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Talk:Natalupe (3.5e Race)

Subspecies mention in name onlyEdit

Tropical(natalupe-guyot), Arctic(natalupe-nord), Desert(natalupe-arere). Makes me think of some variants I know of within classic sergal fluff. Tropical is new to my mind. Arctic sounds like, aptly enough, Arctic Sergals who live on the peak of the Diamond Edge. Desert sounds like, oddly enough, Southern Sergals. The issue is though that my selection here avoids Northern Sergals(aka Tundra Sergals, or perhaps just a variant of natalupe-arere who instead of surviving the harsh sand deserts, survive harsh frozen wastes.

I draw a distinction between Diamond Edge natives and Northern Sergals for one reason; true Arctic Segals eat people alive in one gulp. Srsly, Northern Segals stab until it is either in tiny pieces, or dead. Then they either salt it or pickle it. Northern sergals also are smaller. Southern Sergals are shorter then Northern Segals, and have coats of tan-ish colors instead of blue and white. Also Northern Sergals are jerks.(and ugly) But Arctic Sergals are bigger and eat people alive, and if it won't stop fighting it grapples them and crushes them.

The ironic part? Arctic Sergals are friendlier then Northern Sergals.--YX33A (talk) 00:20, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

There are variants, but not all have been statted yet and they remain fluff-bits. I'm sure they're comparable to sergals (same basic body structure) but any similarities is mostly coincidence, I just wanted to branch out ala desert orcs or jungle goblins. Thus any sergal lore isn't relevant (though makes for interesting trivia, I don't know the lore beyond there being northern and southern ones.) -- Eiji-kun (talk) 08:26, 6 February 2013 (UTC)
My experience with sergal lore involves seeing something involving a creature called a "sergal" that had a picture much like your natalupes, googling it out of curiosity, and stumbling upon an article about it on a furry wiki. I got as far as "prehensile clitoral hood" before deciding I didn't want to read further. For what it's worth. --DanielDraco (talk) 19:36, 6 February 2013 (UTC)
This must now be added to racial abilities.
...I've got nothing against furries in principle, but... still... srsly? >_> --Ghostwheel (talk) 22:37, 6 February 2013 (UTC)
Yes, well, that's why I don't call them sergals. Sergals are furry fap-bait. Trust me, that's not even the stranger things involved, you should be glad you got out when you did. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 22:47, 6 February 2013 (UTC)
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