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Krampus Tongue (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 5 February 2022
Status: Complete
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Krampus TongueEdit

Krampus Tongue
Price: 801 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint Abjuration and Divination
Activation: --
Weight: 2 lb.

This is a severed tongue. It's long and still wet and warm, nearly hot to the touch. It is advisable not to put the tongue into your mouth.

This severed tongue, when held, can be used in combat as though it were a masterwork sap, though the wielder suffers a –2 penalty against being disarmed as the tongue is slick with saliva.

Holding the tongue allows the holder to taste anything the tongue touches, including their own hand. The tongue itself resists the first 5 points of fire damage dealt to it from any source.

Placing the tongue in your mouth causes the tongue to magically become the user's new tongue as the giraffe tongue graft. Though, unless the user somehow gains a way to attack with it, it can no longer be used as a sap.

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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