From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
I'm the head admin!
[hide]My Stuff[edit]
- 24-Hour Gym
- Artificer
- Banded Scythe
- Becoming a Lich
- Better Counterspelling
- Better Poisons
- Binding Dart
- Bone, Variant
- CR-Based Turning
- Caster Training
- Celestial Ancestry
- Claw of Energy, Revised
- Claws of the Vampire, Revised
- Corpse Bomb
- Cut the Threads
- Dagger of the Serpent
- Death Throes
- Dibonation
- Discipline Focused
- Dragonscale Cloak
- Dragoon, Variant
- Druid, Revised
- Dwarven Barbarian
- Eldritch Wizard
- Elemental Avatar
- Freeze Blood
- Frightful Blast, Revised
- Frontline Warlock
- Githyanki Silver Sword
- Greater Globe of Invulnerability
- Gymaholic
- Halfling Hurler
- Hammer Mastery
- Hellfire
- Hidden Power
- Hideous Blow, Revised
- Illusion
- Illusionary Opportunist
- Imbue Arrow
- Immunity Overhaul
- Impale
- Juggernaut Knight
- Legacy of Darkness (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Geography/Arquiura
- Lich Paragon
- Lightning Blast
- Lizardfolk Paragon
- Lizardfolk Variant
- Local Style
- Mana-Based Spellcasting
- Many Steel Fangs
- Martial Psionic Meditation
- Master Assassin
- Methods of Immortality
- Mode Change
- Multiweapon Fighting, Surgo Variant
- Ninja
- Opportunistic Stealth
- Persistent Spell
- Personal Transformation
- Planar Cleric
- Poison Maker
- Prismatic Doom
- Psychic Stalker
- Psychic Strike
- Rapier Dueling School
- Renaissance Duelist
- Shadowdancer, Tome
- Spontaneous Domains
- Summoning Mastery
- Tengu
- Toxic Warlock
- Tricky Grappler
- Truevenom Weapon, Revised
- Truevenom, Revised
- Unique Attack Modifiers
- Vampiric Blade, Revised
- Vorpal, Surgo Variant
- Weapon of Energy, Revised
- Will of the Divine
- World-Shaker
- Worm that Walks
- Worst Direction Sense
- Wraith Knight
Adopted Articles[edit]
- Alchemical Experimentation
- Angelic Appearance
- Arcane Patterns
- Arcane Study
- Armoured Combat
- Augment Summoning
- Aura of Menace
- Balanced Metamagic
- Beast Totem Warrior
- Beastmaster, Red Rob Version
- Born of Thunders
- Braveheart
- Braveheart, Mass
- Brutal Strike
- Buster Weapon
- Carnage Princess
- Child of the Heavens
- Combat Casting, Red Rob Version
- Constricting Tail
- Dashing Swordsman
- Deflect Arrows, Red Rob Version
- Demonic Appearance
- Devil Magic
- Diehard
- Disabling Strike
- Divine Agent
- Divine Might
- Divine Protection
- Domain Focus
- Draconic Heritage
- Elemental Bodied
- Elemental Focus
- Endurance of Stone
- Espoir
- Espoir, Mass
- Experimental Stock
- Extra Arms, Red Rob Version
- Extraordinary Spell Aim
- Frostwalker
- Frozen Heart
- Galeforce
- Greenbound Summoning
- Ice Mage
- Ignan Soul
- Improved Familiar
- Infernal Taint
- Innate Invisibility
- Item God
- Lingering Magic
- Normalize
- ... further results
Other Stuff[edit]
Work On This Stuff You Idiot[edit]
- Ninjutsu Feats for ninjas
- Finish importing Disgaeaverse.
- Instead of having people pick a weapon, just give a table of allowed weapon values for Mindblade
- Unique Attack Modifiers rule for Tome
- Put Red_Rob's simplified Tome armor stuff into the Races of War pages