Talk:Creepy Kid (3.5e Feat)

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Revision as of 17:48, 24 March 2013 by Eiji-kun (talk | contribs) (Salvagable.)
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RatedOppose.png Undead Knave opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Having read this now, this is absolutely terrible. Frightful Presence is one thing, complete immunity to spells is another. I also don't get why this feat assumes that creepy means evil, but that's fluff thing, so it really doesn't matter at all for rating, it just bugs me a little.
RatedDislike.png Tarkisflux dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
I don't hate the idea of this feat (not anymore than I dislike Archetype feats in the first place), but there are enough technical issues here that I can't support it. The 8HD ability is sort of a rip from frightful presence, but significantly stronger for no good reason. It doesn't even scale the frightened / shaken split, it just removes it entirely. And the 15 HD ability needs a serious overhaul, as has been mentioned. Even if were used as I think it's intended it would void the 1 HD ability, and that's extremely weird.
RatedOppose.png ThunderGod Cid opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Supporting what Surgo and DD said. The frightful presence was something I could kind of wrap my head around, since I think the 4d6 round duration, while excessive even then, is a straight port from SRD dragon entries. But the 15 HD ability is the real kicker, since it's ambiguous enough to make the character immune to everything that doesn't already not affect them.
RatedOppose.png DanielDraco opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
1 HD gives you nothing, and 3 HD gives you next to nothing; both are terrible even for L. 8 HD is suddenly VH, and laughably so -- 4d6 rounds is more time than anyone needs. Surgo is correct on the phrasing issues in 15 HD, and furthermore if it were corrected to do what you meant for it to do, it would be way too situational to be useful.
RatedOppose.png Surgo opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
This feat is off-the-chains crazy. Just reaching level 8 gives you a permanent aura of save-or-die. It does more than just that of course -- never make a Sense Motive check again (people will just start running around like chickens around you). The poorly-worded 15 HD ability gives you immunity to every spell in the game.


I think I can salvage this. Shall I? -- Eiji-kun (talk) 05:55, 24 March 2013 (UTC)

Sure, go right ahead. --Leziad (talk) 06:02, 24 March 2013 (UTC)
Random thoughts abound...

Prereqs changed to Nongood or know 3 necromancy spells

Archetype Feat Bonus are based on HD.

  • 1 HD: Gain a weak touch attack of negative energy, 1d6+1 per HD. Can use 3+mental score/day. At 5 HD it becomes at will. +2 Intimidate/Knowledge Religion, -2 Diplomacy. Can do knowledge Religion untrained and it becomes a class skill.
  • 3 HD: Gain rebuke undead as a cleric of your HD, or if you have it gain Extra Turning and Improved Turning. If you make a rebuke attempt against the living and succeed, targets are shaken.
  • 8 HD: Animate Dead/Create Undead/Greater Create Undead as an SLA 1/day a levels rise (8, 12, 16). Constant desecrate. Can turn rebuke attempts into channel energy attempts, 1d6 negative energy every 2 HD in a burst. Can include yourself. Will save for half damage. +4 Intimidate/Knowledge Religion, -2 Diplomacy.
  • 15 HD: Touch attacks are now an attack action. Spells effect undead as if they were living. Can talk to undead regardless of language or intellect. If you die, you rise as an undead your CR or less and persist for 10 minutes until you collapse again.
Stuff and thinks as I think and thunk. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 06:30, 24 March 2013 (UTC)
That looks much better. It also doesn't assume creepy=evil. --Undead_Knave (talk) 17:41, 24 March 2013 (UTC)
After talking to Rith, more thoughts thunked.
  • 1 HD: Animals will not attack you willingly, and at penalty if they do (or you've attacked them). Effectively you have Sanctuary vs animals. -2 Handle Animal/Diplomacy. +2 Intimidate.
  • 3 HD: Can mass intimidate everyone in 30ft. Radiate evil, regardless of alignment. Intimidates last 1 round/level.
  • 8 HD: Gain a fear aura. Creatures your HD or less save vs fear, shaken 1 round on a save. Creatures higher level save vs shaken, save negates. +2 Intimidate.
  • 15 HD: Bypass immunity to fear, though immune creatures gain +4 on their saves. If someone is under a fear effect you can take a standard action to phantasmal killer as a (Su) at will, once per target. Penalty on save based on how afraid they are.
Maximum thunks thought. Added some more Sadako in there since its supposed to be more "spooky fear" and less "necromancy". Glad you liked it, pre-reqs still non-good or, I dunno, Intimidate 4 ranks. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 17:48, 24 March 2013 (UTC)
DislikedTarkisflux +
OpposedUndead Knave +, ThunderGod Cid +, DanielDraco + and Surgo +