Precursor (MC Race)

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Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 3-22-11
Status: Complete
Editing: Done
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Spiritual and legendary, they are an ancient race of both passion and pure devotion to the elements and the deities.

Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'5" -- 6'3"
Average Weight: 120 -- 165 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence; +2 Dexterity or Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Precursor; choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 Religion
Ancestral Heritage: You gain a bonus number of hit points per level equal to half your Intelligence modifier.
Cosmic Determination: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against magical effects (charms, evocations, traps).
Immortal Origin: Your spirit is a part of the Cosmos, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
Word of Cosmos: You can use word of cosmos as an encounter power.
Word of Cosmos
Precursor Racial Power
The faintest whispers that rush through your mouth becomes your allies’ guidance-- no matter where they are.
Minor Action Close Burst 5
Target: Each willing ally in burst
Effect: The target can shift as a free action and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.

The faintest whispers of the Cosmos can still be heard to this day, and it is all due in part of the precursors that roam the worlds—carrying with them an old religion that dates back to the creation of the worlds. The Precursors are the peacekeepers of order and chaos—keeping the two forces at bay and preventing either from snapping in two. A Precursor’s devotion to the path of the divine is unimaginable, and their knowledge of the worlds is unthinkable. They are the catalogers of the modern world, and every star points to their existence.

Play a Precursor if you want…

  • To hold within you the essence of the Creator and to protect the old traditions.
  • To become a well-known legend and to be remembered amongst the stars.
  • To be a member of a race that favors the Sage, Spellcaster, and Warrior classes.

Physical Qualities[edit]

Precursors look much like Magi-- in fact, Magi and Precursors are pretty much the same, but the Magi are the descendants of the Precursors. It makes it difficult to tell a Magi and a Precursor from each other when put back-to-back.
One key difference between the two is a Precursor’s extreme devotion to their religion-- they guard it, necessarily with their lives. Their religion holds the key to unlocking the secrets to the reincarnation of Cosmos, but with such a huge upbringing, they keep it away from the common worlds to avoid backlash and confrontations-- maybe even the clash of several beliefs, which could bring about the imbalance of Order and Chaos.
A Precursors life spans at about 145 years, but some can live up to 180 or more years of age. Their ties to the Cosmos have made them strong and their spirits even more so. Most elder Precursors become sages of immense knowledge-- teaching the ways of the old religion to younger scholars who have the same devotion as their ancestors before them.

Playing a Precursor[edit]

Precursors are guardians of the world order, and the keepers of the balance of Order and Chaos which makes up the Magi Civilization. Most precursors worship Cosmos, the god of Creation, and a few other deities. They are no less mentors as they are scholars themselves-- learning as they go, even though they hold the key to understanding the stars.
Precursors favor elemental or arcane paths rather than military might, due to the fact that their faith is directly tied to the Elements themselves. The power of the elements is very powerful, and it should never be ignored. They take exceptional responsibility to keep the elements in balance-- especially the opposing forces of Light and Dark, Order and Chaos.

Precursor Characteristics: Ambiguous, defensive, devoted, enlightened, free-spirited, mystical, quiet, religious, righteous, spiritual

Male Names: Arnet, Bashiro, Drelan, Ferdan, Hilar, Ix’tak, Krelin, Lanson, Nelar, Pranson, Regar, Salson, Ur’kala, X’ill, Zerman

Female Names: Belina, Dienna, Eclesia, Gil’sana, Isi’lene, Joena, Lecine, Mo’lleni, Orthena, Sansali, Tel’tara, Uh’nara, Veciela, Yuhari

Precursor Adventurers[edit]

Three sample Precursor adventurers are described below.

Bashiro, a precursor warrior, is an example of supreme control of the elements and self-discipline. He is the supreme guardian of the precursor religion and a devoted individual. His young age makes him a wonderfully adept warrior, and his knowledge far surpasses even the eldest sages. It is this self- discipline that makes him who he is, and it always takes first priority when engaged in combat.
Joena, a precursor spellcaster, is a powerful sorceress and a mentor to other young scholars who want to learn the ways of the elements. Her combat skills are second-to-none, and her determination aids her well-being. With great power comes great responsibility, and teaching the ways of the elements is no easy task.
X’ill, a precursor sage, is an elderly man with great knowledge and an even greater devotion to Cosmos. His pure will to the god of creation allows him to see the stars in a way that almost seemed to defy modern beliefs. Even though his physical spirit is weak, his spiritual soul remains forever young, and his continued devotion may even bring his soul to the immortal after-life—becoming one of Cosmos’s noble spirits.

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Facts about "Precursor (MC Race)"
Action TypeMinor Action +
AuthorXeadin +
IdentifierMC Race +
LevelNA +
RangeClose Burst5 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummarySpiritual and legendary, they are an ancient race of both passion and pure devotion to the elements and the deities. +
TitlePrecursor +
TypePrecursor Utility Racial Power +
UsageEncounter +