Transform Life to Art (3.5e Invocation)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: December 8, 2017
Status: Complete
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Transform Life to Art
Artistic Essence Art Flow User Greater; 7th

With this invocation, your paint shot becomes capable of seizing your foes and steadily draining the life out of them, replacing it with raw essence from the Art Flow to preserve their corpse as a work of art for eternity. A creature struck by your paint shot must succeed on an opposed grapple check against you (with you using your Charisma modifier in place of your Strength modifier, and using your caster level in place of your base attack bonus if the former is higher). If you lose the grapple check, the paint shot is resolved normally (since you are using your paint shot to grapple, your opponent cannot attempt to retaliate). If you win the grapple check, your paint shot abruptly engulfs the target, trapping it in an orb of paint which promptly flies to your location and levitates in front of you, providing you with cover against attacks; an attack that strikes the orb of paint instead of you deals half its damage to the trapped creature, with the other half being absorbed by the orb of paint (something you may not be happy about if you want your victim's corpse preserved as immaculately as possible). If your paint shot hits multiple creatures at once (such as if it is augmented by eldritch cone or eldritch doom), each creature that is struck makes a separate grapple check, though you make a single grapple check opposing each of them; creatures that successfully make Reflex saves for half damage (if allowed by the invocation) automatically succeed on their grapple checks, and each creature that fails its grapple check is engulfed and trapped in a separate orb of paint, with all of the orbs of paint flying to hover near your position.

Creatures trapped in orbs of paint are effectively pinned inside of their paint orb, automatically rendered unable to speak, and automatically take quadrupled damage from your paint shot on each round as the paint forces itself inside their bodies; they must also succeed on a Fortitude save each round or, at your option, either be poisoned four times (taking four times your paint shot's regular ability damage and being required to make four separate secondary saves 1 minute later (if they somehow survive that long)) or be heavily poisoned twice (taking twice your paint shot's regular ability damage, but converting that ability damage to ability drain, and requiring two separate secondary saves against ability drain 1 minute later). There is also no air inside a paint orb, so creatures who remain in the orb for a really long time without somehow dying are at risk of drowning. Creatures inside a paint orb can escape in one of four ways: they can escape with a grapple check (as the check to not be grabbed in the first place), they can escape with an Escape Artist check against a grapple check from you, they can escape with a Swim check against a DC of 30 + your caster level, or they can just teleport out if they can somehow do so under the limitations of being pinned by the paint orb (with the automatic paint orb damage being treated as continuous damage for the purpose of Concentration DCs).

You must concentrate on the paint orb(s) to keep your victim(s) trapped, which you can do as a standard, move, or swift action. If your concentration is broken, all creatures trapped inside paint orbs are automatically released. Trapped creatures get to make a grapple check if your concentration is threatened, setting the highest grapple check result among them as the Concentration DC if it is higher than the DC of the distraction itself. Concentrating as a move action slows down the rate of paint invasion, which reduces the automatic damage to triple your paint shot's regular damage and reduces the poison effect, either poisoning the victim three times for triple ability damage (and three separate secondary saves 1 minute later) or heavily poisoning the victim once for ability drain equal to regular ability damage; it also makes it easier to escape, causing you to take a −2 penalty on grapple checks to keep creatures in paint orbs and reducing the Swim DC by 2, and is also a less efficient form of concentration, causing you to take a −4 penalty to Concentration checks to maintain the paint orbs. Concentrating as a swift action drastically slows the rate of paint invasion, which reduces the automatic damage to double your paint shot's regular damage and dramatically reduces the poison effect, poisoning the victim twice for double ability damage and two separate secondary saves 1 minute later (the option for ability drain is removed entirely); it also makes escaping much easier, causing you to take a −4 penalty on grapple checks to keep creatures in paint orbs and reducing the Swim DC by 4, and it is also a far less efficient form of concentration, forcing you to make Concentration checks as if casting defensively just to maintain the paint orbs and causing Concentration checks against actual distractions to take a −8 penalty. On the upside, concentrating with a move or swift action frees up your standard action to do other things, like using this invocation again to capture more creatures. You can voluntarily free a single creature from a paint orb as a free action usable a number of times per round equal to half your caster level (minimum 1). A creature killed by a paint orb is not automatically released, and comes out as a statue posed however you desire when it does come out.

If a paint orb is struck with a water or cold effect, the creature inside it is automatically released. If you get struck with a water or cold effect, all creatures currently inside paint orbs are automatically released as though you failed a Concentration check. You cannot trap a creature with the Water or Cold subtype inside a paint orb.

This invocation is a [Paint] effect.

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLuigifan18 +
DescriptorPaint +
Identifier3.5e Invocation +
LevelArt Flow User Greater +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummarySeize an opponent with your paint shot and pump them full of the Art Flow's essence, rapidly poisoning them. +
TitleTransform Life to Art +