Talk:Sunmaiden (3.5e Monster)

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Revision as of 21:29, 22 October 2012 by Luigifan18 (talk | contribs) (Added rating.)
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RatedFavor.png Luigifan18 favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Wow... I wonder how a sunmaiden vs. vampire matchup would turn out? (Probably quite poorly for the vampire, I believe.)

This is a very neat idea - an undead that is associated with light instead of darkness. The fact that it doesn't necessarily have to be evil is a nice touch.

RatedLike.png MisterSinister likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
A very unusual take on the undead, and one which I fully support! My only real gripe is that their flavour text has a bit of dissonance, as there is presently no way to 'convince them away'.
FavoredLuigifan18 +
LikedMisterSinister +