Ambush (3.5e Feat Type)

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Name Summary
Anchoring Sneak Attack Trade sneak attack damage to put a dimensional anchor on your enemy
Dominating Sneak Attack Trade sneak attack damage to temporarily dominate your enemy
Energy Sneak Attack Trade 1d6 sneak attack damage to deal energy damage
Exalted Assassin Make your opponents physically blind as they are spiritually blind.
Metacombat Ambush! A sneaky warrior's friend.
Poison Surprise Give up sneak attack damage to increase poison DCs.
Precise Sneak Attack Trade sneak attack for accuracy.
Sandman Strike You hit a foe on the head so hard they fall into a coma.
Sheep Attack Trade sneak attack damage to turn your enemy into a sheep
Skirmish Move and attack.
Slippery Sneak Attack Trade sneak attack damage to knock your enemy prone
Slowing Sneak Attack Trade sneak attack damage for a slowing attack
Snaring Sneak Attack Trade sneak attack damage to reduce your enemy's movement speed
Sneak Attack Attack Trade sneak attack damage for sneak attack attack.
Stunning Sneak Attack Trade sneak attack damage to temporarily stun your enemy

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