Liber Demonica (3.5e Sourcebook)/LD3
Chapter 3: Those That Would Traffic With Demons
The power that can be offered by the Abyss is great indeed, for those who dare to claim it. This section lists many tools and materials that players may wish to use, and that the GM can also use to make their demon-allied NPCs and monsters more unique.
Demonic Races
There are a few races that are irrevocably tainted with demonic energies. [more to come here]
Demonic Feats
This section lists all the feats designed for this volume. While many are specific to those aligned with demons or demonically-inclined, some are useful for everyone.
Name | Description |
Abaddon's Hatred | You strike down your enemies with the hatred of Abaddon. |
Alchemical Mastery | You can use alchemical items with great skill. |
Armour Training | A better, more-scaleable version of the PHB armour proficiency feats. |
Assassination Training | You have been trained in the art of the swift, stealthy kill. |
Attack on the Run | A better, easier to take version of the PHB move-and-attack feats. |
Baphomet's Stature | You gain immense presence, just like Baphomet. |
Blood of Stone | You laugh off the blows of foes as they shatter against your weathered hide. |
Burst of Speed | A better, more useful version of the Run feats. |
Combat Expertise, MS Variant | A better, more-scaleable version of the PHB feat. |
Combat Reflexes, MS Variant | A better, more accessible version of the PHB feat. |
Demogorgon's Insanity | Your touch spreads the madness at the heart of Demogorgon's being. |
Dodge, MS Variant | A better, more usable version of the PHB feat. |
Fraz-Urb'luu's Duality | You become like a devil, but not, just like your master Fraz-Urb'luu. |
Graft Flesh | You take bits from one creature and add it to others. |
Graz'zt's Shadows | The ghosts of Graz'zt protect you. |
Improved Combat Maneuver | A better, neater version of multiple PHB feats relating to combat maneuvers. |
Improved Feint, MS Variant | A better, easier-to-take version of the PHB feat. |
Improved Unarmed Strike, MS Variant | A better, more accessible version of the PHB feat. |
Juiblex's Slime | Your skin seeps the foulness of Juiblex. |
Orcus' Affinity | Undead see you as another undead creature. |
Pale Night's Veil | You can cover yourself in Pale Night's shroud. |
Pazuzu's Freedom | You are hard to stop, just like Pazuzu. |
Precise Shot, MS Variant | A variant Precise Shot that doesn't make us cry. |
Ruination of Malcanthet | Despite the poison in your soul, Malcanthet's supreme trickery and disguise hides it all. |
Servant of the Obyrith | You swear eternal allegiance to the obyrith, the original lords of the Abyss. |
Tentacles of Dagon | You gain tentacles, in the image of your lord Dagon. |
Thrall to Demon | You bind yourself to a demon lord, gaining some power over their portfolio. |
Toughness, Grimoire | Your preternatural toughness is the stuff of legends, allowing you to remain standing despite immense physical punishment. |
Two-Weapon Defense, MS Variant | A better, more-scaleable version of the PHB feat. |
Two-Weapon Fighting, MS Variant | A better, more-scaleable version of the PHB feat. |
Venom of Obox-ob | Your poisons are like those of Obox-ob himself. |
Weapon Focus, MS Variant | A better, more-scaleable version of the PHB feat. |
Yeenoghu's Victory | When you're taking down little things, Yeenoghu's power makes itself shown. |
Demonic Grafts
For the truly depraved or desperate, grafts are magically-preserved organs, limbs or tissues that are affixed directly to the bodies of others. While they are disgusting, and few would willingly undertake to have them implanted, they offer considerable power.
Gaining grafts: A graft 'uses up' a magic item slot, as if it were a magic item itself. In order to receive a graft, a creature must be either willing or immobilized. The entire process requires an hour, and is excruciatingly painful, dealing 10% of a creature's full normal hit points in hit point burn (this cannot be healed by magic, and can only recover naturally). Aside from the lack of magic item slots, there is no limit to how many grafts a creature can receive.
Removing grafts: Grafts are generally permanent once attached, as they become part of the body of whoever they were attached to. In order to remove them, they must be manually severed, which requires a coup de grace action. This is also painful, dealing 10% of the creature's full normal hit points in hit point burn (see above). Additionally, half of this damage never heals, except by long-term care from a creature with at least 7 ranks in Heal, or from a regenerate spell.
Grafts and appearance: Grafts tend to look unsightly in the extreme. A creature with at least one graft receives a -2 penalty on any checks required to interact with non-evil individuals. A creature which has three or more grafts instead takes a -4 penalty on such checks. A creature with five or more grafts takes a -8 penalty on such checks.
Name | Description |
Babau Skin | The skin of a babau, which makes the recipient slick with acid and tough. |
Balor Blood | The blood of a balor, which sheds flames from its user and destroys their enemies. |
Bar-lgura Arm | A bar-lgura's arm, with all its strength. |
Demon Heart | The heart of a demon, which fills those that carry it with unending rage. |
Eye of the Obyrith | The eye of an obyrith, giving its user powerful vision. |
Face of the Obyrith | The face of an ekolid, giving its user a form of madness. |
Feet of the Nalfeshnee | The feet of a nalfeshnee, giving the user a powerful stomp. |
Jaw of the Abyss | The mouth of a klurichir, mounted on the stomach. |
Maurezhi Tongue | The tongue of a maurezhi, giving its user a powerful attack, and the ability to move fast and trip their foes. |
Molydeus Snake | The snake of a molydeus, which watches over the recipient and strikes their enemies. |
Sacrificial Sac | A large pouch from a mane, designed to explode upon death. |
Third Eye of Damnation | A demonic eye which corrupts the minds of those that see it. |
Vocal Cords of the Vrock | The voicebox of a vrock, which gives its recipient the ability to deliver horrid shrieks that stun their enemies. |
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