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Artistic Essence Art Flow User Greater; 6th | |
Essence Pyromaniac Greater; 6th | |
Ki Essence Saiyan Warrior Greater; 7th | |
Eldritch Essence Warlock Greater; 6th | |
Essence Wind Mage Greater; 6th |
An enemy struck by your eldritch blast, ki volley, fire bolt, paint shot, or wind bullet is launched into the air along a 45-degree arc of effect (maximum height equals half of the horizontal travel distance, reached halfway through the horizontal distance). The distance this invocation launches opponents is highly variable, and depends on the following formula. All values dependent on division are rounded down to the nearest whole number before the final calculation is performed.
Launch distance (in feet) = 5 × (((Caster's caster level + Caster's invocation ability modifier) ÷ 5) + (Size Factor) + ((Nonlethal damage + (Maximum hp − current hp) + Vile damage[1]) ÷ 3) + (((Constitution damage, drain, burn, and penalties) + (Sum of damage, drain, burn, and penalties to Strength & Dexterity ÷ 2)) ÷ 2) + (Negative levels) + (Condition Value))
- Caster level and the relevant ability modifier (Charisma for everything except Saiyan Warriors, which use Wisdom instead) are self-explanatory. The stronger the caster is, the further this invocation launches its target. However, the launching power is not very strongly affected by caster level and casting power; the caster's power is important, but not as much as the condition of the victim.
- Size factor is a static value which depends on the size category of the victim. The victim's size modifier to attack rolls and AC is added to the formula; small creatures can be launched farther, while big creatures can't be launched as far.
- The primary determinant of how far this invocation launches enemies is how heavily injured they are. Nonlethal damage, lethal damage, and vile damage[1] are all added up to contribute to the formula. While the three classes of hit point damage usually have a clear pecking order of seriousness (nonlethal < lethal < vile), this formula ignores the pecking order and treats them all equally for the sake of not being even more complicated than it already is. Note that this formula uses the victim's damage after this attack's damage has been deducted from its hit points, not beforehand.
- Ability score reductions are also factored into the knockback formula, but only the physical ability scores are included. Constitution, being the measure of resilience, is weighted more heavily in the formula than Strength and Dexterity. While ability score reductions usually have a clear pecking order of seriousness (penalties < damage < burn < drain), this formula ignores the pecking order and treats them all equally for the sake of not being even more complicated than it already is.
- Negative levels represent being weakened and drained of vital energy, and as such are another form of damage. As such, they are included in the formula.
- Condition value is a value based on conditions afflicting the victim. Some status conditions render victims more vulnerable to knockback, while others reduce vulnerability. Add up the sum of the condition values for all conditions on the creature (with certain exceptions; see the table below). A table of common status conditions affecting vulnerability to knockback can be found below this explanation of the formula.
Condition1 | Condition Factor Value |
Aura Seal | ±0 |
Blinded | +1 |
Burned | +12 |
Confused | +1 |
Cowering | +43 |
Dazed | +24, 5 |
Dazzled | +15 |
Deafened | +1 |
Disabled | +86 |
Dying | +106 |
Entangled | +6 |
Exhausted | +47 |
Fascinated | +2 |
Fatigued | +27 |
Flat-footed | +3 |
Frightened | +23 |
Frozen solid8 | −5 |
Headache | +19 |
Immobilized | +34 |
Migraine | +29 |
Nauseated | +310 |
Numbed | +111 |
On fire | +32, 12 |
Panicked | +33 |
Paralyzed | +64, 11 |
Petrified | −20 |
Prone | −2 |
Shaken | +13 |
Sickened | +110 |
Staggered | +86 |
Stunned | +44 |
Susceptible | +2 |
Uncentered | +1 |
Unconscious | +106 |
If this invocation launches a creature into a wall, ceiling, or other obstacle, both the victim and the obstacle take 1 damage for every 10 feet remaining in the victim's forced movement, and unless the obstacle is destroyed, the creature bounces off at a 45° angle and continues flying outward until it has exhausted its entire forced movement. (The victim's forced movement is not recalculated for damage taken during the forced movement, including collision damage.) If the victim has an ability that allows it to absorb momentum from a collision, such as Ukemi, it is entitled to use it upon a collision to attempt to negate its remaining forced movement.
The knockback from this invocation stacks with the base knockback of the wind mage's wind bullet.
A Saiyan Warrior casting this invocation must pay an extra 10 ki points in addition to the cost of his ki volley. If he cannot do so, he cannot cast this invocation.
An Art Flow User can use this invocation even when wet, although doing so reduces the distance the victim is launched by ¼, rounded down to the nearest 5 feet, minimum 5 feet (for instance, if a wet Art Flow User uses this invocation and would have launched his target 100 feet away, the target is only launched 75 feet away). If an Art Flow User casting this invocation targets a creature with the [Water] or [Cold] subtype, that creature is only launched ¾ of the distance it otherwise would, rounding down to the nearest 5-foot interval, minimum 5 feet (so, again, a 100-foot launch distance would be cut to 75 feet). These factors stack; a wet Art Flow User casting this invocation on a [Water] or [Cold] creature would launch it only half of the distance indicated by the formula.
This invocation is a [Fire] effect when cast by a pyromaniac, an [Air] effect when cast by a wind mage, or a [Paint] effect when cast by an Art Flow User. It gains no descriptors when cast by a warlock or a Saiyan Warrior.
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Luigifan18v |