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Publication:City of Delights

City of Delights
System: Dungeons and Dragons 2e 
Abbreviation: COD 
Author: Tim Beach, Tom Prusa, Steve Kurtz 
Publisher: TSR 
Item Code: 1091 
Publication Date: 1993 
Format: Boxed Set 
Page Count: 2 96-page books, 8 cardstock accessory sheets, 8 loose five-hole punched Monstrous Compendium pages, 2 fold-out maps, transparent map overlay
"-pagebooks,8cardstockaccessorysheets,8loosefive-holepunchedMonstrousCompendiumpages,2fold-outmaps,transparentmapoverlay" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 296.
ISBN-10: 1-56076-589-5
Product Blurb
Recommended for use with the Arabian Adventures rulebook.

Golden Huzuz, the City of Delights, is the "heart of the heart" of the enlightened lands. It is the religious and political center of Zakhara and, say its inhabitants, the most beautiful city in the entire world. But beneath the beauty lies mystery, for the court of the Grand Caliph is as full of intrigue as the Grand Bazaar is full of adventures waiting to happen. Come, explore the delights and dangers of Huzuz the Golden, heart of the AL-QADIM campaign world.


  • 2 guidebooks totaling 192 pages
  • 8 full-color reference cards
  • 1 clear map overlay for measuring distance
  • 2 full-color poster map sheets!
This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.

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