Publication:Hyperconscious/Psionic Powers/Causal Loop

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Causal Loop
Level: Psion/Wilder 3
Display: Audible
Manifesting Time: One standard action
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
Target: All creatures in a 10-foot diameter area
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 5

You entangle your foes in a loop of causal time, dooming them to repeat their last action every round until the duration elapses.

If the target manifests a power, it manifests a power again in the exact same location. If the target attacks a foe, it attacks the same foe again even if the foe has retreated or is dead. Even if prevented, the target makes every effort to repeat its last action, even if the action will cause itself harm. For instance, a running foe continues to run each round and may eventually run into a ravine. Despite its obliviousness to its surroundings, a target’s power points used and any points of damage sustained accumulate normally. A target’s mind may be caught in a causal loop, but not so its body. For the same reason, targets are not denied their Dexterity if attacked while causal looping

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DisciplinePsychoportation +
LevelPsion/Wilder 3 +
SummaryThe target is doomed to repeat its last action for 1 round per level. +
TitleCausal Loop +