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Short Presentation[edit]

Hi everyone, I'm Neostar. I have been playing D&D 3.5 since 2007. I am French, live in France and have always lived there. I admit that I have difficulties reading, writing and speaking English, but this game helps me enormously.





Classes & Alternate Class Feature[edit]

Base Classes & Prestige Classes

Alternate Class Feature


Character Options[edit]


Scaling Feats

Skill Tricks




Spells, Cleric Domains & Maneuvers[edit]


Cleric Domains






Monsters, Templates, and Locations[edit]




3.5e Homebrew[edit]

Neostar's Homebrew (190 Articles) [Expand]
Classes Adrenaline Surge, Everlasting Wergard, Merenpthian Paragon, Prodigious Training, Sorcerer, Heritage, Touchstones Hunter
Races Human, Merenpthian, Phantasyarm, Yrthes
Skills Seduction, Teamwork
Feats Adaptive Energy Resistance, Additional Forlorn Learning, Antimagic Gaze, Assured Strike, Baast's Nimble Grace, Blue Flames, Burst of Wrath, Cartographer, Child of feat, Clan Commander, Combat Action Focus, Condition Resistance, Critical Mind Rampage, Damage Reduction Adaptation, Devastating Claws, Dodge, Swift, Drying Sandstorm, Earth Splitter, Epic Flourishing Toughness, Epic Mind Rampage, Epic Overwhelming Curse, Epic Perfected Dodge, Experienced, Favorite Landscape, Favorite Weather, Flourishing Toughness, Foliar Efficiency, Freezing Breeze, From the Breach the Chaos Spread Out, Geologist, Greedy Leech Bite, Gyakukaiten Stance, Huēyitepōl Mihcalini, Ikkaiten Stance, Improved Damage Reduction Adaptation, Improved Unleash of the Runebearer, Innate Seduction, Ionize, Ionize - Amplified, Ionize - Charged, Ionize - Energized, Ionize - Intensified, Ionize - Overwhelmed, Ionize - Supercharged, Lascivious Dancer, Leech Bite, Life Warning, Life of the Runebearer, Lone Experiences, Mage of the Force Fist, Mage of the Iron Cross, Magic of the Planetary Alignment, Magic of the Stars Canvas, Master of the Blade, Mind Rampage, Mirroring Presence, Mobility, Swift, Moral Beautification, One Life, One for One, Opportunity Reaction, Overwhelming Curse, Perfect Model Frame, Perfected Dodge, Power Slam, Protect the Weaker, Quaking Terror, Really Greedy Leech Bite, Regretful Potential, Relentless Curse, Sanctuary Healing, Scalable Growth, Scholar of the Force Fist, Scorching Fog, Skin of the Aurora Veil, Spell Devour, Spells in Communion, Studies of Fauna and Flora, Swift Initiative, Swift Land Speed, Teamwork Leadership, Thermosensitive Lens, Unconventional Human Learning, Unleash of the Runebearer, Weapon Breakage, Xeno-Yrthes Mutation
Spells Bond of the Harden Crusader, Bond of the Obnoxious Commander, Contract of the Completed Fate, Cure Extended Wounds, Cure Fatal Wounds, Cure Massive Wounds, Cure Surgical Wounds, Curse Transfer, Curse of the Burned Hands, Curse of the Dust Body, Curse of the Tortured Sleep, Detect Voltage, Engraving of Planar Touchstone, Heavy Ray, Ionic Drain of Motion, Ionic Generator, Khonsou's Zoomorphism, Kinetic Forcefield, Lightning Speed, Lion's Roar, Magic Assistant, Magic Harassment, Magic Missile of Interception, Metal Hardening, Mined Field, Miracle Morning, Miracle Morning, Mass, Specialized Heavy Ray, Springed Arms, Summon Support, Thorns of Relentless Darkness, Time Loop, Verdant Beam, Vibralloy, Violent Discharge
Equipments Armament of the Force Mage, Armbands of the Creator, Armillary Sphere, Aspis, Auto-aim Arrow, Black Clay Jar of Volcanic Eruption, Bloodbath, Common Rocks, Complete Mortar Kit, Crystal of Magic Persistence, Crystal of Toppling Strike, Heavy Leg Warmers, Ionized, Ironclad Noble Dress, Ironclad Shield, Jeweled, Küberstaal, Pelta, Pendant of the Touchstones Hunter, Pilgrim's Brooch, Plasmion Shock Bomb, Retaliation, Ring of Repentance to Loviatar, Ring of the Favorite Spell, Sekhmet's Blade, Single Shot Gun Device, Spear-shield Duom, Spenta, Thrall Club, Utility Equipment, War Mallet
Monsters Cursed Warrior of Anubis