Talk:Races of War (3.5e Sourcebook)

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Jotas Pics

Okay, love the pictures, they are epic, and lovely. I simply think they may be a tad to large...

For example, my computer screen isn't near as big as these monsters. Now then, a person could argue that they'd be fine, and that the page doesn't need to look good on every screen, but my computer screen resolution is about average size (1280 x 800). Perhaps they could be better placed, say, at the end of a subarticle of the sourcebook, since they look awesome, but, would stretch out the text of the book otherwise, making it irritating to read/look at. Though, these could be resized and kept where they are. Of course, that'd make mine superfluos, and would prolly make mine need to be removed. Also, while the second pic is an excellent image of a fantasy warscene, I would recommend the first one be used, since it both exemplifies the aim of the Tomes to make awesome characters awesome, and of this book to focus on war. → Rith (talk) 03:51, September 12, 2009 (UTC)

My bad. On my computer they are sized just big enough to fill all the blank space to the right of the index. Feel free to adjust as is more universally appropriate. -- Jota 04:03, September 12, 2009 (UTC)
kk, fixed that, thing I managed to get a better size for all screen resolutions that still catches a good bit of the detail. Also took of my mock book cover pic since it does really seem superflous now, what with the epic pics that sit on this page. Put some space between them as well, to make the page not feel cluttered (fung-shua). → Rith (talk) 04:39, September 12, 2009 (UTC)

Unfinished armors

In the Armor section, many of the light armor bonuses are unlisted or unfinished.

We know. No one's ever gotten around to making stuff awesome enough to flesh them out. Feel free to give it a shot. --Genowhirl 17:42, October 19, 2009 (UTC)
Actually, someone has. You can find updated versions of all the Frank and K stuff (Races of War, Tome of Fiends, etc), plus some community-made material compiled into PDFs here: --Neofenrir 18:38, October 19, 2009 (UTC)
Holy shit. That's what I get for not checking the PDF thread on the den... --Genowhirl 18:41, October 19, 2009 (UTC)


Template:RC Favor

RatedLike.png Tarkisflux likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
This is a great sourcebook, but probably my least favorite of the series. The revised monster PC rules, combat system, leadership rules, and other stuff is generally well thought out and fantastic. The writing remains amusing, insightful, and thought provoking. The classes remain good, but begin to powercreep a bit from previous works (especially the fighter). Scaling feats are a mixed bag from a great idea, though most are awesome. The scaling armor bit has never worked for me. These minor issues don't strongly detract from the otherwise excellent work though.

Template:RC Favor

RatedLike.png Wildmage likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
A work most exelent, love for the hitters

Bad Link

samurai has the level 7 iaijutsu tome when the character has the "edge" he may make an attack of opportunity. Clicking on the highlighted blue link it brings me here that does nothing. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) at

You'll want to go Races of War (3.5e Sourcebook)/Advanced Combat#Base Attack Bonus and Combat Maneuvers for info on The Edge. Will fix link in class. Thanks for pointing that out. --Ganteka Future 06:28, July 11, 2010 (UTC)

BAB is underpowered? I thought so too... until I made a spreadsheet and did the math. BAB is *phenomenally* powerful! A fighter easily smokes a rogue of equal level. (Typically does 3x the dmg per round, or 1.5x if the rogue gets sneak attacks off every successful attack, which would be difficult.) Likewise, the cleric gets owned about equally, until they get access to Divine Power, at which point (while it lasts) they have the BAB of a fighter, and thus ARE a fighter, but on steroids. I've not done the math vs. a mage or druid; it's entirely possible they could beat the fighter with a save-or-die spell, but hardly certain. (Fly + protection vs. missiles could be a tough combo though!)

I think one of the major points of this sourcebook is that BAB is meaningful, but not by itself. It's not that significant when you don't have the damage to actually do anything with that BAB, which fighters tend not to unless they are heavily optimized for Power Attack and the like. And given the power level that Tome classes were designed for, when the rogue has access to Use Magic Device in order to Sneak Attack anything and is chucking acid flasks for ranged touch attacks AND is using the ambiguous wording of the SRD Rogue to get the Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting feat without meeting prerequisites, the melee classes need more of a boost than just BAB. - TG Cid 16:37, 31 March 2012 (UTC)
LikedTarkisflux + and Wildmage +