Talk:Warforged-Gr7mm (5e Race)

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Revision as of 14:40, 15 March 2017 by Spanambula (talk | contribs)
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RatedFavor.png Spanambula favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
I've seen this before, but I wanted to get a bit more 5e experience under my belt before rating. This is a really solid race (no pun intended), preserving the flavor and spirit of the 3rd ed race and bringing it in line with the power balance of the 5e races. The subraces are all interesting. The immunities are attractive but not overpowered, and the repair mechanic is simple and workable.

Only thing I might add is a note stating whether Warforged can be raised or resurrected normally. One assumes they can since it's not stated otherwise, but on the other hand they are created creatures.


What's with all of the "#"s instead of "."s? - Tarkisflux Talk 18:29, 13 November 2014 (UTC)

No clue what happened with that at all, i went though and fixed it up though. Gr7mm Bobb (talk) 22:21, 13 November 2014 (UTC)

Repair Kit

A page for the warforged repair kit would be nice, or even the details of it on this page - Kylem2013 (talk) 19:10, 7 February 2015 (UTC)

Alright, I added the WF kit after subraces, if you want more just let me know how to fluff it up. Gr7mm Bobb (talk) 22:50, 22 February 2015 (UTC)

Your use of proficiency bonuses in random places makes my eyes bleed. besides the in-elegent effect it has on design, it's also very un-balenced. -- 19:05, 7 July 2015 (UTC)

Well that's not the most constructive criticism I've encountered. If you provided something beyond exaggerated injuries and biting statements laced with typo's, I might be more inclined to respect your opinion. I imagine several perspectives in which throwing proficiency bonuses around can unbalance the game. I can try to slim up on how it's being thrown about now that I have a more design experience under my belt. Hopefully your next bout of review comes with better feedback than vague opinions. Also don't forget that there's a signature button.Gr7mm Bobb (talk) 01:22, 10 July 2015 (UTC)

Changes to tactician made, replaced bonuses with the help action with action economy. Considering having it changed to add the Intelligence modifier when using the Help action. Also changed double proficiency to advantage, this should provide the boost needed without the game breaking that raw numbers provides, ultimately dwarfing key class features and stepping on all sorts of toes.

I kept the Juggernaut as is. They fill a bit of an odd role being the large durable soldier, who is well protected but has a long recovery time. Yes they tip the scales of balance to extremes on either side. The ability to shrug through physical punishment that does get through. However I am considering that the base AC needs to be dropped to 14 so it is the same as a character starting with chain-mail.

Scout seems the most basic and balanced to me. If there are any issues with here feedback would be great. Gr7mm Bobb (talk) 01:53, 10 July 2015 (UTC)

Alrighty then, my basic thought process is somewhat laid bare for criticism. I took up the idea of assigning points to help define the power of my custom races. These numbers are based on the opinions of others with my ceiling set to not exceed the most powerful PHB race, the Mountain Dwarf. Anyway this is what I've got. I have noted that my Unarmored option does skew balance (a lot) because it is significantly better than the flat +1 that WotC proposed for the metal men. Gr7mm Bobb (talk) 16:36, 7 August 2015 (UTC)

Warforged Base Chassis Living Construct: -1.5, .5, .5, 1 ASI: 2 Rest of the Sleepless: 1 Artificial Anatomy: .5 Total= 4 or 6 (+2 if unarmored)

Tactician ASI: 1 The Right Nudge: .5 Marker: 1 Of Mind and Body: .5 Living Armor: 1 Total= 8 (9 if unarmored)

Juggernaut ASI: 1 Heavy Plating: 2.5, -1 Solid Construction: 2 Lasting Injury: -1 Stability: .5 Total= 8 (cannot be unarmored)

Scout: ASI: 1 Darkvision: .5 Light Frame: .5, 1.5 Quick Footed: .5 Total= 8 (8.5 if unarmored)

Spring cleaning, of sorts

Overall I've been continuing to produce homebrew for my playgroup and have posted the results in a handful of areas. But I felt it was time to revisit my first in depth 5e homebrew project. With new experience and hopefully a better sense as a creator on the whole.

In this most recent pass, my goal was to provide a clear and concise homebrew version of a race from previous editions that I enjoyed greatly. I wanted to provide other 5e players with a race that provided an interesting RP experience in a game deeply rooted in a fantasy setting. Whether it was the fluff or the crunch of them, many players enjoyed the dynamic that the warforged as a race brought to the table. Their anatomy provided PC's with set of strengths and weaknesses that provided both player's and DM with new challenges to overcome. With this article I hope that I have provided a race option that is valuble enough to be even worth considering in terms of Balance and Fun. Gr7mm Bobb (talk) 09:39, 13 January 2017 (MST)


My party should be running into an enclave of Warforged as soon as the game gets underway (next week I hope), and most likely winding up with one as an NPC guide. I'll let you know how it works out. Again, good job. - Spanambula (talk) 08:40, 15 March 2017 (MDT)