SRD:Gnolls (Race)
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Also see the gnoll creature listing.
Gnolls are hyena-headed, evil humanoids that wander in loose tribes. Most gnolls have dirty yellow or reddish-brown fur. A gnoll is a nocturnal carnivore, preferring intelligent creatures for food because they scream more. A gnoll is about 7-1/2 feet tall and weighs 300 pounds.
- +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Intelligence, –2 Charisma.
- Medium size.
- Humanoid (Gnoll)
- A gnoll’s base land speed is 30 feet.
- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
- Racial Hit Dice: A gnoll begins with two levels of humanoid, which provide 2d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +1, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +0, and Will +0.
- Racial Skills: A gnoll’s humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 5 × (2 + Int modifier). Its class skills are Listen and Spot.
- Racial Feats: A gnoll’s humanoid levels give it one feat.
- +1 natural armor bonus.
- Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A gnoll is automatically proficient with simple weapons, the battleaxe, the shortbow, light armor, and shields.
- Automatic Language: Gnoll. Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Orc.
- Favored Class: Ranger.
- Level Adjustment: +1.
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