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Maera (3.5e Monster)

230 bytes added, 00:57, 14 March 2012
Maeras are fierce warriors and protectors of nature, and will respond violently when their woods are desecrated. Their magical spears are especially effective against creatures that have turned away from nature, and carry disruptive energies that greatly harm arcane spellcasters.
A maeras' spear attacks are treated as [[SRD:Alchemical Silver|silver]] for the purpose of overcoming [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]].
'''''{{Anchor|Arcane Sight}} {{Sp}}:''''' A maeras can perceive and identify the nature and strength of magical auras as per the ''[[SRD:Greater Arcane Sight|greater arcane sight]]'' spell, out to 120 ft. This ability is always active. A maeras' arcane sight can be dispelled, but she may reactivate it as a [[SRD:Free Action|free action]].
'''{{Anchor|Change Shape}} {{Su}}:''' A maeras can take the shape of a female [[SRD:Human|human]], [[SRD:Elf|elf]] or [[SRD:Half-Elf|half-elf]] at will. While assuming a different shape, she loses all [[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|supernatural]] abilities except for this one.
'''{{Anchor|Maeras' Spear}}:''' The spear of a maeras is fashioned from her own magical essence. It is effectively a +1 [[SRD:Spear|spear]] with the [[SRD:Returning|returning]] enhancement, and is treated as a [[SRD:Alchemical Silver|silver]] as well as [[SRD:Bane Weapon|bane]] weapon against creatures with arcane spellcasting. Furthermore, when a maeras throws her spear, it creates a [[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel]] effect in addition to regular weapon damage. A maeras' spear creates a targeted dispel upon a creature hit directly, but may also be thrown at the ground to create an area dispel effect. This functions like the respective ''targeted dispel'' and ''area dispel '' abilities of the ''[[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel magic]]'' spell, effective [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]] 10th.
'''Magic Immunity:''' A maeras is immune to all [[SRD:Spells|spells]] and [[SRD:Spell-Like Ability|spell-like abilities]] that allow [[SRD:Spell Resistance and Spell Immunity|spell resistance]].
'''{{Anchor|Spell Steal}} {{Su}}:''' As a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]], a maeras may transfer an ongoing spell effect from a target creature within 30 feet to herself. Stealing a spell with this ability bypasses the maeras' immunity to magic. This ability may be used once every 1d4 [[SRD:Round|rounds]].
'''[[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|{{Anchor|Spell-Like Abilities}}]]:''' At will—''[[SRD:Continual Flame|continual flame]]'', ''[[SRD:Invisibility|invisibility]]'', ''[[SRD:Nondetection|nondetection]]'', ''[[SRD:Pass without Trace|pass without trace]]'', ''[[SRD:Remove Paralysis|remove paralysis]]''. 3/day—''[[SRD:Cure Moderate Wounds|cure moderate wounds]]'' (DC 18), ''[[SRD:Displacement|displacement]]'', ''[[SRD:Hold Monster|hold monster]]'' (DC 21), ''[[SRD:Restoration|restoration]]''; 1/day—''[[SRD:Control Weather|control weather]]'', ''[[SRD:Geas/Quest|geas]]'' (DC 22). [[SRD:Caster Level|Caster level]] 11th. Save DCs are [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]]-based.
'''{{Anchor|Spells}}:''' Maeras cast divine spells as 11th level [[SRD:Druid|druids]].