Minor Wish (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Snafusam (talk)
Date Created: 03/20/2013
Status: its a smaller version of Limited wish
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Minor Wish
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, XP
Casting time: 1 Standard Action
Range: See Text
Effect: See Text
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: yes

As you learn to re-create the universe you come across the great spell Wish and being such an impatient fool, you also learn of it's tiny replica Minor Wish allowing you to create Tiny changes to the world as is available to you but be warned power has its price.

A Minor wish lets you create nearly any type of effect. For example, a Minor wish can do any of the following things.

  • Duplicate any sorcerer/wizard spell of 3th level or lower, provided the spell is not of a school prohibited to you.
  • Duplicate any other spell of 2nd level or lower, provided the spell is not of a school prohibited to you.
  • Duplicate any sorcerer/wizard spell of 2nd level or lower, even if it’s of a prohibited school.
  • Duplicate any other spell of 1st level or lower, even if it’s of a prohibited school.
  • Undo the harmful effects of many spells, such as lesser geas/quest.
  • Produce any other effect whose power level is in line with the above effects, such as a single creature automatically hitting on its next attack or taking a –4 penalty on its next saving throw.

A duplicated spell allows saving throws and spell resistance as normal (but the save DC is for a 4th-level spell). When a Minor wish duplicates a spell that has an XP cost, you must pay that cost or 50 XP, whichever is more. When a Minor wish spell duplicates a spell with a material component that costs more than 100 gp, you must provide that component.

XP Cost: 50 XP or more (see above)

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClass Ability ComponentsSpellsSorcerer/Wizard

Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorSnafusam +
ComponentV +, S + and XP +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelSor/Wiz 4 +
RangeOther +
Rated ByQwertyu63 +, Dragonexx + and Sulacu +
RatingRating Pending +
SchoolUniversal +
SummaryA tiny Replica of the Wizards greatest achievement Wish +
TitleMinor Wish +