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== Dramatic Role Playing ==
Unlike a novel, a good story in a role playing game needs cooperation. Compromise and consideration are important, and every step is an involved process. This is easy to set up if you take the following steps:
*'''Bounce the Campaign:''' Before pencil and paper are even touched, bounce ideas for campaigns and character ideas. Make this a no holds barred debate and brain storm session, and coupled with the next step might take an entire session on it's own. The Game Master is chosen, he announces his grand scheme, the player voice their character ideas, and let it take shape from there. And be flexible! If everyone in the group wants to play diplomats and nobles in a political intrigue campaign, but one player wants to be a mercenary of low birth, fine! Make it fit. In fact, the above set up might result in something very close to the ''Sharpes'' series, or at minimum a "Prince and PoperPauper" story.*'''Laying the foundation:''' You have the ideas, now make the rules show it. Here is where dicussion discussion of house and variant rules should take place. The Game Master starts to build the world and the campaign, and the players start building their characters. This is where fine details are vital, and thus this step will be discussed in the next two sections in detail. This step never really ends, as players gain in power and advance in levels, and the Game Master reacts to decisions made by the players and their actions taken in the world.*'''Blade Work:''' As the story goes on, notes become more and more vital. Everyone should be taking notes of some kind: GM making adventure notes, one player could be keeping a journal, another could be keeping a treasury, one collecting maps, and so on. All of these help keep events fresh in the minds of everyone involved, and also help maintain consistancyconsistency. Alongside the previous steps, this will help build a great story.
== Players Guide to Drama ==
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