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Caster Training (3.5e Feat)

25 bytes removed, 07:03, 6 November 2014
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<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat
|name=Caster Training
|types=Psionic, SpellcastingMulticlass
|summary=Choose a prestige class which does not give full spellcasting progression (or none at all), it now gives full or partial progression.
|prereqs=Caster or manifester level 5.
|benefit=Choose a prestige class which does not give full casting progression, such as [[SRD:Eldritch Knight|eldritch knight]] which gives 9/10 casting level progression. If it gives half it's levels or more in casting progression originally (like [[SRD:Eldritch Knight|eldritch knight]]) then you gain all levels to your caster level and any other bonuses you would ordinarily get for such (such as an increase in spells per day).

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