem fists with her arms as a free action, giving her arm a slightly mechanical look. She can also 'draw' her golem fists as a free action as well. She is unable to part with her golem fists anymore and any damage dealt to them is instead dealt to her, their hardness still apply.

Overwhelming Force (Ex): A 5th level the Golem Fist gain the Iron Golem's Overwhelming Force ability when attacking with her Golem Fist.

Wreck (Ex): A 7th level Golem Fist now always deal maximum damage against unattended object. If she attack a ground square she leave difficult terrain in the square she attacked if she dealt at least 20 damage to it.

Charged Up (Ex): A 9th level Golem Fist's eponymous weapon deal an additional 1d6 + the number of energy charges she has left electricity damage. This ability only function if she has at least 1 energy charge left.

Titan's Grip (Ex): A 10th level Golem Fist can face the biggest baddest foe by herself. When using her golem fists in combat she count as a colossal creature for the purpose of combat maneuvers whenever doing so would be advantageous.


Single-Golem Fist: Lose Heavy Two-Weapon Fighting and Dual Gauntlet Defense. The Golem Fist no longer require Two-Weapon Fighting to enter the class, instead she require Improved Shield Bash. The shield bonus gained when using a single heavy gauntlet and nothing else in the other hand increase by +1 at 4th level.

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