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User:MisterSinister/Rogue Redux/Rogue Tricks

1,466 bytes added, 23:21, 9 July 2012
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== Rogue Tricks ==
{{sidebar|Tome of Prowess|These class abilities are designed to be compatible with the [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)|Tome of Prowess]] rules. Any class abilities that have different rules under Tome of Prowess will be marked by a '''ToP:''' label.}}Unless noted otherwise, no rogue trick can be chosen more than once. === Crippling Strike === ''Your attacks weaken those you hit.'' '''Requirement:''' 5th level '''Benefit:''' As a swift action, you can make all of your attacks this round deal 2 additional Strength damage on every successful hit. This can only be applied to attacks derived from BAB. === Defensive Roll === ''You can roll with fatal strikes, to attempt to take less pain and harm.'' '''Requirement:''' 3rd level '''Benefit:''' If you would be dealt enough damage to reduce you to 0 hit points or below, you can make a Reflex save (DC equals damage dealt). On a success, you take only half damage. Evasion or improved evasion cannot apply to this ability.
=== Empty Hands ===
As you gain levels, this becomes better. At 4th level, your slam attack becomes a magic weapon, gaining a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. At every 3rd level after 4th, this improves by an additional +1.
=== Improved Evasion ===
''You are even better at avoiding nasty things with your speed and slipperiness.''
'''Requirement:''' 10th
'''Benefit:''' As evasion, but even on a failed save, you are only subject to the reduced effect. The same restrictions apply to this ability as to evasion.
=== Leap Clear ===
After you've used this ability, it becomes unavailable. At the end of every round in which you didn't use this ability, roll 1d6. On a 6, the ability becomes available again. If you didn't use this ability for a full minute, it comes back automatically.
=== Opportunist ===
''You always sneak a swing in sideways.''
'''Benefit:''' If an ally successfully hits an enemy you threaten, you can make an AOO against that enemy. This can be done a maximum of once per round.
=== Ricochet ===
'''Benefit:''' When making an attack roll, you can take a -5 penalty on your attack roll. If you do, and hit successfully, the enemy you hit also becomes blinded or deafened (your choice). This can be removed in the same way as a [[SRD:Blindness/Deafness|''blindness/deafness'']] spell.
=== Slippery Mind {{Su}} ===
''You are hard to mentally control.''
'''Benefit:''' If you fail a save against a mind-affecting ability, you can attempt that save again next round.
=== Smoke Bomb {{Su}} ===