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User talk:TheDarkWad

Official WarningEdit

You recently rated the Bionic Speedster class... and used the author's name to do so. I'm not sure what was going on there, but the actual rating itself was a violation of the no self-rating guidelines. And if it wasn't supposed to be that, then it was placing a rating under someone else's name. Either of these are expressly not allowed and constitute a violation of the ratings guidelines. It's a very weird thing to happen as an accident, but that's what I'm going with for now. The rating has been removed, and you may re-add it under your own name if you feel it appropriate.

Consider this an official warning though. Further incidents along these lines will result in the blocking of your account for a time. - Tarkisflux Talk 20:06, 20 September 2014 (UTC)

Ratings on Users' Talk PagesEdit

Is that really necessary? The ratings system is to evaluate each work separately, not to put down someone who isn't even active anymore to make edits or defend their own work. I really think you should be keeping any criticisms you have to the official channels, aka the homebrew pages themselves you are criticizing. - TG Cid (talk) 10:45, 15 April 2018 (MDT)

I'll be honest, shaking the Wiki this hard strikes me as behavior characteristic of someone...fairly young. As such, let me just say this, kid. Calm down, don't blow up the whole scene, we don't hate you, we just respect order and expect others to do the same. This isn't a strike on your record, there is no bad blood, just learn from this experience, and take its teachings into future endeavors. -SecondDeath777 13:05, 15 April 2018
Yeah, don't do this. It was a cute joke when everyone was rating Eiji's user page favorably because Eiji is a universally beloved person. But when it goes beyond that, it's not a cute joke anymore. Surgo (talk) 11:30, 15 April 2018 (MDT)
Eh, he is just showing appreciation for others work in most case. I am more iffy on the negative user reviews, but ultimately it seem harmless enough. That said, I cannot really encourage rating users as being a thing. I imagine it could get very very negative, with some users being bombarded with opposes. That said I appreciate the feeling neverthless. --Leziad (talk) 11:34, 15 April 2018 (MDT)
Yeah I have to disallow this because even if the intention is good and reviews are favorable, it's a pretty short step to see how this could lead to bullying when someone comes in with different intentions. So I'm just going to have to disallow this. Surgo (talk) 11:43, 15 April 2018 (MDT)
Yeah. Dread to think what mine would look like. "This nigga breaks the meta every other week and needs to get a job. Oppose." Come to think of it, that's pretty generous. XD -SecondDeath777 16:43, 15 April 2018
Do not rate authors. Rate their works. If you are in a rating frenzy, rate an author's best and worse five works. Then start making your own articles (advise something like a feat or race to start off with).--Franken Kesey 18:34, 25 June 2018 (MDT)

OldRating NoteEdit

I altered Talk:Spread Ray (3.5e Feat), come have a look. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 20:40, 5 August 2018 (MDT)

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