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Oniromentropy (3.5e Location)

Author: Neostar (talk)
Date Created: June 2021
Status: Finished
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Oniromentropy (Planar Touchstone EL13)Edit

Within the perpetual chaos of limbo, the destructive vortices that shape the plane can sometimes take the form of a portal to a deeper dimensional pocket of the plane of chaos known as the Oniromentropy. But this event is so difficult to predict that one could spend years waiting for such a manifestation of chaos. However, it is possible for someone accustomed to this plan to mold reality into the desired shape of the vortex. It will only last a few seconds before collapsing into a broth of molten energy, but enough to slip into this space-time snag.

Inside, the oniromentropy is immense, without a well-defined physical wall, an immense void perpetually at the mercy of chaos. Any source of light is a vein, does not reflect on anything, and is lost in the void. The sound is diffused without ever bouncing, echoes are thus impossible. As soon as you step into the oniromentropy, gravity suddenly becomes nonexistent, and the notion of up and down becomes so blurry that it no longer exists. The low is whatever your consciousness will dictate to you, and the directions are subjective. You must pass a pure intelligence test (DC15) to bend gravity in the direction you choose, but that choice will only affect you. The distances that you perceive with the naked eye are ten times less important than this reality. When you think you have to travel 5 feet to reach an object, you will need to travel 50 feet.

A mass of metal rock forms the heart of the oniromentropy. It forms a slab about 60 feet in diameter made of this unusual material. At the center of this structure, there is a 10-foot-wide round pool filled with semi-transparent metallic deep blue-green water. A Knowledge (The plane) check (DC25) reveals that is metalised Ylemwater Large crystals burst from the ground and from the edges of the platform. Around a violent wind of metallic debris blows in gust, and from time to time a luminous flash bursts a rumbling sounded sign that debris have collided releasing energy. As long as you are 180 feet or less from this aggregate you have a 25% chance every minute to receive a lightning bolt of pure chaos dealing 3d6 damage.

Location: Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo

Initial Encounter: Roll on the Oniromentropy encounter table when the characters visit the location fon the first time, or for the first time over a year.

Oniromentropy Initial Encounter
d% CR Encounter
01 - 12 5 1d6 Xac-Yij
13 - 27 7 1d4 Chaos Beast
28 - 56 9 1 Chaos Elemental, Greater
57 - 82 10 1d3 Darkweaver
83 - 100 11 1 Chaos Elemental, Elder

Subsequent Encounters: Once the characters clear out the area, on subsecquent visit the chance of an encounters is only 20%. If the PC's fail to visit the location for more than a year, they must roll for encounters as if they had never visited the site.

Base Ability: You gain a bonus of +1 chaotic damage on every attack made with a melee weapon.

Recharge Condition: You must immerse yoursef for at least 4 rounds in the pool of ylemwater.

Higher-Order Ability: Once per day, you can create a strike of chaotic energy as per the Chaos Hammer spell and dealing 1d6 chaotic damage per two character level (maximum 5d6)(see Chaos Hammer spell for informations).

Higher-Order uses: 5

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