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Talk:Brutal Disarm (3.5e Feat)


  Eiji-kun likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
Looks reasonable to me. It's like Improved Grab, for disarming. Though not quite as good as that. Given it's moderate, that makes sense.
  Ghostwheel opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Too low in my opinion on the balance range, and neutering characters through the use of disarming or sundering their weapons goes against the grain and doesn't add to good gameplay.
  Tarkisflux is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
It's a reasonably effective offensive debuff against the more weapon oriented characters, and a good option for the balance I think. It's a Fort save vs. damage though, and those numbers can still get pretty nuts, but the -4 penalty to hit to trigger in the first place should keep them more inline until the late game.

After reading the homebrew feats here and getting a better idea of what balance is, I realize that the old version of this feat is far better done by the Maneuver Strike feat, and also that the way this was structured is simply badly done. I have completely changed the mechanic to be more reasonable, but in such a way that it still deserves the original name. I'm a bit unsure of balance at this point. --Maninorange (talk) 09:26, 4 August 2013 (UTC)


I would put this at VH easily, since it allows you to almost always automatically disarm people without a problem as damage scales far faster than the strength modifier of characters. In short, this is enough to effectively neuter the majority of melee attackers out there without having to do anything you wouldn't normally do. --Ghostwheel (talk) 17:09, 4 February 2013 (UTC)

Lolwut? No. Just, no. This isn't anywhere near as good as divine metamagic or dragon wildshape. I don't even think it's better than shocktrooper or stand still or any of the other H reference feats since it does basically nothing against spellcasters and natural weapon wielders. But it is a lot better than improved disarm, and it's available early enough that I could see it as an H, maybe. I'm really not convinced that you can do anything better than a tripstar with it, which would still put it on the high M side of things.
That said, the check that it prompts isn't one that I'm a fan of. It's not broken enough to change my balance assessment because of what it's doing on a success, but it could certainly be better. Prompting a fort or reflex save vs DC (half your BAB + str mod) seems like it would give results that better scaled. - Tarkisflux Talk 19:17, 4 February 2013 (UTC)
Honestly, I had meant to set the balance at "high" to begin with. I had copied the edit text from another article of mine, and that change must have slipped past my radar. With that said, a fortitude save, scaling aside, simply makes more sense, and I'll tinker with that idea for a bit and get back.
I have it changed to a Fortitude save, and I've also specified that bonuses on both sides will be applied. With that change, I'm going to keep it at a M balance for now, but I can be swayed. Maninorange (talk) 20:16, 4 February 2013 (UTC)
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