User talk:Snafusam

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the world is lost...

Told you I'd do it.[edit]

Consummatum est.
I just completed the polymorph symbiote and symbiote host. You should check it out and let me know what you think. --Nolanf (talk) 19:00, 25 November 2013 (UTC)

Spring Cleaning[edit]

I feel like removing stuff from Talk pages is a weird thing to do, and not in a good way. --Foxwarrior (talk) 03:32, 15 January 2014 (UTC)

Generally yes, but this seems to be largely technical policy stuff and an exchange with only me... so I don't really care. In general though, deleting talk page comments from other people is bad form Snafusam. Just sayin. - Tarkisflux Talk 05:48, 15 January 2014 (UTC)
I can understand why it feels that way. However with the age of the comments and much-outdated information, it's really needed at some point. I wouldn't delete anything important/ or currently relevent. things which were/are still relevent i re-organized (or gave it's own catagory). for example: the purifier class had comments from WAY back when it had 14 levels, holy word as a spell-like ability and balance issues so grand they instantly had half the active members screaming at me, those were deleted and i kept any comment which was still relevent. making the entire thing much easier to read. my "cleaning" was done with moderation and consideration...--Snafusam (talk) 09:39, 15 January 2014 (UTC)