Hag's Milk (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 19 February 2011
Status: Tentative Completion
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Hag's Milk

Hag's Milk
Price: 750 gp
Body Slot:
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint Conjuration and Necromancy
Activation: Standard

This wicked potation looks like a blandly yellowish, pulpy, creamy, oily mess. Something evil was instilled into it when brewed. It only appears to get worse the longer it remains bottled, as if somehow spoiling into something worse than it began. It smells and tastes like a combination of rotted eggs and fish.

Immediately, upon consumption, the drinker must make a Will save DC 14 (base 10 + 3 for a 3rd level spell + 1 for the minimum key ability modifier on a 13 necessary to cast 3rd level spells) or have his moral alignment axis immediately shift to Evil for the duration of the potion. A suddenly evil character doesn't abandon his allies, but he may find himself at odds with them as he begins to see the world in a different light.

Regardless if the save was successful or not, the drinker's body twists and distorts, becoming cruel and malformed. The drinker's skin becomes sallow and weathered, covered in warts, reeking of a sickly odor. His teeth, nails and eyes turn as black as coal. His countenance twists into a fiercely wicked grin terrifying enough to haunt the dreams of a child all his life.

The drinker immediately gains Hag's Blessing, Sickening Gaze and immunity to sleep effects and diseases (but not magical diseases such as lycanthropy and mummy rot) for the duration. Any diseases he may currently have however, are not cured.

Additionally, the drinker may recognize any hag as though by true seeing as a supernatural ability.

Hag's Blessing (Su): So long as you have enough duration remaining on your potion, you can call upon that magic to protect you from harm. By sacrificing at least 10 minutes from the potion's total remaining duration, you can add +1 to any saving throw, added after you have rolled and after that roll was determined a success or failure. For every additional 10 minutes sacrificed, you gain an additional +1. If less than 10 minutes remain on the duration, the ability is unusable.

Sickening Gaze (Su): Such a character can direct their gaze upon a target within 30 feet as a standard action gaze attack. The target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 0.5 ½ the drinker's HD + his Charisma modifier) or become sickened for 1 minute. Targeting a creature already sickened by this ability causes the target to become nauseated on a failed save for 1 minute, after which the creature returns to being sickened for 1 minute. Finally, targeting a creature already nauseated by this ability causes the target to fall into an unconscious, nightmare riddled stupor for 1 minute. Upon awakening, the character returns to being nauseated for 1 minute and then sickened for 1 minute afterwords. A target rendered unconscious by this ability awakens if dealt any damage to his HP. Targets who save against this ability cannot be affected by the same drinker's Sickening Gaze for 24 hours.

A use of this ability, successful or not, reduces the potion's total remaining duration by 10 minutes. If less than 10 minutes remain on the duration, the ability is unusable.

The effects of this potion last for 1 hour and 1 minute.

After the duration of this potion expires, the drinker immediately becomes sickened for 1 hour and 1 minute as the hideous toxins work their way out of his body.

Prerequisites: Brew Potion, stinking cloud and ghoul touch.
Cost to Create: 375 gp, 30 EXP, 1 day.

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AuthorGanteka Future +
Body Slot+
Cost750 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryThis wicked potion grants several supernatural abilities themed around the powers of the hags. +
TitleHag's Milk +