Talk:Pity Sponge (3.5e Class)

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RatedLike.png Ghostwheel likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
I found this amusing.
RatedDislike.png DanielDraco dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
The idea is clever. Turning incompetence into competence is a neat concept. But this doesn't do that. It's just...incompetent. It can't actually do anything, except for one ability -- and that one ability, as Cid pointed out, is horrendously overpowered. Also, it's a base class that doesn't go to level 20. That is only forgivable if it can synergize with other classes -- but this class doesn't. When you run out of levels, you have nowhere to go.
RatedDislike.png ThunderGod Cid dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
Once-per-minute spammable diplomancy-like ability in Winning Failure that can end combats and eventually guarantee you to have an army of fanatic followers forever? But otherwise being pathetically weak in nearly every other way imaginable? Sounds like a real gravy train.
RatedLike.png Foxwarrior likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
It's good to see a class which truly embraces the monk-level way. You now have reasons to botch almost everything, without being forced to do so constantly. Attacks and saves aren't actually called "checks" though, you know.
RatedDislike.png ArdentPause dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
First, it is a base class with less than 20 levels. Otherwise, see Thundergod's comment
DislikedDanielDraco +, ThunderGod Cid + and ArdentPause +
LikedGhostwheel + and Foxwarrior +