From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
This property contains all of the users who rated an article as "love".
Pages using the property "Favored"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
" | |
"Holy Shit is that a Mosquito?" + | Eiji-kun +, Canlin Undrosh + |
"Lol Media" + | Eiji-kun + |
1 | |
100 Far Realm Occurrences + | XX the memenist Xx + |
A | |
A Feast Unknown + | DanielDraco + |
A Player's Guide to Roles in the Party + | The-Marksman +, Leziad + |
AC Scouter + | Eiji-kun + |
Ability Damage Reduction + | Luigifan18 + |
Ability Striking + | Spanambula + |
Abolishing Flames + | Luigifan18 + |
Acid Rain + | Tarkisflux + |
Adaptive Dodge + | Zhenra-Khal + |
Adjacent Marksman + | Qwertyu63 +, Ganteka Future + |
Adjusted Accuracy + | Eiji-kun +, Aarnott +, Spanambula + |
Adorable + | Fluffykittens + |
Advanced Dagger Mastery + | The bluez in the dungeon + |
Advanced Dark Companion + | The bluez in the dungeon + |
Advanced Swordsmanship + | The bluez in the dungeon + |
Adventure Dragon + | Surgo + |
Aegis of Health, Tome + | Leziad + |
Aemulus + | Luigifan18 + |
Aeon Walker + | Zhenra-Khal + |
Afterlife + | The bluez in the dungeon + |
Aged Drakescales + | The bluez in the dungeon + |
Aging Overhaul + | Fluffykittens +, Wildmage +, Dragonexx + |
Aim through Clouds + | Ghostwheel +, DanielDraco +, Aarnott +, … |