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User:Surgo/Julian Dragoon

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Julian DragoonEdit

Basic alternate / additional class feature to make the Dragoon a bit stronger, a bit more utility, and just some stuff meant for a specific character.

Dragoon's Challenge (Ex): Dragoons are meant to take hits. If you're not taking hits for your teammates, you're doing something wrong. At level 2 you gain Dragoon's Challenge. As a swift action, you make a mocking challenge to an enemy. If the enemy fails to attack you on their next turn, the next ally that damages them deals an additional 1d6 damage per your class level. This ability cannot be used with Jump; if you use Jump, it cancels any outstanding use of this ability.

Dragoon Spear Stance: While wielding a spear, you can enter the Dragoon Spear Stance at the start of your turn as a free action. The stance lasts until the beginning of your next turn. When you enter this stance, your spear loses all non-magical special abilities and deals 1d12 damage with a base critical of 20/x4.

Improved Draconic Resistances: At level 6, you gain Improved Draconic Resistances. This is spell resistance of 11 + your character level, which you may suppress or activate as a free action usable any time (not just your turn). This improves to 16 + your character level against your current challenged opponent.

Additional Dragon's Blessing: Lightning Arc (Su): As a standard action, you can make a weapon attack against an enemy. If successful, it can arc to up to three enemies within 30 feet. The arc deals half of the original damage, all as electricity.

New FeatsEdit

Lightning Throw

As a standard action, you can make an attack with any throwing weapon that would normally use Strength to hit. This throw is treated as a line attack with 5' width and 30' length. It still requires attack rolls to hit and strikes twice -- once on the way out, and once on the way back. Half the damage is physical and half the damage is lightning.