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Talk:Arm Guard (3.5e Equipment)

Just a thought, maybe make it a buckler-style shield that always applies its armor bonus even when you make a attack with the arm it's on but has a bigger armor check penalty?--ThirdEmperor 10:45, November 28, 2009 (UTC)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but a person wearing an arm guard with Chainmail armor gets a Armor bonus of +5 (from the mail) and a Max Dex Bonus of +6 (from the arm guard), his ACP is -6 (-5 from mail, -1 from Arm Guard) and ASF is 30% (from mail). Does this mean a fighter with 16 DEX could have an AC of 10(Default)+5(Chainmail)+3(DEX)=18 for 400 gp? I think you wan to reword how the Max Dex Bonus reads, as while it doesn't exactly make the player over-powered, it makes no sense that adding mundane metal and leather to someone is going to allow them to be more dexterous. It seems like a player can shell out 250 gp to get back all the DEX bonus they lost buying the heavier armor. Just a thought. --The Badger 02:53, January 19, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, the Max Dex thing is a mistake. It's totally supposed to be the lowest Max Dex bonus. Thanks for catching that. --Ganteka Future 05:24, January 19, 2010 (UTC)

Combining ArmorEdit

So, when nothing stacks, what is the advantage of combining this with another type of armor? --Iferius 08:45, January 19, 2010 (UTC)

This item is representative of an experiment in design. The "overlapping armor" feature is for character flavor, but does actually present a loophole whose consequences I am unsure of their effect on the game. The loophole comes into play with enchantment. While enchantable as armor, and being worn with other armor, a character could apply other bonuses (like say light fortification on the armguard and ghost touch on his studded leather or whatever). The easy fix to this would be to write a line along...
"When an enchanted arm guard is worn with other magical armor, apply only the extra enchantments beyond magical enhancement (+1, +2 and so on...) from one armor at a time. A character may swap which armor grants its active enchantments as a standard action, which does not provoke attacks of opportunity."
So, this allows for a benefit still, and is roughly around the tactical usage of carrying around a pouch of magic rings (which players do). A second option would be to simply remove the overlapping armor feature. Any thoughts on this? --Ganteka Future 17:18, January 19, 2010 (UTC)

Getting that Cost to show upEdit

Not familiar with the formatting on how you did that table, but that doesn't matter. Was gonna use the [[Cost::Xg]] to have it show up on the table in the main menu, but the formatting doesn't seem to like it, and I don't know how to make it so that code doesn't show up in the text. Any idea on how I can get the cost to show? -- Eiji-kun 00:48, 1 March 2011 (UTC)

Needed to be fixed in the template. Sorry for the oversight EijiĀ :-( - Tarkisflux 00:57, 1 March 2011 (UTC)
You win internets. Chocolate or Vanilla? -- Eiji-kun 01:42, 1 March 2011 (UTC)
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