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5e Races[edit]

(110 official and unofficial races)

NameAbility ModifiersFeaturesSummaryAuthor
5e Subrace Table
A.D.A.M. UnitCon +2, Wis +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Artificial, Weapon Of War, Solid Metal, Integration, Reclaimed Soul, Optional: Immortal Body, LanguagesWeapons of war refined in towers until they can claim a soul of their own.Max7238
Aarakocra (5e)/RaceDex +2, Wis +1Flight, TalonsAarakocra are winged humanoids that can fly.Player's Companion Elemental Evil
Aasimar LineageIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Age, Size, Speed, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer, Celestial Revelation, LanguagesHalf-human, half-celestial.Monsters of the Multiverse
Aasimar RaceCha +2Darkvision, Celestial Resistance, Healing Hands, Light BearerHalf-human, half-celestial.Volo's Guide to Monsters
Aasimar-Gr7mmWis +2, Cha +1Darkvision 60, Celestial Resistance, Angelic Legacy, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesHere's our missing planetouched, tieflings can't have all the fun can they?Gr7mm Bobb
Autognome RaceIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Age, Size, Speed, Armored Casting, Built for Success, Healing Machine, Mechanical Nature, Sentry's Rest, Specialized Design, LanguagesAstral Adventurer's Guide
AzalIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1.Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Arcane Legacy, Planar Emissary, Old Wisdom, Ram, LanguagesThe Azal are tall goat people with a perchance for dealing with extraplanar beings.Eiji-kun
Bugbear RaceStr +2, Dex +1Long-Limbed, Powerful Build, Sneaky, Surprise AttackBugbear as a raceVolo's Guide to Monsters
CaribIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1.Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Bite, Feed the Hunger, Iron Stomach, Terrifying Smile, LanguagesMan-eating humans with sharp shark-like teeth and a craving for flesh.Eiji-kun
Changeling RaceChoice of Dex or Int +1,, Cha +2Shapechanger, Changeling InstinctsChangelings are shapeshifters, appearing as any other humanoid at will.Eberron Rising from the Last War
ChinchiIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1.Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Blueprints, Nimble Hands, Thick Fur, Tool Training, Stroke of Genius, LanguagesA species of giant chinchilla-like creatures with nimble hands, sharp minds, and an in-built desire to build.Eiji-kun
DhampirIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Age, Size, Speed, Spider Climb, Vampiric Bite, Languages, Darkvision 60, Ancestral Legacy, Deathless NatureQuasi-vampireVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft
DjinDex +2, Con +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Languages, Low Light Vision, Home is Where the Heart isNon traditional Djin that have colorful magic and the ability to live inside objects. They are tall and furry with a strong sense of community.Dingobabee
DragonbornStr +2, Cha +1Draconic Ancestry, Breath Weapon, Damage Resistance, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesHumanoids descended from dragonsSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Dragonborn - RewriteCon +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Scaly Hide, Natural Weapons, Breath Weapon, Draconic Wings, Elemental Resistance, LanguagesThe Dragonborn are underpowered and clunky; Here's a good rewrite of them.Zhenra-Khal
Chromatic DragonbornIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Chromatic Ancestry, Breath Weapon, Draconic Resistance, Chromatic WardingDragonborn race based on chromatic dragon heritageFizban's Treasury of Dragons
Gem DragonbornIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Gem Ancestry, Breath Weapon, Draconic Resistance, Psionic Mind, Gem FlightDragonborn race based on gem dragon heritageFizban's Treasury of Dragons
Metallic DragonbornIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Metallic Ancestry, Breath Weapon, Draconic Resistance, Metalllic Breath WeaponDragonborn race based on metallic dragon heritageFizban's Treasury of Dragons
DriderIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1. Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Sunlight Sensitivity, Web Walker, Languages, Darkvision 120, Monstrosity, Arachnid Build, Curse of Lolth, Fey AncestryDrow warped by the curse of Lolth into monstrous spider-taurs.Eiji-kun
DromaniDex +1, Int +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 100, Lesser Sunlight Sensitivity, Fey Ancestry, Poison Resistance, LanguagesRace of Mixed elf, and Mul descent.ErasmusUzarond
DulachanIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1.Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Decapitated, Haunted Head, Frightful Appearance, Necrotic Resistance, Terrifying Presence, Undead Nature, LanguagesDon't lose your head, but you're dead. Not that that has stopped you.Eiji-kun
DullahanStr +1, Con +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Fey, Mounted Lifestyle, Outcast, Languages, Mounted Lifestyle / OutcastYou've got a disembodied, floating head!
DurlanaarStr +1, Con +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Blood Curse, Antithetical Ichor, Hexborne Blessing, Sanguine Affinity, Languages, Grim PsychometryA race suffering a blood curse for their past abuse of Hemocraft.Zhenra-Khal
DuskkenDex +1, Con +1Darkvision 60, Shadewalk, Shadow Stealth, Undead Heritage, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesUndead shadows from the Shadowfell turned humanoidRlyehable
DvatiThe strength of a Dvati's mind is legendary, and as such, they gain their choice of:, Int +1, Wis +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 30ft, Identical Twins, Sibling Bond, Dual Action, Soul of One, Languages, Twin Magic, No, I'm Tommy!An update of 3.5e Dragon Magazine's Dvati race.Zhenra-Khal
DwarfCon +2Darkvision 60, Dwarven Resilience, Dwarven Combat Training, Tool Proficiency, Stonecunning, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesShort, heavy, subterranean humanoidsSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Eijilund PlushieDex +1, Cha +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Construct Traits, Explosion, Ignition, Plushie Resistance, Soggy When Wet, LanguagesExplosive animated dolls born from the power of the chaotic sun god, Sol Eiji.Eiji-kun
ElfDex +2Darkvision 60, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesFey descended humanoidsSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
EmasIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1.Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Light Sensing Body, Natural Armor, Salt Weakness, Shell Defense, Slugfoot, Languages, Creature TypeSnailfolk who are slow but steady, with their own body armor and homes on their back.Eiji-kun
FairyIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Fairy Magic, FlightVaried
FatebornCha +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Languages, Fickle Hands of FateAlien beings from the astral plane who embody emotions.Chowsdown
FirbolgStr +1, Wis +2Firbolg Magic, Hidden Step, Powerful Build, Speech of Beast and LeafA race of big humanoids related to the fey.Volo's Guide to Monsters
GarujaStr +2, Cha +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Courage, Dive Bomb, Flight Training, Lightweight, LanguagesOnce a gift by the divine, these winged people now exist as their own species.Eiji-kun
Genasi RaceCon +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesDescended from genies.Princes of the Apocalypse
GiffStr +2, Con +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Firearms Knowledge, Militant, Gunpowder Knowledge, Headlong Charge, LanguagesMilitant Hippo-people with guns.Rlyehable
Gith RaceInt +1Once slaves of the mind flayers, after their revolt, they split into two warring factions, the Githyanki and the Githzerai.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
GnollStr +1, Dex +2Darkvision 60, Rampage, Bite, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesUnofficial conversion of the 5th edition monster to a playable race.Rlyehable
GnomeInt +2Darkvision 60, Gnome Cunning, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesSmall, inquisitive humanoidsSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Goblin RaceDex +2, Con +1Fury of the Small, Nimble EscapeGoblin as a raceVolo's Guide to Monsters
Goliath RaceStr +2, Con +1Natural Athlete, Stone's Endurance, Powerful Build, Mountain BornA race of competitive humanoids descended from giants.Volo's Guide to Monsters
Grung (5e)/RaceDex +2, Con +1Arboreal Alertness, Amphibious, Poison Immunity, Shell Defense, Poisonous Skin, Standing Leap, Water Dependency, Language - GrungTree-frog humanoids.One Grung Above
Half-ElfChoice of two other ability scores increase +1,, Cha +2Darkvision 60, Fey Ancestry, Skill Versatility, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesDescended from humans and elvesSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Half-OrcStr +2, Con +1Darkvision 60, Menacing, Relentless Endurance, Savage Attacks, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesHumanoids descended from humans and orcsSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
HalflingDex +2Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesShort, kindly humanoidsSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Harengon LineageIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Hare-Trigger, Leporine Senses, Lucky Footwork, Rabbit HopThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Harpy Owl
HexbloodIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Age, Size, Speed, Hex Magic, Languages, Ancestral Legacy, Eerie TokenProto-hagVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft
Hobgoblin LineageIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Fey Ancestry, Fey Gift, Fortune from the ManyYour lineage if from a hobgoblin that remained in the feywild.UA 2021 Folk of the Feywild
Hobgoblin RaceCon +2, Int +1Martial Training, Saving FaceHobgoblin as a raceVolo's Guide to Monsters
HumanYour ability scores each increase by +1.Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesMost numerous of the civilized humanoids.SRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
KalashtarCha +1, Wis +2Dual Mind, Mental Discipline, Mind Link, Severed from DreamsThis race is a melding of Human and Quori (dream spirit).Eberron Rising from the Last War
Kender RaceIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Age, Size, Speed, Fearless, Kender Aptitude, Taunt, LanguagesSmall humanoid with unquenchable curiosity.Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen
Kenku RaceDex +2, Wis +1Expert Forgery, Kenku Training, MimicryFlightless, anthropoid bird peopleVolo's Guide to Monsters
KheperCon +2, Wis +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Carapace, Buzzwing, Desert Acclimated, Divine Gift, Sandwalker, LanguagesGiant scarab-people born of the desert, and protected by their ancient sun god.Eiji-kun
Kobold RaceStr -2, Dex +2Grovel, Cower, and Beg, Pack Tactics, Sunlight SensitivityKobold as playable race.Volo's Guide to Monsters
KoboldIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Draconic Legacy, Draconic RoarUA 2021 Draconic Options
Kuo-toaStr +1, Con +1, Int +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 120 ft., Amphibious Nature, Otherworldly Percepetion, Slippery, Sunlight Sensitivity, Martial Training, Madness, LanguagesUnofficial conversion of Kuo-toa as a playable race.Rlyehable
LeoninStr +1, Con +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Claws, Hunter's Instincts, Daunting Roar, Languages, Darkvision 60Lion-like humanoidsMythic Odysseys of Theros
Lizardfolk - Gr7mmCon +2Darkvision 60, Hold Breath, Sturdy Tail, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Languages, Natural Weapons - Claws, Scaly Hide, Histskin, Swampborn Resilience, Survival Instinct, Speeds, Primal Stance, Natural Weapon - Bite, Natural Weapon - Tail Slap, Powerful Build, Natural Athlete, Personal Venom, Natural Chameleon, Ambush Predator, Jungle BloodedThe MM race, now a PC race with subraces!Gr7mm Bobb
Lizardfolk RaceCon +2, Wis +1Bite, Cunning Artisan, Hold Breath, Hunter's Lore, Natural Armor, Hungry JawsLizardlike humanoid.Volo's Guide to Monsters
LoxodonCon +2, Wis +1Powerful Build, Loxodon Serenity, Natural Armor, Trunk, Keen SmellAnthropomorphic ElephantGuildmasters' Guide to Ravnica
LucipolIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1. Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Bioluminescence, Counter Illumination, Dazzling Display, Sunlight Sensitivity, LanguagesSemi-transparent humanoids which glow in the dark.Eiji-kun
MazohkCon +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Sharp Senses, Sustained by Mana, Languages, SubraceA hardy race of aberrated humans, strong in magic and tribal in culture.Max7238
Minotaur RaceStr +2, Con +1Horns, Goring Rush, Hammering Horns, Imposing PresenceHumanoid body with a bull's head.Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica
NagaraIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1.Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Cobra Strike, Constrict, Crawling Serpent, Powerful Build, LanguagesOnce a gift by the divine, these human torsoed snake people now exist as their own species.Eiji-kun
NamekianCon +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Acute Hearing, Sonic Sensitivity, Thick Hide, Limb Regeneration, Limited Sustenance, Languages, Adaptable, Discerning, Dragon's Knowledge, Divine Power, Demonic Trait, Demonic Presence, Stretching Arms, Hardened PlatesA stalwart and strong alien race of slug people, known for their ability to produce capable fighters and magical artifacts.Iskerbabble
Orc RaceStr +2, Con +1Agressive, Menacing, Powerful Build, Primal IntuitionOrc as a playable race.Volo's Guide to Monsters, Eberron Rising from the Last War
OutsiderArcane Upbringing, Claws, Low Light Vision, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesCreatures born from the rock that hide amongst the crowds and feast on gemstones.DragoRune123
PanthrisStr +2, Dex +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Advanced Darkvision, Underground Stalker, Cave Lungs, Claws, LanguagesAn underground race that looks like a cross between a tiger and a human. They specialize in digging.Dingobabee
PhanatonDex +2, Wis +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Glide, Stealthy, Skilled, LanguagesPhanaton as a player character raceRlyehable
RakastaOne other of choice increased by +1 and, Dex +2Darkvision 60, Pounce, Claws, Rakasta Weapon Training, Skills and Tools, Feline Empathy, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesConversion from the D&D Next monster into a 5e playable raceRlyehable
RatfolkDex +2, Con +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Biter, Survivor, Languages, Slip Underfoot, Disease and Poison ResilienceSmall, craven, and numerous are they. They are the rats, and they get everywhere.Eiji-kun
RebornIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Age, Size, Speed, Deathless Nature, Languages, Ancestral Legacy, Knowledge from a Past LifeOnce dead, but no longer.Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft
RojobuzzianDex +2, Wis +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesThe Rojobuzzians, are cursed humanoids from space.
SafirInt +1Awakened Mind, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Languages, Naturally Psionic, Mindsight, Four-Armed, Mental Map, MérakiA race of blue-blooded, naturally psionic, four-armed elflike beings.Halian
Saiyan1 to either Dex, Con, or Wis, Str 2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Tail, Tail Weakness, Languages, Zenkai Bonus, Lycanthropic EmpathyAn extraterrestrial race of primates. Saiyans are a naturally ruthless and aggressive warrior race who strive to be the strongest in the universe, and who have a lycanthropic-like transformation.Iskerbabble, The-Marksman
Satyr LineageIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1Age, Size, Speed, Ram, Magic Resistance, Mirthful Leaps, Reveler, LanguagesGoat-legged humanoidsMonsters of the Multiverse
Satyr VariantDex +1, Cha +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Fey, Cliff Climber, Dancing Stride, Mirthful Leaps, Ram, Reveler, LanguagesGoat-legged feyfolk known for their riotous merriment and lasciviousness.Eiji-kun
ScalethisCon +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Poison Resilience, Bite, Languages, Venomous Fangs, Constrict, Clever CobadeScalethis are a reptilian species, very snake-like with notable features like snake-like tails and scales covering most of their bodies.Dingobabee
Shardmind-Gr7mmInt +2, Wis +1Construct Rest, Crystalline Mind, Resonance Frequency, Living Construct, Shard Swarm, Telepathy, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesThe Speaking sparkle golems now for 5e.Gr7mm Bobb
Shifter RaceDarkvision, ShiftingHumans with lycanthrope heritageEberron Rising from the Last War
Simic Hybrid+1 to one ability of choice and, Con +2Animal EnhancementMagically gene-spliced humanoidsGuildmasters' Guide to Ravnica
Tabaxi RaceDex +2, Cha +1Darkvision, Feline Agility, Cat's Claws, Cat's TalentAnthropomorphic cat-people.Volo's Guide to Monsters
Terrados UnicornsWis +1, Cha +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Natural Form, Languages, Horn, Natural HealingCarnivorous unicorns who can transform into humanoids.Dingobabee
ThrombulanCon +2, Wis +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Aberrant Biology, Amorphous Form, Languages, Drink Ichor, Progenitor's GiftA vampiric ooze-like race of sentient blood, often hiding within other creatures.Zhenra-Khal
TieflingInt +1, Cha +2Darkvision 30, Hellish Resistance, Infernal Legacy, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesHumanoids descended from humans and fiendsSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Tortle RaceStr +2, Wis +1Claws, Hold Breath, Natural Armor, Shell Defense, Survival InstinctTurtle people.Tortle Package
TreefolkCon +2Barkskin, Take Root, Thick as a Plank, Non-Humanoid, Immunities, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Languages, Thick Bark, Heavy, Paper Bark, Spellcasting, Swirling Blossoms, FlammableSentient Trees capable of locomotionSpanambula
Triton RaceStr +1, Con +1, Cha +1Amphibious, Control Air and Water, Darkvision, Emissary of the Sea, Guardian of the DepthsAquatic humanoids with bluish skin and green hair.Volo's Guide to Monsters
UkroneianAge, Alignment, Size, Speed, LanguagesThe ukroneians are a territorial race that value intellect over phisical prowess but can get quite strong. They are made of a type of crystals.
UlorenYour ability scores each increase by 1.Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Languages, Darkvision 60', Mysterious Misting ExpertiseA mysterious race, with a mysterious origin and a quite misunderstood appearance.Ghostie
VedalkenInt +2, Wis +1Vedalken Dispassion, Tireless Precision, Partially AmphibiousBlue, hairless humanoidsGuildmasters' Guide to Ravnica
WarforgedCon +2, +1 to choice of one,Sentry’s Rest, Integrated Protection, Constructed Resilience, Specialized DesignMagicaly constructed humanoidsEberron Rising from the Last War
Warforged-Gr7mmCon +1Living Construct, Rest of the Sleepless, Body of War, Artificial Anatomy, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Languages, Composite Plating, The Right Nudge, Battlefield Engineer, Of Mind and Body, Heavy Plating, Solid Construction, Leadfoot Stability, Light Plating, Quick Footed, Small statureEveryones favorite magically powered robot's now for 5e.Gr7mm Bobb
WolfenDex +1, Wis +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Dual Minded, Claws, Broken Bond, Languages, CompanionA race of people who soul bind to animal companions and take on appearances similar to them.Dingobabee
XX the meme its Xx/Half-Dwarftheres half-elves, then wheres our half-dwarfs.xX the meme its Xx
XolotlWis +1, Cha +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60 ft, Amphibious, Damp Skin, Force Recovery, Regeneration, LanguagesHumanoid axolotls, both adorable and damp.Eiji-kun
Half-YugolothDex +1Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Languages 
Yuan-Ti Pureblood VariantInt +1, Cha +2Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Darkvision 60, Coldblooded, Dull Emotions, Innate Spellcasting, Pass for Human, Poison Immunity, LanguagesAncient humans who were changed by serpent gods of old to become cold blooded secret cultists.Eiji-kun