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Spell Dedication: Necromancy (3.5e Feat)

Author: Undead_Knave (talk)
Date Created: June 26, 2021
Status: 7/8
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Spell Dedication (Necromancy) [General] Prerequisites: Spell Focus (Necromancy) or specialized in NecromancyBenefit: You an awareness of your own soul. Because of this, permanent negative levels and ability drain go away naturally, healing at a rate of 1 per week. You count as adjacent to any creatures you are soulbound to so long as you're on the same plane (typically this includes familiars, but other creatures may also count, such as simulacrum). You are also able to discover even subtle permanent magical alterations to your self by meditating on the nature of your soul for 1 hour. You are aware you are under an effect, but not necessarily what the effect is, however you count as observing the spell effects of a spell that has already been cast for the purposes of Spellcraft (typically DC 20+SL to identify). You are completely helpless and effectively comatose during this meditation.

Additionally, Necromancy spells you cast have +1 caster level. Example: You do your weekly soul meditation and discover that you have been affected by a spell you weren't aware of. Your vast understandings of the workings arcane allow you to identify it as an Ur Charm Person. That sneaky sorcerer!Normal: That sorcerer is really great! You should introduce all your friends to him!Special: A Wizard may take take this feat as one of their bonus feats. They must still meet the prerequisites as normal.

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