Art Flow User (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: November 24, 2017
Status: Most essential class features in place;
currently collecting invocations
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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A person infused with the power of the Art Flow, gifted with phenomenal creative power and outrageous durability. Just stay away from water. 10 8 Poor Good Good Good

"Spellcasting" is not in the list (Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Psionics, ...) of allowed values for the "Class Ability" property.
, Bardic Music,
"VFX" is not in the list (Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Psionics, ...) of allowed values for the "Class Ability" property.
, Other


Art Flow User[edit]

The Art Flow is a dimension of raw artistic energy coexisting with the Material Plane. Most people don't even know that it exists, which is just as well, because its raw energy is highly toxic to most beings. But occasionally, someone is born who has the exact opposite reaction to the power of the Art Flow – its energy fills and enriches their very being. Many who have the potential to harness the Art Flow never learn of its existence, or of its connection to them. But those who do find out find that they can utilize its energy to create anything they put their mind to, shrug off the most terrible of wounds, propel themselves through the air with just their thoughts, and even travel through the Art Flow itself.

Becoming an Art Flow User[edit]

Only those who already possess considerable artistic talent can even hope to tap into the Art Flow, but those who do tap into it are gifted with many fantastic abilities, including flight, regeneration, and the capacity to make almost anything through sheer force of will and the energy of the Art Flow. They can also harness the energy of the Art Flow in combat to gradually reduce their foes to statues. However, they are so heavily reliant on their powers that they can't use weapons or armor very well (unless they were already able to effectively use them before discovering their talent), and they don't exactly have the greatest of aim. Furthermore, their powers are hindered by cold, and completely shut down by water or ice. A foe who can exploit an Art Flow user's weaknesses can incapacitate them easily.

Abilities: Charisma is the most important ability for this class, as it governs its invocations. Dexterity and Constitution are, as always, important for Armor Class and hit points, respectively, though not as much as you’d expect, given that regeneration is one of the Art Flow User's major features (though some of their other functions, like skills, ranged attack rolls, and Reflex/Fortitude saves, could easily make or break Art Flow Users, since their base attack bonus is poor and instant kills have an annoying tendency to bypass regeneration). Intelligence isn’t very important for the Art Flow User in and of itself, but it does help prospective candidates meet the prerequisites as soon as possible if their base class’s skill points don’t make the cut. Wisdom helps with Will saves but is otherwise unimportant, and Strength likewise doesn’t amount to much unless the Art Flow User enjoys creating weapons and then personally using them.

Races: A sentient being either has the ability to tap into the Art Flow or they don't. Race is mostly irrelevant. Those who become Art Flow Users already had a strong interest (and a great degree of skill and competence) in the arts, so cultural background doesn't matter much; potential Art Flow Users are already a subculture unto themselves. That said, the strengths and weaknesses of each race do mean that some races are a bit more likely to become Art Flow Users or are a bit better at handling the power than others.

Alignment: Any. The Art Flow is mostly independent from alignment. (Its relationship to the law-chaos axis is rather weird — its raw energy leans towards chaos, as any uncontrolled thing is wont to do, but the act of harnessing the energy and directing it towards an artistic purpose shifts it towards law. In either case, it does not lean enough towards chaos or law to be considered chaotic or lawful in and of itself.)

Entry Requirements
Skills: 11 ranks in any 4 of the following skills: Balance, Bluff, Craft (any), Disguise, Forgery, Perform (any), Profession (any), Tumble. At least 2 of those skills must be a Craft, Perform, or Profession skill.
Feats: Any 2 item creation feats.
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd-level bard spells (if using bardic music or virtuous performances to qualify).
Maneuvers: Ability to initiate 3rd-level maneuvers (if using bardic dance to qualify).
Special: Must be able to use one of the following: bardic music, virtuous performances, Art Pieces, or VFX. If qualifying via bardic music or virtuous performances, see "Spellcasting". If qualifying via bardic dance, see "Maneuvers". If qualifying via Art Pieces, must know at least one masterpiece. If qualifying via VFX, must know VFX Zoom.

If using Tome of Prowess rules, the skill prerequisites become the following: Grade II in any 2 of the following background skills: Any Craft, chef, acting, painting, (more to come when I refresh my memory on what they are) OR Grade III in any one of the aforementioned background skills AND 11 ranks in any one of Acrobatics, Appraisal, Bluff, or Transformation.

Table: The Art Flow User

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Invocations
Entry Class Advancement
Fort Ref Will Painter Artificer Bard Minstrel Dancer Viewtiful
1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Paint Shot (1 Strength damage, 1 Dexterity damage, 1 Constitution damage), Regeneration, Long-Lived, Flight (20 ft., poor), Invocations (Least) 1 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music, Spellcasting) +1 level (Virtuous Performance, Spellcasting) +1 level (Bardic Dance, Maneuvers) +1 level (VFX pool, VFX strength)
2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Flight (25 ft.) 2 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music) +1 level (Virtuous Performance) +1 level (Bardic Dance)
3rd +1 +3 +3 +3 Paint Shot (1 Strength damage, 2 Dexterity damage, 1 Constitution damage), Rapid healing 1/hour, Flight (average) 3 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music, Spellcasting) +1 level (Virtuous Performance, Spellcasting) +1 level (Bardic Dance, Maneuvers) +1 level (VFX pool, VFX strength)
4th +2 +4 +4 +4 Paint Shot (1 Strength damage, 2 Dexterity damage, 2 Constitution damage), Flight (30 ft.), Invocations (Lesser) 4
5th +2 +4 +4 +4 Paint Shot (2 Strength damage, 2 Dexterity damage, 2 Constitution damage) 5 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music, Spellcasting) +1 level (Virtuous Performance, Spellcasting) +1 level (Bardic Dance, Maneuvers) +1 level (VFX pool, VFX strength)
6th +3 +5 +5 +5 Rapid healing 2/hour, Flight (35 ft., average), Paint Adaption 6 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music) +1 level (Virtuous Performance) +1 level (Bardic Dance)
7th +3 +5 +5 +5 Invocations (Greater) 7 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music, Spellcasting) +1 level (Virtuous Performance, Spellcasting) +1 level (Bardic Dance, Maneuvers) +1 level (VFX pool, VFX strength)
8th +4 +6 +6 +6 Paint Shot (2 Strength damage, 3 Dexterity damage, 2 Constitution damage), Flight (40 ft.) 8
9th +4 +6 +6 +6 Paint Shot (2 Strength damage, 3 Dexterity damage, 3 Constitution damage), Rapid healing 3/hour, Flight (perfect) 9 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music, Spellcasting) +1 level (Virtuous Performance, Spellcasting) +1 level (Bardic Dance, Maneuvers) +1 level (VFX pool, VFX strength)
10th +5 +7 +7 +7 Paint Shot (3 Strength damage, 3 Dexterity damage, 3 Constitution damage), Flight (45 ft.), Invocations (Master) 10 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music) +1 level (Virtuous Performance) +1 level (Bardic Dance)

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (local) (theatrics) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Art Flow User.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Art Flow User gains no proficiency with any weapons or armor.

Although the Art Flow User uses spell-like abilities, they are affected by arcane spell failure if wearing anything more than clothing. An Art Flow User wearing any armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure. A multiclass Art Flow User still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Entry Class Advancement: A prospective Art Flow User must develop a degree of artistic talent before the dimension of art even recognizes him or her. This talent can take many forms, such as painting, sculpting, craftsmanship, music, acting, dancing, or even sheer showmanship, and whatever it is, delving into the secrets of the Art Flow will help to develop that talent, though not quite as much as focusing on the talent itself.

A Painter who takes levels in Art Flow User gets to apply all Art Flow User levels that are not multiples of 4 towards the effectiveness of his/her sketches and Art Pieces and development of new paintings and masterpieces, but not to any other features of the Painter class (which is okay, since there aren’t any). (For example, a 10th-level painter/7th-level Art Flow User counts as a 16th-level painter with respect to how many sketches, Art Pieces, paintings, and masterpieces he or she can use and how powerful those abilities are. Upon becoming an 8th-level Art Flow User, they still count as a 16th-level painter, but upon becoming a 9th-level Art Flow User, they count as a 17th-level painter.)

A bard or minstrel who takes levels in Art Flow User gets to apply all Art Flow User levels that are not multiples of 4 towards the effectiveness and development of bardic music or virtuous performances, and every odd-numbered Art Flow User level towards advancement of spellcasting (caster level, spell slots, spells known/readied, and max spell level). Levels of Art Flow User do not contribute to any other class features of the bard or minstrel (such as bardic knowledge or Musically Gifted). (For example, a 10th-level bard/3rd-level Art Flow User counts as a level 13 bard with respect to bardic music and a level 12 bard with respect to spellcasting. Upon taking their 4th level in Art Flow User, their effective level for both features does not increase, but it does at Art Flow User level 5 (level 14 bardic music, level 13 spellcaster). At Art Flow User level 6, the effective bard level for bardic music increases by 1 (effective 15th-level bard), but the effective level for spellcasting does not (effective 13th-level bard).)

A dancer who takes levels in Art Flow User gets to apply all Art Flow User levels that are not multiples of 4 towards the effectiveness and development of bardic dances, and every odd-numbered Art Flow User level towards advancement of maneuvers (initiator level, maximum number of readied maneuvers, number of maneuvers known, number of maneuvers readied into a dance, number of stances known, and max maneuver level). Levels of Art Flow User do not contribute to any other class features of the dancer.

A Viewtiful Warrior who takes levels in Art Flow User gets to apply odd-numbered Art Flow User levels towards the dodge bonus of Viewtiful Dodge, the size of his or her VFX pool (specifically following the Viewtiful Warrior’s progression), his or her VFX recharge rate (also specifically following the Viewtiful Warrior’s progression), and formulaic level-dependent variables of VFX powers (such as the speed bonus of VFX Mach Speed), but not to any other Viewtiful Warrior class features (like unarmed strikes, Stunning Fist, or Ukemi). Art Flow User levels also don’t contribute to the development of new VFX powers or new or advanced features of existing VFX powers (such as VFX Slow slowdown, Mach Speed clones, or Replay critical hits). (There are some who consider VFX a way to tap into the Art Flow, even though VFX empirically has more in common with psionic powers and Viewtiful Warriors who don’t awaken to the Art Flow are hurt just as badly by it as anyone else.)

That’s pretty weaksauce!
The Viewtiful Warrior only gets to be an entryway class for the Art Flow User at all because VFX is explicitly based on common movie-making cinematic tricks, such as slow motion, fast-forward, repeat cuts, and zooming in. Movies do qualify as a form of art, so VFX has enough of a connection to the Art Flow that excluding it didn’t seem logical. That said, the connection is tenuous enough (and the Viewtiful Warrior is so borderline-overpowered on its own) that it was necessary to make the power boost of a Viewtiful Warrior becoming an Art Flow User as horizontal as possible, within the realm of sensibility. Hence, the Art Flow can bestow some extra VFX, make it recharge a little faster, and make the abilities a little stronger (and of course, being able to fly is enough of an agility boost that I could justify advancing the progression of Viewtiful Dodge as well), but doing anything more would just be too much. VFX isn’t the point of the Art Flow or those who tap into it, it’s more of a fringe territory, and I wanted the mechanics to reflect this.

Paint Shot (Sp): As a standard action, an Art Flow User can launch an orb of raw essence from the Art Flow (an energy that greatly resembles paint) which deals 1d6 damage per caster level as a ranged touch attack (its caster level is equal to the Art Flow User's class level, and its range increment is 60 feet). In addition to the damage, a paint shot seeps into the skin of its victim, which is... not good for them in the slightest; it is poisonous, dealing 1 Strength, 1 Dexterity, and 1 Constitution damage unless the victim succeeds on a Fortitude save (save DC is Charisma-based). Since the essence of the Art Flow is poisonous, a creature that fails its Fortitude save is poisoned and must make another Fortitude save 1 minute later or take the same ability damage again. A creature killed by paint shot (including if its Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution is reduced to 0) becomes a terrifyingly "realistic" statue, as if affected by flesh to stone. (A creature that dies in this way does not actually turn to stone – it is simply chemically and supernaturally mummified. As such, stone to flesh is unable to restore a creature who has succumbed to such a fate; however, any form of revival, including raise dead, works normally, clearing the Art Flow from the subject's system. A body killed by Art Flow poisoning does not decay, but revival magic is still subject to its usual time limits. If a creature killed by Art Flow poisoning is temporarily revived by a spell such as revenance[1], it dies normally when the spell expires; it does not become a statue again.) The Art Flow is a supernatural poison, so resistance or immunity to mundane poisons is useless against it. Unlike an artistic essence, if an Art Flow User strikes a creature with multiple paint shots in a round, that creature has to make a separate Fortitude save for each one (and a separate secondary save for each primary save it fails). Spell resistance applies to each shot separately. Creatures with the [Water] or [Cold] subtype take half damage from a paint shot, gain a +4 bonus to their Fortitude saves against it, and gain a +6 bonus to their spell resistance against it if they have spell resistance. Creatures that have both the [Water] and [Cold] subtypes or are composed entirely of water or ice, such as water elementals, take only ⅓ of the damage from a paint shot, gain a +8 bonus to their spell resistance against it (if they have spell resistance), and cannot be poisoned by it at all, even if such a creature is not already immune to poison, nor will it be pseudo-petrified if killed by the paint shot. Creatures that have both the [Water] and [Cold] subtypes and are composed entirely of water or ice take only ¼ of the damage from a paint shot, gain a +10 bonus to their spell resistance against it (if they have spell resistance), and cannot be poisoned by it at all, even if such a creature is not already immune to poison, nor will it be pseudo-petrified if killed by the paint shot. Art Flow Users also cannot be poisoned or pseudo-petrified by a paint shot, and take half damage from it. An Art Flow User can use Paint Shot if he or she is soaked or immersed in water, encased in ice, or enveloped in steam up to at least his or her waist, but its damage is cut in half (which stacks with any scenarios described above which cut the damage) and its save DC is reduced by 4; it doesn’t regain full strength until the Art Flow User is completely dry. Paint Shot counts as eldritch blast for the purpose of prerequisites.

Unlike some spell-like abilities, a paint shot has a spell level. A paint shot's spell level is equal to the Art Flow User's class level (minimum 1st, maximum 9th), the spell level of the artistic shape applied to the shot (if any), or the spell level of the artistic essence applied to the shot (if any), whichever is highest.

As an Art Flow User gains levels, the concentration of energy from the Art Flow within his or her paint shot increases, making the ability damage more severe. At 3rd, 8th, 13th, and every 5 levels afterwards, the Dexterity damage (both primary and secondary) increases by 1. At 4th, 9th, 14th, and every 5 levels afterward, the Constitution damage (both primary and secondary) increases by 1. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and every 5 levels afterwards, the Strength damage (both primary and secondary) increases by 1.

Paint Shot with the Better Poison Implementation Rules
The poison of the Art Flow works quite differently under Leziad’s “better poison system”. The statistics of Art Flow Energy as a poison under these rules are as follows:
  • Duration: 5 rounds
  • Base DC: 18 (Max 32)
  • Creature DC: 10 + ½ Creature's HD + Creature's Con or Cha modifier (depending on the attack)
  • Lethality Threshold: 4
  • Delivery: Contact

Initial Effect: The victim must make a Fortitude save or suffer a −2 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. If this reduces one of these ability scores to 0, the victim immediately dies, its body becoming a taxidermied statue as though affected by flesh to stone (though it is not actually petrified).

Heightened Effect: The penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution increase by 2 (−4, −6, −8, and so on). If this reduces one of those ability scores to 0, the victim immediately dies.

Secondary Effect: The victim's movement speeds are reduced by 5 feet, to a minimum of 5 feet.

Delayed Effect: The ability score penalties from the poison become ability damage. If the lethality threshold was crossed and the victim doesn't die, it must make another Fortitude save or the ability score penalties from the poison become ability drain.

Particular Immunity: Art Flow Users, all creatures with Paint subtype.

The DC of the Art Flow Energy as transmitted through a paint shot is calculated using the paint shot’s spell level and the Art Flow User’s Charisma modifier, rather than the creature DC formula above. The scaling is also altered; the poison’s potency is fixed to −2 penalty per dose (−4 at 2 doses, −6 at 3 doses, and so on). Instead, a 1st-level Art Flow User’s paint shot delivers 1 dose of Art Flow Energy. At 7th level, this is upgraded to delivering 2 doses simultaneously. The number of doses per paint shot increases by 1 for every 6 levels afterward (3 doses at 13th level, 4 doses at 19th level, and so on).

Regeneration (Su): The Art Flow continuously refreshes, rejuvenates, and repairs the body of an Art Flow User. An Art Flow user has regeneration equal to his or her class level; this regeneration is bypassed by water and cold damage, and suppressed entirely if the Art Flow user is soaked or immersed in water, encased in ice, or enveloped in steam up to at least his or her waist. Regeneration suppressed in this way does not resume until the Art Flow User is completely dry, and all damage taken until regeneration resumes is lethal if it would ordinarily be lethal.

  • Long-Lived (Ex): As a side-effect of constantly being refreshed and rejuvenated by the Art Flow, an Art Flow User lives twice as long as others of his or her race; all age categories are adjusted accordingly. Note that this is not immortality; an Art Flow User accrues bonuses and penalties from aging normally (just at a decelerated rate), and an Art Flow User will still die of old age when his or her time is up.
  • Rapid Healing (Su): An experienced Art Flow User can eventually shrug off even those blows that could actually threaten his or her life. A 3rd-level Art Flow User gains rapid healing 1/hour. This increases by 1 for every 3 levels after 3rd (rapid healing 2/hour at level 6, rapid healing 3/hour at level 9, etc.). The Art Flow User’s rapid healing is suppressed if the Art Flow User is soaked or immersed in water, encased in ice, or enveloped in steam up to at least his or her waist; if suppressed in this way, it does not resume until the Art Flow User is completely dry. An Art Flow User's rapid healing ignores nonlethal damage unless the Art Flow User has sustained no lethal damage.

Flight (Su): Art Flow Users are empowered to fly by the dimension's artistic energy. They can fly as soon as they awaken to the power, but it does take experience in order to fly well. A 1st-level Art Flow User has a fly speed of 20 feet and poor maneuverability. Fly speed improves by 5 feet at 2nd level and every 2nd level thereafter. Maneuverability improves by 1 grade at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter (up to perfect at 9th). An Art Flow User is unable to fly if soaked, immersed in water, encased in ice, or enveloped in steam up to at least his or her waist, and does not regain the ability to fly until completely dry. (This means that flying out of a lake is not an option – an Art Flow User knocked into a body of water has to swim out the hard way. (And I do mean the hard waySwim is not a class skill for an Art Flow User! Have fun drowning!))

Invocations: An Art Flow User learns several spell-like abilities identical in nature to the warlock's[2] invocations. He or she may use these invocations at will, though (s)he must still pay any relevant gold and experience costs, and (s)he is affected by arcane spell failure in any armor and with shields. Invocations do not provoke attacks of opportunity unless otherwise noted. Invocations come in three types: artistic shapes, which alter the shape and spread of his/her paint shot class feature; artistic essences, which augment his/her paint shot class feature with a rider effect; and invocations, which duplicate spells or have other, sometimes long-standing effects. An Art Flow User is unable to cast invocations if soaked, immersed in water, encased in ice, or enveloped in steam up to at least his or her waist (though some invocations can be cast in such a state (though sometimes at reduced power), which will be noted in the description), and does not regain the ability to cast invocations until completely dry. Becoming wet will suppress any invocations the Art Flow User cast upon him/herself that could not be cast while wet in the first place, though their effects will resume if the Art Flow User becomes dry again before the effect expires.

At 1st level, (s)he can select one invocation known, and an additional invocation at each level. At first, (s)he may only select from least invocations. At level 4, (s)he may select from least or lesser invocations. At level 7, (s)he may select from least, lesser, or greater invocations. Finally, at level 10 and beyond, (s)he may select from least, lesser, greater, or master invocations. At every even level, (s)he may choose to switch out one of his/her invocations known for another, so long as the invocation swapped is the same or lower level invocation as the original. (S)he may only swap out one invocation at each even level. Any saving throws are Charisma-based. Artistic essences which force a save against an effect only need one save each round against the effect of the invocation (each paint shot requires a separate Fortitude save as normal), regardless of how many times you hit, unless the description states otherwise. Art Flow Users choose their invocations from the following list1.

Least — all-seeing eyes2[3], minor Art Flow's gift, beguiling influence2[2], charged shot2, draconic knowledge[4], earthen grasp[2], eldritch glaive[4], eldritch flurry2, eldritch spear2, 4[2], hammer blast2[3], hideous blow[2], leaps and bounds2[2], magic insight[4], otherworldly whispers2[3]

Lesser — Art Flow's gift, baneful blast2[3], charm2[2], deteriorating blast2[4], draconic flight3, eldritch chain2[2], exploding blast, humanoid shape[4], fell flight3[2], flee the scene[2]

Greater — major Art Flow's gift, blastbind, delayed blast mine, draconic toughness[4], eldritch cone2, 5[2], eldritch eruption, eldritch line2, 6[4], eldritch stream, painter's tentacles, penetrating blast2[4], repelling blast2[2], super Smash blast2, transform life to art

Master — masterpiece Art Flow's gift, greater draconic flight3[4], eldritch doom2[2], eldritch star, goodbye limbs, impenetrable barrier[4], painter's soul, perilous veil[4]

  1. Some invocations taken from official materials work differently for the Art Flow User than they do for the warlock. Where differences exist, they will be pointed out in footnotes like this one.
  2. This invocation can be cast even if the Art Flow User is wet. If the invocation is somehow reduced in effectiveness when wet, it will be pointed out in a second footnote (if official) or in the invocation's description (if homebrew).
  3. If the Art Flow User's innate flight exceeds the speed and/or maneuverability of the flight this invocation would grant, it instead improves the Art Flow User's flight speed by 10 feet plus 5 feet per caster level, as well as improving maneuverability by one grade (to a maximum of perfect). These improvements are treated as an enhancement bonus.
  4. This invocation changes the paint shot's range increment to 150 feet (rather than the default 60 feet, or the flat 250 feet of the warlock version). If the Art Flow User is wet, the range increment instead becomes 90 feet.
  5. If the Art Flow User is wet, the range of the cone becomes 20 feet.
  6. If the Art Flow User is wet, the range of the line becomes 40 feet.

Paint Adaption (Ex): At 6th level, an Art Flow User starts gaining partial traits of a paint elemental. (S)he gains 25% fortification as his/her vitals are transformed into paint, and (s)he becomes immune to sleep and poison, and no longer needs to sleep or breathe, though (s)he must still eat. (S)he also gains the [Paint] subtype, if (s)he doesn't have it already. He or she is considered 0% made of art, so his/her regeneration and flight do not dramatically improve, but (s)he isn't any more vulnerable to water than (s)he was previously.

Ex-Art Flow Users[edit]

While an Art Flow User can never actually lose their powers, they can be suppressed. All it takes is being soaked. A trip to the Elemental Plane of Water (or just getting dunked into the ocean miles away from dry land) is pretty much a death sentence.

Epic Art Flow User[edit]

Table: The Epic Art Flow User

Hit Die: d8

Level Special Invocations
Entry Class
Painter Artificer Bard Minstrel Dancer Viewtiful
11th 11 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music, Spellcasting) +1 level (Virtuous Performance, Spellcasting) +1 level (Bardic Dance, Maneuvers) +1 level (VFX pool, VFX strength)
12th Flight (50 ft.), Rapid healing (4/hour) 12
13th Paint Shot (3 Strength damage, 4 Dexterity damage, 3 Constitution damage) 13 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music, Spellcasting) +1 level (Virtuous Performance, Spellcasting) +1 level (Bardic Dance, Maneuvers) +1 level (VFX pool, VFX strength)
14th Paint Shot (3 Strength damage, 4 Dexterity damage, 4 Constitution damage), Flight (55 ft.) 13 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music) +1 level (Virtuous Performance) +1 level (Bardic Dance)
15th Paint Shot (4 Strength damage, 4 Dexterity damage, 4 Constitution damage), Rapid healing (5/hour), Bonus feat 14 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music, Spellcasting) +1 level (Virtuous Performance, Spellcasting) +1 level (Bardic Dance, Maneuvers) +1 level (VFX pool, VFX strength)
16th Flight (60 ft.) 14
17th 15 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music, Spellcasting) +1 level (Virtuous Performance, Spellcasting) +1 level (Bardic Dance, Maneuvers) +1 level (VFX pool, VFX strength)
18th Paint Shot (4 Strength damage, 5 Dexterity damage, 4 Constitution damage), Flight (65 ft.), Rapid healing (6/hour) 15 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music) +1 level (Virtuous Performance) +1 level (Bardic Dance)
19th Paint Shot (4 Strength damage, 5 Dexterity damage, 5 Constitution damage) 16 +1 level (Sketches, Art Pieces, Paintings, Masterpieces) +1 level (Bardic Music, Spellcasting) +1 level (Virtuous Performance, Spellcasting) +1 level (Bardic Dance, Maneuvers) +1 level (VFX pool, VFX strength)
20th Paint Shot (5 Strength damage, 5 Dexterity damage, 5 Constitution damage), Flight (70 ft.), Bonus feat 16

6 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Paint Shot: The caster level of paint shot continues to equal the Art Flow User's class level. Ability damage continues to increase at 5-level increments in the pattern of Dexterity, Constitution, Strength. (Dexterity damage improves at level 13, 18, and so on. Constitution damage improves at level 14, 19, and so on. Strength damage improves at level 15, 20, and so on.)

Flight: The Art Flow User’s fly speed continues to improve by 5 feet for every 2 levels after 10th.

Regeneration: The Art Flow User’s regeneration continues to equal his or her class level.

Rapid Healing: The Art Flow User’s rapid healing continues to improve by 1 for every 3 levels after 9th.

Invocations: The Art Flow User learns a new invocation at every odd-numbered level after 10th, though (s)he also learns a new invocation at level 12. (This is a slower rate than the pre-epic levels, but by the epic levels, the Art Flow User has caught up to other invocation-using classes in terms of invocations known.)

Bonus Feats: The epic Art Flow User gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Art Flow User bonus feats) every 5 levels after 20th. The Art Flow User may select an item creation feat in place of a bonus feat.

Epic Art Flow User Bonus Feat List: Additional Magic Item Space, Armor Skin, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Rod, Craft Epic Staff, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Efficient Item Creation, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Toughness, Epic Will, Extended Life Span*, Extra Dark Invocation, Fast Healing**, Forge Epic Ring, Great Dexterity, Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Intelligence, Perfect Health, Polyglot, Scribe Epic Scroll, Uncanny Accuracy.

*The SRD version of Extended Life Span stacks with the Long-Lived class feature, and the benefit is based on the doubled life span. The Complete Epic version replaces the Long-Lived feature.
**The SRD version of the Fast Healing feat replaces the Art Flow User's rapid healing — but unlike the class's innate rapid healing, the feat-granted fast healing does not advance with class or character level, remaining static unless the feat is taken repeatedly. The Complete Epic version does not replace the Art Flow User's rapid healing, as it stacks with the Art Flow User's regeneration instead of actually giving fast healing.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing an Art Flow User[edit]

Religion: Art Flow Users tend to worship gods who patronize the arts.

Combat: The Art Flow User is a great example of a Gradual Grinder. Its offensive abilities have a hard time measuring up with other invocation-wielding classes, just by virtue of having 10 fewer levels to work with if nothing else. However, the poison damage from multiple paint shots can add up very easily, particularly if augmented with invocations, and strip the Art Flow User's enemies of the ability to fight with any degree of competence over time, until an ability score hits 0 and they're killed outright. Meanwhile, the Art Flow User's regeneration makes them outrageously difficult to kill all by itself, and depending on their invocations, they can use their powers to block attacks. Against foes who are immune to supernatural poisons, or who have the [Water] or [Cold] subtypes, an Art Flow User has a much harder time, and would probably be best off hiding behind his/her party members and creating minions to serve as distractions and/or extra firepower (though given that Art Flow User is a prestige class, most Art Flow Users have something to fall back on if their artistic abilities are rendered irrelevant and running away is a suboptimal or infeasible solution).

Advancement: Like most other invocation-users, Eldritch Weaver is a solid advancement option, though its utility is sharply limited by how late in the game it even becomes possible to be an Art Flow User; if you aren't going to continue into the epic levels (and, to some extent, even if you are), you have to focus on one class to the detriment of the other.

Art Flow Users in the World[edit]

How many times do I have to tell you – murder is not art!!!!
Luigifan, human dungeon master, losing his patience with Bill Stuffner for the umpteenth time

Art Flow Users are elite craftsmen, artisans, and performers, empowered by the essence of art itself to create masterpieces lesser artists couldn't even dream of making. Their ability to travel through the Art Flow makes it easy for them to seek out new artistic venues whenever they feel their work in a given area is done for the moment, but they do tend to revisit places they're especially fond of on a semi-frequent basis (this goes double for the performers, whose art is by its very nature a transient, immaterial thing).

Daily Life: Art Flow Users spend much of their time drawing forth the Art Flow's energy to create works of art. Those who focus on the physical arts are always busy building their next masterpiece, seeking ways to make their works ever more aesthetically pleasing. Those who focus on the performance arts tend to constantly be on the lookout for tropes, costumes, and other theatrical devices to make each performance even more dazzling and wonderful than the one before it.

Notables: The Rounds and Stuffners are two prominent families of Art Flow Users, the former consisting primarily of actors and the latter consisting primarily of painters and sculptors. However, the Stuffners have been overshadowed by the Rounds, and have taken it rather poorly, to the point where the Stuffners have regularly tried to outright slaughter the Rounds. One of the latest scions of the Stuffner line, Bill Stuffner, would love to bury the hatchet and coexist with the Rounds, and even goes out of his way to protect them (and other Art Flow Users in general), as he believes that an artist must achieve greatness on his or her own merits rather than the elimination of competitors, and firmly believes that the greatest artist deserves the greatest glory. Sadly, Bill Stuffner also has a penchant for abducting and murdering beautiful young women to "transform their lives into art". Bill's father, Donald, and his brother, Jonathan, are much more closed-minded and continue their efforts to exterminate the Round lineage, though they also are far less prone to the whole "insane taxidermy" thing.

Organizations: Art Flow Users tend to be found in the same sorts of organizations that would host lesser artists, such as bardic colleges. The Art Flow User's skill and power do tend to lead him or her to a high-ranking position within these organizations.

NPC Reactions: Art Flow Users are treated with awe by the general population, which is helped by most Art Flow Users loving nothing more than creating new marvels for the public to enjoy. That said, the more... psychotic Art Flow Users are rightfully feared, given how hard it is to put an Art Flow User down.

  1. Spell Compendium
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Complete Arcane
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Complete Mage
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Luigifan18's Homebrew (383 Articles)
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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLuigifan18 +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionPoor +
Class AbilityInvocations +, Bardic Music + and Other +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Prestige Class +
Length10 +
Minimum Level8 +
Rated ByFranken Kesey +, Surgo + and Leziad +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionGood +
SkillAppraise +, Balance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Concentration +, Craft +, Decipher Script +, Diplomacy +, Disable Device +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Forgery +, Gather Information +, Hide +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Profession +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Sleight of Hand +, Speak Language +, Spellcraft +, Spot + and Tumble +
Skill Points6 +
SummaryA person infused with the power of the Art Flow, gifted with phenomenal creative power and outrageous durability. Just stay away from water. +
TitleArt Flow User +
Will Save ProgressionGood +