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Maera (3.5e Monster)

2 bytes added, 00:54, 14 March 2012
'''''{{Anchor|Arcane Sight}} {{Sp}}:''''' A maeras can perceive and identify the nature and strength of magical auras as per the ''[[SRD:Greater Arcane Sight|greater arcane sight]]'' spell, out to 120 ft. This ability is always active. A maeras' arcane sight can be dispelled, but she may reactivate it as a [[SRD:Free Action|free action]].
'''{{Anchor|Change Shape}} {{Su}}:''' A maeras can take the shape of a female [[SRD:Human|human]], [[SRD:Elf|elf]] or [[SRD:Half-Elf|half-elf]] at will. While assuming a different shape, she loses all [[SRD:Special Ability Abilities Overview#Supernatural|supernatural]] abilities except for this one.
'''{{Anchor|Maeras' Spear}}:''' The spear of a maeras is fashioned from her own magical essence. It is effectively a +1 [[SRD:Spear|spear]] with the [[SRD:Returning|returning]] enhancement, and is treated as a [[SRD:Bane Weapon|bane]] weapon against creatures with arcane spellcasting. Furthermore, when a maeras throws her spear, it creates a [[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel]] effect in addition to regular weapon damage. A maeras' spear creates a targeted dispel upon a creature hit directly, but may also be thrown at the ground to create an area dispel effect. This functions like the targeted and area dispel abilities of the ''[[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel magic]]'' spell, [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]] 10th.

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