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Caster Training (3.5e Feat)

1 byte removed, 15:52, 8 September 2015
''its'' a real pain, badum-tsh etc.
|summary=Choose a prestige class which does not give full spellcasting progression (or none at all), it now gives full or partial progression.
|prereqs=Caster level 5.
|benefit=Choose a prestige class which does not give full casting progression, such as [[SRD:Eldritch Knight|eldritch knight]] which gives 9/10 casting level progression. If it gives half it's its levels or more in casting progression originally (like [[SRD:Eldritch Knight|eldritch knight]]) then you gain all levels to your caster level and any other bonuses you would ordinarily get for such (such as an increase in spells per day).
If the class gives less than half (or none at all such as [[SRD:Dragon Disciple|dragon disciple]]), then levels in this class give half progression to caster level